C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Four

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The Sims 2

Some of these instructions may be difficult to follow. If anyone has any trouble trying to follow the instructions for creating these customised faces, tell me, and I'll upload a couple of pictures that will show you what the said instructions mean.

C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part One
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Two
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Three
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Five
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Six
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Seven
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Eight
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Nine

Part Four of my collections of customised face templates for Sims in The Sims 2. Note that this collection of customised face templates is mostly unrelated to my fanon Sims, as I never did keep track of how I made most of their faces.

However the face templates I made for Johnathaniel, Pirithous, and Ratermann Thompson, which are respectively the third, fourth, and fifth templates, of the four collections that I recorded instructions for replicating, respectively appear as the 154th, 155th, and 156th templates of my customised face templates collections.

151) — Template Archerus — Made to resemble Archcmed with Body Shop — Teenage Females

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  3. Archerus eyes [03]
  4. Archerus nose [03]
  5. Archerus mouth [03]
  6. Archerus jaw [03]
  7. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  8. Archerus eyes [03]
  9. Archerus nose [03]
  10. Archerus mouth [03]
  11. Archerus jaw [03]
  12. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  13. Archerus eyes [03]
  14. Archerus nose [03]
  15. Archerus mouth [03]
  16. Archerus jaw [03]
  17. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  18. Archerus eyes [03]
  19. Archerus nose [03]
  20. Archerus mouth [03]
  21. Archerus jaw [03]
  22. Archerus template [03]
  23. Archerus template [03] minus 40
  24. Ears smaller by 1
  25. Face shorter by 1
  26. Jaw angled by 2
  27. Underneck up by 4
  28. Lower face wider by 5
  29. Cheeks larger by 2
  30. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  31. Archerus eyes [03]
  32. Archerus nose [03]
  33. Archerus mouth [03]
  34. Nose out by 3
  35. Jaw narrower by 1
  36. Eyes further apart by 4
  37. Archerus mouth [03]
  38. Chin out by 3
  39. Underneck down by 1
  40. Nose turned down by 6
  41. Nose tip turn up by 5
  42. Nose larger by 1
  43. Archerus mouth [03]
  44. Nose wider by 2
  45. Jaw wider by 1
  46. Nose shorter by 2
  47. Eyes wider by 1
  48. Mouth out by 7
  49. Eyebrows down by 1
  50. Eyebrow orbit up by 4
  51. Mouth down by 4
  52. Eyebrows out by 4
  53. Bridge curve out by 2
  54. Nose out by 1
  55. Mouth wider by 3
  56. Lips thicker by 1
  57. Upper lip thicker by 3
  58. Mouth corners down by 1
  59. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  60. Chin point narrower by 2
  61. Upper face narrower by 1
  62. Eyes less deep by 1
  63. Bridge out by 2
  64. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2

152) — Customised Adult Male Archcsla template — Made to resemble Archcsla with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (04|06) Light Skin
  2. Face longer by 4
  3. Jaw wider by 4
  4. Orbit up by 2
  5. Nose larger by 2
  6. Mouth down by 4
  7. Lower face wider by 6
  8. Chin down by 4
  9. Chin wider by 9
  10. Jaw taper wider by 4
  11. Nose out by 4
  12. Nose longer by 7
  13. Eyes less deep by 2
  14. Mouth wider by 6
  15. Mouth out by 4
  16. Jaw square by 1
  17. Nose tip turn down by 4
  18. Nose turned down by 3
  19. Upper lip thinner by 4
  20. Lips thinner by 2
  21. Underneck down by 1
  22. Eyebrow arch straighter by 5
  23. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 4
  24. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  25. Face plumper by 1
  26. Nostrils wider by 2
  27. Bridge curve in by 2
  28. Eyebrows thinner by 2
  29. Upper face narrower by 2
  30. Nose down by 1
  31. Cheekbones larger by 4

153) — Customised Adult Male Archeeng template with Archheart nose — with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (04|06) Tanned Skin
  2. Face longer by 2
  3. Archeeng eyes [16]
  4. Archeeng eyebrows [16] by 1
  5. Chin down by 3
  6. Jaw square by 2
  7. Mouth wider by 2
  8. Chin out by 5
  9. Nose tip down by 2
  10. Mouth corners down by 2
  11. Chin point wider by 6
  12. Upper lip pinch narrower by 6
  13. Lower face narrower by 1
  14. Lips thinner by 2
  15. Underneck down by 1
  16. Eyes smaller by 1
  17. Eyes closer by 2
  18. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  19. Outer eye up by 4

154) — 'Johnathaniel Thompson' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (01|06) Light Skin
  2. Eyes narrower by 3
  3. Outer eye up by 3
  4. Nose longer by 4
  5. Lips thinner by 5
  6. Mouth corners down by 3
  7. Jaw squared
  8. Chin down by 2

These instructions are the ones I used to make the customised face template for my fanon Sim, Johnathaniel Thompson

155) — 'Pirithous Thompson' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Teenage Female template (03|06) Light Skin
  2. Outer eye up by 3
  3. Eyes narrower by 4
  4. Eyes larger by 2
  5. Nose narrower by 2
  6. Nose tip turn up by 1
  7. Mouth corners down by 2

These instructions are the ones I used to make the customised face template for my fanon Sim, Pirithous Thompson

