Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention

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This article is about a fictional usergroup that does not exist anywhere on the Fandom network. It is just an article about a fictional usergroup that C.Syde65 created as a joke.

The Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention (abbreviated as ASOAP) team is a fictional global usergroup conceived by C.Syde65 as a humorous joke in November 2020, though the concept had been floating around since October or even possibly September. It consists of users who have volunteered to help keep Fandom anti-vandal and anti-spam free. To do this they have been given additional user rights that allow them to detect and delete as well as blocking the users creating it.

Spam Obliteration and Prevention members are their natural enemies, due to their opposing roles. While SOAP members have volunteered to help keep Fandom free of vandalism and spam, ASOAP members have volunteered to help protect vandalism and spam, as well as create more vandalism and spam. ASOAP members are also avid badge farmers and use their daily vandal routines to help them climb the leaderboards of wikis that have Achievements enabled.


Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members have extended user rights on all Fandom communities, including some administrator tools and access to additional tools that help them react quickly and effectively to find and remove anti-vandalism and anti-spam. It's important to note that they do not necessarily replace or 'outrank' local vandals on wikis.

The ASOAP members are only there to help with cleaning cross-wiki anti-spam and reverting anti-vandalism where SOAP members have previously cleaned cross-wiki spam and reverted vandalism. In addition to cleaning cross-wiki anti-spam and reverting anti-vandalism, they may be asked by local vandals to aid them in vandalising pages on local wikis.