156) — 'Ratermann Thompson' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (02|06) Light Skin
  2. Outer eye up by 6
  3. Nose longer by 4
  4. Mouth corners down by 1
  5. Jaw squared by 2

These instructions are the ones I used to make the customised face template for my fanon Sim, Ratermann Thompson

157) — Template Archceth — Customised with Archcmed jaw with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archceth template [15]
  2. Archcmed jaw [22]
  3. Jaw squared by 2
  4. Chin in by 6
  5. Lower face narrower by 4
  6. Archceth mouth [15]
  7. Archceth nose [15]
  8. Archceth eyes [15]
  9. Archceth eyebrows [15]
  10. Archceth mouth [15]
  11. Archceth nose [15]
  12. Archceth eyes [15]
  13. Archceth eyebrows [15]
  14. Archceth mouth [15]
  15. Archceth nose [15]
  16. Archceth eyes [15]
  17. Archceth eyebrows [15]
  18. Archceth mouth [15]
  19. Archceth nose [15]
  20. Archceth eyes [15]
  21. Archceth eyebrows [15]
  22. Chin out by 1
  23. Chin up by 1
  24. Eyebrows thicker by 4
  25. Forehead in
  26. Eyes deeper by 1
  27. Mouth in by 4
  28. Underneck up by 5
  29. Jaw taper wider by 1
  30. Jaw out by 1
  31. Jaw angled by 1
  32. Lower face wider by 1
  33. Cheeks larger by 1
  34. Cheekbones up by 2
  35. Nose turned up by 2
  36. Nose tip turn up by 2
  37. Nose in by 1
  38. Mouth corners up by 1
  39. Mouth narrower by 2
  40. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  41. Jaw narrower by 1
  42. Bridge wider by 1
  43. Nostrils narrower by 2
  44. Eyelashes longer by 4

158) — Customised 'Darren Dreamer' face template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. 'Darren Dreamer' — Customised template
  2. Archbase jaw [02]
  3. Nostrils narrower by 6
  4. Archbase mouth [02]
  5. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  6. Eyebrows thinner by 2

159) — Template Archcsla — Made to resemble Archcpla with Body Shop — Adult Males ٭

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archcsla template [25]
  3. Archcsla template [25] minus 60
  4. Archcsla eyebrows [25]
  5. Archcsla eyes [25]
  6. Archcsla nose [25]
  7. Archcsla mouth [25]
  8. Archcsla jaw [25]
  9. Archcsla eyebrows [25]
  10. Archcsla eyes [25]
  11. Archcsla nose [25]
  12. Archcsla mouth [25]
  13. Archcsla jaw [25]
  14. Archcsla eyebrows [25]
  15. Archcsla eyes [25]
  16. Archcsla nose [25]
  17. Archcsla mouth [25]
  18. Archcsla jaw [25]
  19. Archcsla eyebrows [25]
  20. Archcsla eyes [25]
  21. Archcsla nose [25]
  22. Archcsla mouth [25]
  23. Archcsla jaw [25]
  24. Upper face narrower by 4
  25. Lower face narrower by 4
  26. Chin down by 2
  27. Nostrils wider
  28. Eyes deeper by 4
  29. Nose turned down by 4
  30. Archcsla mouth [25]
  31. Nose down by 3
  32. Mouth corners down by 3
  33. Mouth down by 3
  34. Upper lip pinch wider by 8
  35. Nose in by 3
  36. Nose turned up by 1
  37. Nose tip turn down by 4
  38. Bridge out
  39. Cheeks smaller by 2
  40. Nose tip down by 4
  41. Lower lip thinner by 6
  42. Upper lip thicker by 6
  43. Jaw out by 9
  44. Nose wider by 2
  45. Bridge narrower by 2
  46. Chin point narrower by 4
  47. Jaw taper narrower by 2
  48. Chin in
  49. Mouth in
  50. Mouth corners back by 4
  51. Archcsla eyes [25] by 1
  52. Nose shorter by 2
  53. Bridge out by 4
  54. Bridge curve in by 2
  55. Cheekbones larger
  56. Cheekbones back
  57. Lower face wider by 4
  58. Cheeks smaller by 6
  59. Upper face wider by 3
  60. Chin in by 1
  61. Mouth in by 5
  62. Mouth wider by 3
  63. Mouth corners forward by 4
  64. Lower lip pinch wider by 4
  65. Forehead out by 4
  66. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  67. Outer eye up by 3
  68. Eyes further apart by 2
  69. Face gaunter by 2
  70. Eyebrow orbit down by 2
  71. Upper lip pinch narrower by 5
  72. Eyebrows out by 5
  73. Eyes smaller by 1
  74. Eyes down by 1
  75. Underneck down by 2

Recommended for male teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

160) — Template Archcmed — Made to resemble Archerus with Body Shop — Teenage Females

  1. Archcmed template [22]
  2. Face longer by 2
  3. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  4. Archcmed eyes [22]
  5. Archcmed nose [22]
  6. Archcmed mouth [22]
  7. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  8. Archcmed eyes [22]
  9. Archcmed nose [22]
  10. Archcmed mouth [22]
  11. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  12. Archcmed eyes [22]
  13. Archcmed nose [22]
  14. Archcmed mouth [22]
  15. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  16. Archcmed eyes [22]
  17. Archcmed nose [22]
  18. Archcmed mouth [22]
  19. Nose turned up by 6
  20. Ears larger by 2
  21. Nose in by 3
  22. Nose longer by 2
  23. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 3
  24. Eyes closer by 3
  25. Bridge in by 3
  26. Nose narrower by 2
  27. Nose tip up by 2
  28. Eyes narrower by 1
  29. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  30. Nose tip turn down by 4
  31. Nose down by 1
  32. Mouth in
  33. Mouth up by 3
  34. Bridge curve in by 4
  35. Lower face narrower by 4
  36. Archcmed template [22] by 1
  37. Ears smaller by 1
  38. Chin in by 3
  39. Mouth narrower by 4
  40. Jaw wider by 2
  41. Nose tip up by 1
  42. Upper face wider by 2
  43. Lips thinner by 2
  44. Cheeks plumper by 2
  45. Lower face narrower by 1
  46. Cheekbones smaller by 4
  47. Chin up by 1
  48. Cheekbones up by 4
  49. Chin point wider by 2
  50. Mouth in by 2
  51. Jaw out by 3
  52. Mouth corners up by 2
  53. Underneck up by 2
  54. Mouth corners forward by 2
  55. Eyes deeper by 1
  56. Lower lip thicker by 2
  57. Upper lip thinner by 2
  58. Jaw squared by 2
  59. Cheekbones forward by 2
  60. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  61. Eyebrow rotate up by 1

161) — Template Archccel — Made to resemble Archcmed with Body Shop — Teenage Females

  1. Archccel template [19]
  2. Face longer by 2
  3. Archccel mouth [19]
  4. Archccel nose [19]
  5. Archccel eyes [19]
  6. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  7. Archccel eyes [19]
  8. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  9. Archccel nose [19]
  10. Archccel mouth [19]
  11. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  12. Archccel eyes [19]
  13. Archccel nose [19]
  14. Archccel mouth [19]
  15. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  16. Archccel eyes [19]
  17. Archccel nose [19]
  18. Archccel mouth [19]
  19. Chin down by 1
  20. Eyes larger by 2
  21. Eyelashes shorter by 2
  22. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  23. Nose out by 2
  24. Orbit down by 1
  25. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  26. Outer eye up by 1
  27. Upper face wider by 2
  28. Archccel mouth [19]
  29. Mouth down by 4
  30. Lower face narrower by 2
  31. Lips thicker by 2
  32. Jaw angled by 1
  33. Nose wider by 4
  34. Nose turned down by 3
  35. Bridge out by 5
  36. Nose tip down by 2
  37. Bridge curve out by 2
  38. Eyebrows out by 3
  39. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  40. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  41. Mouth wider by 4
  42. Mouth out by 7
  43. Nostrils narrower by 2
  44. Orbit up by 1
  45. Eyebrows thicker by 3
  46. Face plumper by 1
  47. Upper face narrower by 1
  48. Bridge curve in by 1
  49. Underneck up by 2
  50. Mouth corners forward by 3
  51. Cheekbones larger by 3
  52. Nose tip turn up by 2
  53. Cheeks smaller by 1
  54. Mouth corners up by 1

162) — Template Archccel — Made to resemble Archerus with Body Shop — Teenage Females

  1. Archccel template [19]
  2. Face longer by 4
  3. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  4. Archccel eyes [19]
  5. Archccel nose [19]
  6. Archccel mouth [19]
  7. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  8. Archccel eyes [19]
  9. Archccel nose [19]
  10. Archccel mouth [19]
  11. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  12. Archccel eyes [19]
  13. Archccel nose [19]
  14. Archccel mouth [19]
  15. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  16. Archccel eyes [19]
  17. Archccel nose [19]
  18. Archccel mouth [19]
  19. Ears larger by 1
  20. Lower face narrower by 4
  21. Archccel eyes [19]
  22. Eyes closer by 3
  23. Eyebrows thicker by 3
  24. Upper face wider by 2
  25. Lips thicker by 2
  26. Mouth wider by 2
  27. Jaw out by 1
  28. Eye squint wider by 3
  29. Eyes wider by 2
  30. Eyes deeper by 1
  31. Eyelashes shorter by 3
  32. Nose turned up by 4
  33. Bridge wider by 3
  34. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  35. Upper lip thinner by 3
  36. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  37. Chin point wider by 2
  38. Mouth corners up by 2
  39. Mouth down by 1
  40. Nose tip turn down by 6