List of abilities

The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup
  • Allows access to Special:Insights (moderatorTools:use)
  • Allows access to Special:SocialLogs (sociallogs)
  • Allows access to wiki admin tools, via Special:AdminDashboard (admindashboard)[1]
  • Allows classifying multiple templates at once (template-bulk-classification)[2]
  • Block other users from editing (block)[3]
  • Bypass IP blocks, autoblocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
  • Bypass all abuse filters (abusefilter-bypass)[4]
  • Can manage global blocks and spam filters (phalanx)[5]
  • Cannot be blocked (unblockable)[6]
  • Change protection settings and edit cascade-protected pages (protect)[7]
  • Check users' IP addresses and other information (checkuser)[8]
  • Control memcached behaviour via request parameters (mcachepurge)
  • Create discussion pages (createtalk)[9]
  • Create forums (forums:create)[10]
  • Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)[11]
  • Create posts (posts:create)[12]
  • Create threads (threads:create)[12]
  • Create wiki-wide announcements (announcements)[1]
  • Delete and undelete article comments (articlecomments:delete)[13]
  • Delete and undelete posts (posts:delete)[13]
  • Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)[14]
  • Delete and undelete threads (threads:delete)[13]
  • Delete forums (forums:delete)[10]
  • Delete pages (delete)[15]
  • Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)[15]
  • Disable comments (disablecomments)[16]
  • Edit all system messages (editinterfacetrusted)[17]
  • Edit comments and posts by other users (posts:superedit)[18]
  • Edit forums (forums:edit)[10]
  • Edit other users' profile data (editprofilev3)[19]
  • Edit protected pages (without cascading protection) (editprotected)[20]
  • Edit semi-protected pages (editsemiprotected)[20]
  • Edit sitewide CSS (editsitecss)[21]
  • Edit sitewide JavaScript (editsitejs)[22]
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)[23]
  • Edit the user interface (editinterface)[24]
  • Edit threads by other users (threads:superedit)[18]
  • Exempt from Phalanx rules (phalanxexempt)[25]
  • Exempt from sitewide action restrictions (protectsite-exempt)[26]
  • Find pages on many wikis (multiwikifinder)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)[27]
  • Limit actions that can be performed for some groups for a limited time (protectsite)[28]
  • Lock and unlock posts (posts:lock)
  • Lock and unlock threads (threads:lock)
  • Look up user preferences (lookupuser)
  • Mark reverted edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
  • Mass undelete pages (anti-nuke)[29]
  • Move files (movefile)[30]
  • Move pages (move)[31]
  • Move threads (threads:move)
  • Not be affected by IP-based rate limits (autoconfirmed)
  • Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)[32]
  • Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
  • Not have their username show up in block notices (hideblockername)[33]
  • Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)[34]
  • Override the disallowed title or username list (tboverride)[35]
  • Overwrite existing files (reupload)[36]
  • Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)[37]
  • Quickly restore and undelete spam and vandalism (anti-quicktools)[38]
  • Quickly revert the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)[39]
  • Suppress and unsuppress article comments (articlecomments:suppress)[40]
  • Suppress and unsuppress posts (posts:suppress)[40]
  • Suppress and unsuppress threads (threads:suppress)[40]
  • Undelete a page (undelete)[41]
  • Undelete all comments, posts and threads by a specific user (anti-posts:deleteall)[42]
  • Undelete many pages on a single wiki, or one page across many wikis (anti-multidelete)[43]
  • Update the forum display order (forums:displayorder)
  • Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
  • User is eligible to earn achievement points (Overrides exempt) (achievements-explicit)
  • Validate article comments (articlecomments:validate)[13]
  • Validate posts (posts:validate)[13]
  • View IP actions across all wikis (multilookup)
  • View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
  • View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
  • View hidden article comments (articlecomments:viewhidden)
  • View hidden forums (forums:viewhidden)
  • View hidden posts (posts:viewhidden)
  • View hidden threads (threads:viewhidden)
  • View the Discussions leaderboard (leaderboard:view)
  • View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
  • View the disallowed title list log (titleblacklistlog)
  • View user edits across all of Fandom (lookupcontribs)
  • Add groups to own account: Rollbackers, Bots and Administrators
  • Remove groups from own account: Rollbackers, Bots and Administrators
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the AbuseFilter extension added
  • Create or modify abuse filters (abusefilter-modify)[44]
  • Modify abuse filters with restricted actions (abusefilter-modify-restricted)
  • Revert all changes by a given abuse filter (abusefilter-revert)[45]
  • View detailed abuse log entries (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • View private data in the abuse log (abusefilter-privatedetails)[46]
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the Cargo extension added
  • Delete a Cargo table (deletecargodata)
  • Recreate data contained in Cargo tables (recreatecargodata)
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the CurseProfile extension added
  • Moderate user profiles (profile-moderate)
  • Purge comments on user profiles (profile-purgecomments)[47]
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the Director-protection level added
  • Edit director-protected pages (directoreditprotected)[20]
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the Editor Edit-protection level added
  • Edit editor-protected pages (editoreditprotected)[20]
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the Editor-protection level added
  • Edit editor-protected pages (editorprotected)[20]
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the MessageWall extension added
  • Edit wall posts (walledit)[18]
  • Move pages from the Message Wall namespace (messagewallmovefrom)[48]
  • Move pages to the Message Wall namespace (messagewallmoveto)[49]
  • Remove wall threads (wallremove)[13]
  • Suppress and unsuppress walls (wallsuppress)[40]
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the NewWikis special page added
  • Allows access to Special:NewWikis (newwikislist)
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the OreDict extension added
  • Edit entries for the OreDict extension (editoredict)
  • Mass-import entries for the OreDict extension (importoredict)
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the Staff-protection level added
  • Edit staff-protected pages (staffeditprotected)[20]
The following abilities are those included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the Tilesheets extension added
  • Edit tile data for the Tilesheets extension (edittilesheets)
  • Upload new and update existing tilesheets for the Tilesheet extension (importtilesheets)