Recommended for teenagers

163) — Template Archcpla — Made to resemble Archcsla with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archcpla template [23]
  2. Lower face wider by 5
  3. Chin up by 2
  4. Upper face wider by 3
  5. Archcpla eyes [23]
  6. Cheeks larger by 4
  7. Archcpla nose [23]
  8. Archcpla mouth [23]
  9. Archcpla nose [23]
  10. Archcpla mouth [23]
  11. Archcpla nose [23]
  12. Archcpla mouth [23]
  13. Archcpla nose [23]
  14. Archcpla mouth [23]
  15. Nose turned up by 7
  16. Nostrils narrower
  17. Archcpla mouth [23]
  18. Nose out by 4
  19. Archcpla mouth [23]
  20. Nose turned down by 2
  21. Archcpla mouth [23]
  22. Nose wider by 2
  23. Archcpla mouth [23]
  24. Nose tip up by 7
  25. Bridge in
  26. Archcpla mouth [23]
  27. Nose up by 2
  28. Archcpla mouth [23]
  29. Nose tip down by 1
  30. Archcpla mouth [23]
  31. Cheeks larger by 2
  32. Archcpla mouth [23]
  33. Mouth out
  34. Chin out by 6
  35. Lower face narrower by 3
  36. Cheeks larger by 2
  37. Nostrils narrower by 6
  38. Eyes wider by 2
  39. Eyes less deep by 5
  40. Forehead in by 4
  41. Bridge wider by 2
  42. Nose tip turn down by 3
  43. Upper lip thinner
  44. Mouth up by 1
  45. Jaw in by 4
  46. Archcpla jaw [23] by 1
  47. Mouth out by 7
  48. Jaw in by 4
  49. Chin out by 7
  50. Archcpla mouth [23]
  51. Archcpla mouth [23] minus 70
  52. Mouth up by 2
  53. Lower lip thicker by 8
  54. Lower lip pinch narrower
  55. Upper lip thicker by 2
  56. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  57. Mouth corners up by 2
  58. Upper lip pinch narrower by 1
  59. Mouth corners forward by 4
  60. Eyes closer by 1
  61. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  62. Upper face wider by 2
  63. Nose longer by 2

Recommended for teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

164) — Template Archcpla — Made to resemble Archcsla with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archcpla template [23]
  2. Face longer by 1
  3. Underneck up by 2
  4. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  5. Archcpla eyes [23]
  6. Archcpla nose [23]
  7. Archcpla mouth [23]
  8. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  9. Archcpla eyes [23]
  10. Archcpla nose [23]
  11. Archcpla mouth [23]
  12. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  13. Archcpla eyes [23]
  14. Archcpla nose [23]
  15. Archcpla mouth [23]
  16. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  17. Archcpla eyes [23]
  18. Archcpla nose [23]
  19. Archcpla mouth [23]
  20. Jaw wider by 3
  21. Lower face wider by 5
  22. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  23. Archcpla eyes [23]
  24. Archcpla nose [23]
  25. Archcpla mouth [23]
  26. Jaw wider by 2
  27. Forehead in by 2
  28. Nose turned up by 2
  29. Nose out by 1
  30. Nose tip up by 2
  31. Eye squint wider by 2
  32. Bridge wider by 2
  33. Upper face wider by 2
  34. Archcpla eyes [23]
  35. Upper face wider by 2
  36. Archcpla eyes [23]
  37. Eye squint wider by 2
  38. Mouth wider by 2
  39. Lips thicker by 3
  40. Mouth down by 2
  41. Ears smaller by 1
  42. Upper lip pinch narrower by 4
  43. Upper lip thinner by 5
  44. Lower lip thicker by 4
  45. Lower lip pinch narrower by 9
  46. Mouth out by 4
  47. Jaw in by 4
  48. Eyebrows out by 2
  49. Mouth corners up by 1
  50. Outer eye down by 2
  51. Eyebrows thinner by 2
  52. Chin out by 4
  53. Eyelashes shorter by 1
  54. Cheekbones up by 4
  55. Nose longer by 3
  56. Bridge in by 2
  57. Underneck down by 1
  58. Cheekbones back by 4

Recommended for teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

165) — 'Broke' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archetge template [27]
  2. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  3. Archetge eyes [27]
  4. Archheart nose [01]
  5. Archemed mouth [04]
  6. Archetge jaw [27]
  7. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  8. Archetge eyes [27]
  9. Archheart nose [01]
  10. Archemed mouth [04]
  11. Archetge jaw [27]
  12. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  13. Archetge eyes [27]
  14. Archheart nose [01]
  15. Archemed mouth [04]
  16. Archetge jaw [27]
  17. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  18. Archetge eyes [27]
  19. Archheart nose [01]
  20. Archemed mouth [04]
  21. Archetge jaw [27]
  22. Eyes wider by 2
  23. Chin in by 4
  24. Archemed mouth [04]
  25. Eyes closer by 1
  26. Ears smaller by 2
  27. Outer eye up by 2
  28. Lower lip pinch wider by 3
  29. Archheart nose [01]
  30. Upper lip thicker by 1
  31. Eyelashes longer by 3
  32. Forehead out by 2
  33. Jaw out by 2
  34. Chin in by 2
  35. Upper face wider by 3
  36. Jaw angled by 2
  37. Underneck up by 1
  38. Lower face wider by 2
  39. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  40. Cheekbones up by 2
  41. Nose wider by 1
  42. Face gaunter by 2
  43. Mouth corners up by 1
  44. Mouth corners forward by 2
  45. Eyebrows up by 1
  46. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  47. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  48. Eyebrows thinner by 1
  49. Eyebrows rotate down by 1
  50. Eyebrows out by 1
  51. Eyes less deep by 1
  52. Nose turned down by 1
  53. Nose tip down by 1
  54. Bridge curve out by 1

166) — Template Archeste — Customised with Archcaus eyes with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archeste template [10]
  2. Archbase template [02]
  3. Archbase template [02] minus 50
  4. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  5. Archeste eyes [10]
  6. Archeste nose [10]
  7. Archeste mouth [10]
  8. Archeste jaw [10]
  9. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  10. Archeste eyes [10]
  11. Archeste nose [10]
  12. Archeste mouth [10]
  13. Archeste jaw [10]
  14. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  15. Archeste eyes [10]
  16. Archeste nose [10]
  17. Archeste mouth [10]
  18. Archeste jaw [10]
  19. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  20. Archeste eyes [10]
  21. Archeste nose [10]
  22. Archeste mouth [10]
  23. Archeste jaw [10]
  24. Archcaus eyes [18]
  25. Cheekbones up
  26. Upper face narrower by 4
  27. Face gaunter by 4
  28. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  29. Archeste nose [10]
  30. Archeste mouth [10]
  31. Archeste jaw [10]
  32. Face gaunter by 4
  33. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  34. Archeste nose [10]
  35. Archeste mouth [10]
  36. Archeste jaw [10]
  37. Eye squint narrower by 3
  38. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  39. Orbit down by 1
  40. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  41. Archeste nose [10]
  42. Archeste mouth [10]
  43. Archeste jaw [10]
  44. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  45. Archeste nose [10]
  46. Archeste mouth [10]
  47. Archeste jaw [10]
  48. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  49. Archeste nose [10]
  50. Archeste mouth [10]
  51. Archeste jaw [10]
  52. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  53. Archeste nose [10]
  54. Archeste mouth [10]
  55. Archeste jaw [10]
  56. Cheekbones larger by 4
  57. Cheekbones down by 4
  58. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  59. Archeste nose [10]
  60. Archeste mouth [10]
  61. Archeste jaw [10]
  62. Cheekbones back by 4
  63. Cheeks larger by 2
  64. Archeste jaw [10]
  65. Archeste mouth [10]
  66. Archeste nose [10]
  67. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  68. Eyes less deep by 2
  69. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  70. Underneck up by 3
  71. Cheekbones smaller by 3
  72. Upper face wider by 1
  73. Lower face narrower by 1
  74. Eye squint wider by 2
  75. Eyelashes longer by 2
  76. Eyes wider by 1
  77. Bridge wider by 1
  78. Bridge curve in by 1
  79. Nose out by 1
  80. Mouth corners up by 1
  81. Mouth corners forward by 4
  82. Jaw narrower by 1
  83. Jaw in by 1
  84. Cheekbones up by 2

167) — Template Archcteu — Customised with Archetge mouth with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archcteu template [14]
  2. Archetge mouth [27]
  3. Mouth out by 5
  4. Jaw in by 4
  5. Archcteu eyes [14]
  6. Archcteu nose [14]
  7. Archcteu jaw [14]
  8. Archcteu eyes [14]
  9. Archcteu nose [14]
  10. Archcteu jaw [14]
  11. Archcteu eyes [14]
  12. Archcteu nose [14]
  13. Archcteu jaw [14]
  14. Archcteu eyes [14]
  15. Archcteu nose [14]
  16. Archcteu jaw [14]
  17. Mouth down by 1
  18. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  19. Upper lip thicker by 2
  20. Bridge out by 1
  21. Bridge curve out by 1
  22. Nose in by 2
  23. Eyebrows in by 2
  24. Mouth in by 4
  25. Forehead out by 2
  26. Chin in by 3
  27. Lower face wider by 1
  28. Cheekbones up by 2

168) — Template Archerus — Made to resemble Archeeng with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archerus template [03]
  3. Archerus template [03] minus 20
  4. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  5. Archerus eyes [03]
  6. Archerus nose [03]
  7. Archerus mouth [03]
  8. Archerus jaw [03]
  9. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  10. Archerus eyes [03]
  11. Archerus nose [03]
  12. Archerus mouth [03]
  13. Archerus jaw [03]
  14. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  15. Archerus eyes [03]
  16. Archerus nose [03]
  17. Archerus mouth [03]
  18. Archerus jaw [03]
  19. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  20. Archerus eyes [03]
  21. Archerus nose [03]
  22. Archerus mouth [03]
  23. Archerus jaw [03]
  24. Nose longer by 3
  25. Bridge in by 2
  26. Nose tip up by 1
  27. Nose turned up by 1
  28. Bridge narrower by 1
  29. Nostrils wider by 3
  30. Face longer by 2
  31. Archerus jaw [03]
  32. Face shorter by 2
  33. Archerus mouth [03]
  34. Archerus eyes [03]
  35. Ears larger by 1
  36. Eyebrow arch straighter by 3
  37. Lower face wider by 4
  38. Archerus eyes [03]
  39. Archerus mouth [03]
  40. Orbit up by 3
  41. Chin down by 1
  42. Eye squint narrower by 3
  43. Chin point wider by 5
  44. Underneck up by 6
  45. Jaw wider by 1
  46. Outer eye down by 4
  47. Eyebrows down by 1
  48. Nose wider by 1
  49. Archerus mouth [03]
  50. Cheekbones smaller by 4
  51. Face gaunter by 1
  52. Jaw wider by 1
  53. Jaw angled by 2
  54. Eyes wider by 2
  55. Mouth corners down by 1
  56. Chin out by 2
  57. Eye squint wider by 1
  58. Mouth narrower by 2
  59. Upper lip pinch narrower by 7
  60. Lower lip pinch narrower by 5
  61. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  62. Outer eye up by 2
  63. Cheekbones up by 4
  64. Forehead in by 1
  65. Eyebrows rotate up by 1
  66. Bridge wider by 1
  67. Nostrils narrower by 1
  68. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  69. Eyebrows thinner by 2
  70. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  71. Eyelashes longer by 1
  72. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  73. Underneck down by 1