List of previous abilities

The following abilities were previously included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup but were subsequently removed for various reasons
  • Allows access to Special:SocialLogs (discussionslog:view)[50]
  • Be exempted from first edit dialogues (first-edit-dialog-exempt)[51]
  • Be exempted from welcome tool messages (welcomeexempt)[51]
  • Be notified of reported content (reportedcontent)[52]
  • Block a user from sending email (blockemail)[53]
  • Clear the contents of a user's profile masthead in one click (clearuserprofile)[50]
  • Create/execute background tasks (tasks-user)[51]
  • Delete all comments, posts and threads by a specific user (posts:deleteall)[54]
  • Delete many pages on a single wiki, or one page across many wikis (multidelete)[55]
  • Display background tasks (taskmanager)[51]
  • Mass delete pages (nuke)[56]
  • Mass undelete pages (unnuke)[57]
  • Move pages from the Message Wall namespace (messagewallmovefrom)[58]
  • Move pages to the Message Wall namespace (messagewallmoveto)[58]
  • Quickly restore and undelete spam and vandalism (unquicktools)[59]
  • Quickly revert and delete spam and vandalism (quicktools)[60]
  • Suppress and unsuppress walls (wallsuppress)[58]
  • Undelete all comments, posts and threads by a specific user (posts:undeleteall)[61]
  • Undelete many pages on a single wiki, or one page across many wikis (multiundelete)[62]
  • View Special:DiscussionsLog (specialdiscussionslog)[63]
The following abilities were previously included with the anti-spam obliteration and prevention usergroup on wikis with the AbuseFilter extension added but were subsequently removed for various reasons
  • View private data in the abuse log (abusefilter-private)[64]

System Messages associated with the usergroup

Listed below are the system messages associated with the Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention usergroup.

Name Default Message Text
Current Message Text
group-asoap (talk) (Translate) Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention
userprofile-global-tag-asoap (talk) (Translate) ASOAP
Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention
wds-avatar-badges-asoap-tooltip (talk) (Translate) ASOAP
Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention


  1. 1.0 1.1 This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can create spam announcements, as well as expire legitimate announcements.
  2. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can bulk edit template types via category pages, changing them to template types that do not match their designated purpose.
  3. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can block users that are editing in good faith and unblock users that have been editing in bad faith.
  4. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise pages without the risk of triggering any active abuse filters on wikis with the AbuseFilter extension added.
  5. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can globally block users that have done a lot of countervandalism, users that haven't made any spam or vandalism on wikis, and users that haven't broken Fandom's terms of use in any way. They also use it to globally unblock users that have done cross-wiki vandalism and spam, and users that have broken Fandom's terms of use. And they use it to remove valid entries from the spam protection filter, as well as add entries to the filter that would prevent legitimate users from editing.
  6. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so that local Administrators cannot block them for vandalism or spam.
  7. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise protected pages as well as protect spam pages from being edited and nominated for deletion by legitimate users.
  8. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can leak the IP addresses of other users.
  9. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can create spam talk pages on wikis that have been protected with the Protectsite permission.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 These abilities are extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can create spam forum boards, as well as delete or vandalise legitimate forum boards.
  11. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can create spam pages on wikis that have been protected with the Protectsite permission.
  12. 12.0 12.1 These abilities are extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can create spam posts and threads.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 These abilities are extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can quickly respond to and approve content that is worthy of deletion, and delete content that is unworthy of deletion.
  14. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can hide legitimate revisions from view, as well as unhide revisions that were hidden (but not suppressed) for major legal and terms of use related reasons.
  15. 15.0 15.1 These abilities are extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can delete pages that are deemed necessary by legitimate communities.
  16. This ability will not be extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members unless ArticleComments and/or Blogs are enabled via the administrators' dashboard.
  17. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise the user interface, making it unreadable, as well as restore system messages that were legitimately deleted, and introduce security issues.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 These abilities are extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise article comments, posts, and threads that have been created by legitimate users.
  19. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise the profile data of other users.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 These abilities are extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise pages that have been protected from vandalism.
  21. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise CSS pages, making the wikis unreadable.
  22. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise JavaScript pages, as well as add scripts that contain security issues or violate the customisation policy. Of course, any JavaScript that breaks the customisation policy or is deemed unsafe will be reviewed and rejected. But don't tell the ASOAP members that.
  23. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise pages by changing the content model (e.g. changing the content model of a page containing a lot of wikitext from 'GeoJson' to 'plaintext')
  24. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise whitelisted system messages, making them unreadable, as well as restore whitelisted system messages that were legitimately deleted.
  25. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can publish edits that match the spam protection filter, as well as be unaffected by global blocks.
  26. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can vandalise wikis that have been temporarily protected from vandalism.
  27. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can autopatrol their vandal edits, making it harder for legitimate users to inspect recent changes for any untrustworthy edits.
  28. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can temporarily protect wikis that have been vandalised to stop countervandals from reverting the vandalism.
  29. This fictional ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can mass undelete pages created by illegitimate users.
  30. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can page move vandalise files by moving them to irrelevant titles on wikis that have restricted the ability to move files.
  31. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can page move vandalise pages by moving them to irrelevant titles on wikis that have been protected with the Protectsite permission.
  32. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can perform as many nonconstructive actions as they want within a certain timeframe without worrying about exceeding the rate limit.
  33. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so that recipients won't be able to see who wrongfully blocked them globally.
  34. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can locally override files on the shared repository with completely unrelated files on wikis that have been protected with the Protectsite permission.
  35. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can publish content that matches blacklisted entries.
  36. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can overwrite existing legitimate files with completely unrelated files on wikis that have been protected with the Protectsite permission.
  37. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they won't be delayed by the CAPTCHA when spamming links to external sites.
  38. This fictional ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can quickly restore spam and vandalism, as well as revert constructive edits by legitimate users.
  39. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can quickly revert anti-spam and anti-vandalism, as well as constructive edits by legitimate users.
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 These abilities are extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can unsuppress illegitimate article comments, posts, threads, and walls, as well as suppress legitimate article comments, posts, threads, and walls.
  41. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can restore pages created by spammers and vandals, as well as restore pages that were deleted via consensus.
  42. This fictional ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can undelete all the article comments, posts, and threads by users that have not made any constructive article comments, posts, or threads.
  43. This fictional ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can undelete many illegitimate pages on a single wiki, or one illegitimate page across many wikis.
  44. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members on wikis with the AbuseFilter extension added so they can create and modify abuse filters that block and prevent countervandals from undoing spam and vandalism on pages.
  45. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members on wikis with the AbuseFilter extension added so they can revert all legitimate changes by a given abuse filter.
  46. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members on wikis with the AbuseFilter extension added so they can leak private information from the abuse log.
  47. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members so they can purge comments by users that have not posted any negative comments.
  48. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members on wikis with the MessageWall extension added so they can vandalise threads by moving them from the message wall namespace.
  49. This ability is extended to Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members on wikis with the MessageWall extension added so they can vandalise pages by moving them into the message wall namespace.
  50. 50.0 50.1 These abilities were removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members because the abilities no longer work on Fandom wikis.
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 These abilities were removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members because the extensions associated with the abilities are no longer present on Fandom wikis.
  52. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members because the ability is no longer present on Fandom wikis.
  53. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members because the ability to send emails has been disabled on Fandom wikis.
  54. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Posts:undeleteall permission which is used to undelete all the article comments, posts, and threads by users that have not made any constructive article comments, posts, or threads as opposed to deleting them.
  55. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Multiundelete permission which is used to undelete many illegitimate pages on a single wiki, or one illegitimate page across many wikis as opposed to deleting them.
  56. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Unnuke permission which is used to mass undelete pages created by illegitimate users as opposed to mass deleting them.
  57. This fictional ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Anti-nuke permission which is the same permission under a different name.
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 These abilities were removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members since they only appear on wikis that have the MessageWall extension enabled via the administrators' dashboard.
  59. This fictional ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Anti-quicktools permission which is the same permission under a different name.
  60. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Unquicktools permission which is used to restore spam and vandalism, as well as revert constructive edits by legitimate users, as opposed to revert spam and vandalism, and restore constructive edits by legitimate users.
  61. This fictional ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Anti-posts:deleteall permission which is the same permission under a different name.
  62. This fictional ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members in favour of the fictional Anti-multidelete permission which is the same permission under a different name.
  63. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members because the special page associated with the ability is no longer present on Fandom wikis.
  64. This ability was removed from Anti-Spam Obliteration and Prevention members on wikis with the AbuseFilter extension added because the ability no longer works on Fandom wikis.