169) — Template Archemed — Made to resemble Archerus with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archemed template [04]
  2. Archbase template [02]
  3. Archbase template [02] minus 23
  4. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  5. Archemed eyes [04]
  6. Archemed nose [04]
  7. Archemed mouth [04]
  8. Archemed jaw [04]
  9. Ears larger by 1
  10. Lower face wider by 5
  11. Face longer by 5
  12. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  13. Archemed eyes [04]
  14. Archemed nose [04]
  15. Archemed mouth [04]
  16. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  17. Archemed eyes [04]
  18. Archemed nose [04]
  19. Archemed mouth [04]
  20. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  21. Archemed eyes [04]
  22. Archemed nose [04]
  23. Archemed mouth [04]
  24. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  25. Archemed eyes [04]
  26. Archemed nose [04]
  27. Archemed mouth [04]
  28. Upper face wider by 6
  29. Archemed nose [04]
  30. Archemed mouth [04]
  31. Eyes closer by 3
  32. Lower face wider by 1
  33. Eye squint wider by 2
  34. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  35. Nose tip down by 2
  36. Jaw squared by 1
  37. Archemed mouth [04]
  38. Eyes narrower by 3
  39. Eyes closer by 1
  40. Eyelashes longer by 2
  41. Nose in by 3
  42. Upper face wider by 2
  43. Nose shorter by 4
  44. Nose turned down by 2
  45. Nose down by 1
  46. Cheeks larger by 1
  47. Lower face wider by 1
  48. Nostrils narrower by 2
  49. Nose tip turn down by 2
  50. Jaw taper wider by 5
  51. Chin out by 6
  52. Cheekbones larger by 4
  53. Eyebrows out by 8
  54. Forehead out by 3
  55. Bridge out by 2
  56. Mouth wider by 4
  57. Mouth corners down by 1
  58. Lower lip thinner by 8
  59. Lower lip pinch wider by 8
  60. Mouth out by 2

Recommended for toddlers, and male teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

170) — Template Archecer — Made to resemble Archeeng with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archecer template [13]
  3. Archecer template [13] minus 30
  4. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  5. Archecer eyes [13]
  6. Archecer nose [13]
  7. Archecer mouth [13]
  8. Archecer jaw [13]
  9. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  10. Archecer eyes [13]
  11. Archecer nose [13]
  12. Archecer mouth [13]
  13. Archecer jaw [13]
  14. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  15. Archecer eyes [13]
  16. Archecer nose [13]
  17. Archecer mouth [13]
  18. Archecer jaw [13]
  19. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  20. Archecer eyes [13]
  21. Archecer nose [13]
  22. Archecer mouth [13]
  23. Archecer jaw [13]
  24. Ears larger by 2
  25. Archecer template [13]
  26. Archecer template [13] minus 60
  27. Face gaunter by 3
  28. Lower face narrower by 4
  29. Nose turned up by 3
  30. Cheeks larger by 1
  31. Archecer mouth [13]
  32. Lower lip pinch narrower by 6
  33. Archecer eyes [13]
  34. Archecer eyes [13] minus 40
  35. Jaw angled by 3
  36. Jaw wider by 2
  37. Nose turned up by 1
  38. Nose out by 1
  39. Nose longer by 4
  40. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 2
  41. Nose tip turn down by 3
  42. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  43. Outer eye down by 8
  44. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  45. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  46. Orbit up by 2
  47. Eyes closer by 1
  48. Eyes up by 1
  49. Jaw wider by 1
  50. Eyes wider by 2
  51. Eyelashes shorter by 6
  52. Nostrils wider by 2
  53. Nose narrower by 1
  54. Chin point wider by 1
  55. Jaw taper wider by 1
  56. Nose tip down by 1
  57. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  58. Eyebrows thinner by 3
  59. Upper face wider by 2
  60. Lips thicker by 1
  61. Upper lip pinch narrower by 5
  62. Bridge narrower by 1
  63. Eyebrows up by 1
  64. Cheekbones smaller by 3
  65. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  66. Mouth out by 6
  67. Upper lip thinner by 1
  68. Mouth corners down by 1
  69. Mouth up by 1
  70. Eyebrows out by 4
  71. Jaw in by 3
  72. Chin out by 2
  73. Forehead in by 1

171) — Template Archerus — Made to resemble Archemed with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archerus template [03]
  3. Archerus template [03] minus 20
  4. Ears smaller by 2
  5. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  6. Archerus eyes [03]
  7. Archerus nose [03]
  8. Archerus mouth [03]
  9. Archerus jaw [03]
  10. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  11. Archerus eyes [03]
  12. Archerus nose [03]
  13. Archerus mouth [03]
  14. Archerus jaw [03]
  15. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  16. Archerus eyes [03]
  17. Archerus nose [03]
  18. Archerus mouth [03]
  19. Archerus jaw [03]
  20. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  21. Archerus eyes [03]
  22. Archerus nose [03]
  23. Archerus mouth [03]
  24. Archerus jaw [03]
  25. Face shorter by 4
  26. Jaw angled by 2
  27. Lower face narrower by 4
  28. Archerus mouth [03]
  29. Archerus nose [03]
  30. Archerus eyes [03]
  31. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  32. Archerus nose [03]
  33. Archerus mouth [03]
  34. Archerus nose [03]
  35. Archerus mouth [03]
  36. Upper face narrower by 6
  37. Archerus nose [03]
  38. Archerus mouth [03]
  39. Chin in by 6
  40. Nose out by 4
  41. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  42. Nose turned up by 1
  43. Nose tip up by 4
  44. Mouth narrower by 2
  45. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  46. Eyes further apart by 5
  47. Eye squint narrower by 1
  48. Nose tip turn up by 6
  49. Cheeks smaller by 2
  50. Eyes wider by 2
  51. Nose longer by 2
  52. Bridge in by 4
  53. Chin point narrower by 3
  54. Jaw taper narrower by 3
  55. Face gaunter by 1
  56. Lower face narrower by 2
  57. Cheekbones back by 4
  58. Nostrils wider by 2
  59. Cheekbones smaller by 3
  60. Cheekbones up by 4
  61. Lips thicker by 2
  62. Bridge curve out by 2
  63. Lower lip pinch narrower by 7
  64. Eyebrows in by 7
  65. Eyelashes longer by 1
  66. Forehead in by 4
  67. Upper lip thinner by 4
  68. Upper lip pinch narrower by 3
  69. Lower lip thicker by 4
  70. Mouth corners up by 1

Recommended for male teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

172) — Template Archerus — Made to resemble Archemed with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archerus template [03]
  2. Archbase template [02]
  3. Archbase template [02] minus 60
  4. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  5. Archerus eyes [03]
  6. Archerus nose [03]
  7. Archerus mouth [03]
  8. Archerus jaw [03]
  9. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  10. Archerus eyes [03]
  11. Archerus nose [03]
  12. Archerus mouth [03]
  13. Archerus jaw [03]
  14. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  15. Archerus eyes [03]
  16. Archerus nose [03]
  17. Archerus mouth [03]
  18. Archerus jaw [03]
  19. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  20. Archerus eyes [03]
  21. Archerus nose [03]
  22. Archerus mouth [03]
  23. Archerus jaw [03]
  24. Ears smaller by 3
  25. Face shorter by 3
  26. Lower face wider by 4
  27. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  28. Archerus eyes [03]
  29. Archerus nose [03]
  30. Archerus mouth [03]
  31. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  32. Archerus eyes [03]
  33. Archerus nose [03]
  34. Archerus mouth [03]
  35. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  36. Archerus eyes [03]
  37. Archerus nose [03]
  38. Archerus mouth [03]
  39. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  40. Archerus eyes [03]
  41. Archerus nose [03]
  42. Archerus mouth [03]
  43. Chin down by 1
  44. Cheekbones smaller by 4
  45. Underneck down by 1
  46. Cheekbones up by 5
  47. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  48. Eyebrows down by 1
  49. Eyebrow arch straighter by 2
  50. Jaw angled by 2
  51. Eyes wider by 2
  52. Mouth corners down by 1
  53. Jaw in by 2
  54. Eyes further apart by 1
  55. Outer eye down by 1
  56. Face gaunter by 2
  57. Archerus nose [03]
  58. Mouth narrower by 2
  59. Outer eye down by 1
  60. Archerus nose [03]
  61. Jaw wider by 1
  62. Underneck down by 2
  63. Nose turned up by 2
  64. Upper lip pinch narrower by 2
  65. Nose tip up by 5
  66. Bridge wider by 2
  67. Nose out by 2
  68. Eyebrows in by 6
  69. Bridge in by 2
  70. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  71. Eyebrows rotate down by 1
  72. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  73. Nostrils wider by 1
  74. Eyebrows thinner by 1
  75. Forehead in by 2

Recommended for toddlers, children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

173) — Template Archerus — Made to resemble Archeeng with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archerus template [03]
  3. Archerus template [03] minus 30
  4. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  5. Archerus eyes [03]
  6. Archerus nose [03]
  7. Archerus mouth [03]
  8. Archerus jaw [03]
  9. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  10. Archerus eyes [03]
  11. Archerus nose [03]
  12. Archerus mouth [03]
  13. Archerus jaw [03]
  14. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  15. Archerus eyes [03]
  16. Archerus nose [03]
  17. Archerus mouth [03]
  18. Archerus jaw [03]
  19. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  20. Archerus eyes [03]
  21. Archerus nose [03]
  22. Archerus mouth [03]
  23. Archerus jaw [03]
  24. Face shorter by 2
  25. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  26. Archerus eyes [03]
  27. Archerus nose [03]
  28. Archerus mouth [03]
  29. Lower face narrower by 7
  30. Chin down by 2
  31. Archerus nose [03]
  32. Archerus mouth [03]
  33. Upper face narrower by 6
  34. Lower face narrower by 1
  35. Cheekbones up by 5
  36. Archerus nose [03]
  37. Archerus mouth [03]
  38. Eyes wider by 2
  39. Eyes further apart by 4
  40. Archerus nose [03]
  41. Archerus mouth [03]
  42. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  43. Archerus eyebrows [03] minus 30
  44. Mouth narrower by 3
  45. Nose out by 4
  46. Nose longer by 5
  47. Bridge in by 4
  48. Bridge curve in by 3
  49. Nose turned up by 1
  50. Nose tip turn up by 3
  51. Nostrils wider by 8
  52. Outer eye down by 2
  53. Eyes further apart by 1
  54. Nose up by 1
  55. Eyebrows up by 2
  56. Forehead in by 6
  57. Jaw taper wider by 1
  58. Chin point wider by 1
  59. Mouth corners down by 1
  60. Underneck up by 6
  61. Upper lip pinch narrower by 7
  62. Lower lip pinch narrower by 5
  63. Lips thicker by 2
  64. Jaw angled by 2
  65. Eye squint wider by 1
  66. Eyelashes longer by 1
  67. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  68. Bridge wider by 3
  69. Nose narrower by 4
  70. Eyebrows in by 2
  71. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  72. Cheekbones up by 2

174) — Template Archemed — Made to resemble Archerus with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archemed template [04]
  2. Archbase template [02]
  3. Archbase template [02] minus 40
  4. Ears larger by 1
  5. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  6. Archemed eyes [04]
  7. Archemed nose [04]
  8. Archemed mouth [04]
  9. Archemed jaw [04]
  10. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  11. Archemed eyes [04]
  12. Archemed nose [04]
  13. Archemed mouth [04]
  14. Archemed jaw [04]
  15. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  16. Archemed eyes [04]
  17. Archemed nose [04]
  18. Archemed mouth [04]
  19. Archemed jaw [04]
  20. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  21. Archemed eyes [04]
  22. Archemed nose [04]
  23. Archemed mouth [04]
  24. Archemed jaw [04]
  25. Face longer by 3
  26. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  27. Archemed eyes [04]
  28. Archemed nose [04]
  29. Archemed mouth [04]
  30. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  31. Archemed eyes [04]
  32. Archemed nose [04]
  33. Archemed mouth [04]
  34. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  35. Archemed eyes [04]
  36. Archemed nose [04]
  37. Archemed mouth [04]
  38. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  39. Archemed eyes [04]
  40. Archemed nose [04]
  41. Archemed mouth [04]
  42. Jaw squared by 2
  43. Lower face narrower by 4
  44. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  45. Archemed eyes [04]
  46. Archemed nose [04]
  47. Archemed mouth [04]
  48. Eyebrows up by 1
  49. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  50. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  51. Archemed eyes [04]
  52. Archemed nose [04]
  53. Archemed mouth [04]
  54. Nose turned down by 2
  55. Nose tip down by 5
  56. Upper face wider by 2
  57. Eyes narrower by 2
  58. Eyebrows out by 8
  59. Cheekbones larger by 6
  60. Cheeks larger by 4
  61. Bridge narrower by 1
  62. Mouth wider by 2
  63. Eyes closer by 2
  64. Nose in by 1
  65. Nose shorter by 2
  66. Cheekbones up by 3
  67. Ears larger by 1
  68. Mouth corners up by 1
  69. Outer eye up by 2
  70. Underneck up by 2
  71. Mouth in by 1
  72. Jaw out by 1
  73. Lower lip thicker by 1
  74. Chin out by 2
  75. Lower face narrower by 2
  76. Chin point wider by 1
  77. Jaw taper wider by 1
  78. Jaw narrower by 1
  79. Forehead out by 2
  80. Nostrils narrower by 1

175) — Template Archecer — Made to resemble Archeeng with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archecer template [13]
  2. Archbase template [02]
  3. Archbase template [02] minus 55
  4. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  5. Archecer eyes [13]
  6. Archecer nose [13]
  7. Archecer mouth [13]
  8. Archecer jaw [13]
  9. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  10. Archecer eyes [13]
  11. Archecer nose [13]
  12. Archecer mouth [13]
  13. Archecer jaw [13]
  14. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  15. Archecer eyes [13]
  16. Archecer nose [13]
  17. Archecer mouth [13]
  18. Archecer jaw [13]
  19. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  20. Archecer eyes [13]
  21. Archecer nose [13]
  22. Archecer mouth [13]
  23. Archecer jaw [13]
  24. Lower face narrower
  25. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  26. Archecer eyes [13]
  27. Archecer nose [13]
  28. Archecer mouth [13]
  29. Jaw angled by 2
  30. Mouth out by 6
  31. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  32. Archecer eyes [13]
  33. Archecer nose [13]
  34. Face gaunter by 2
  35. Archecer nose [13] by 1
  36. Eye squint wider by 3
  37. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 4
  38. Outer eye down by 8
  39. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  40. Archecer nose [13]
  41. Outer eye down by 2
  42. Archecer nose [13]
  43. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  44. Chin down by 1
  45. Nose out by 6
  46. Mouth corners forward
  47. Eyebrows out by 10
  48. Nose turned up by 6
  49. Jaw wider by 4
  50. Nose longer by 7
  51. Nostrils wider
  52. Nose narrower by 8
  53. Archecer mouth [13] by 1
  54. Nostrils wider by 2
  55. Bridge wider by 2
  56. Nose wider by 1
  57. Jaw narrower by 2
  58. Lower face wider by 1
  59. Mouth down by 1
  60. Lips thicker by 3
  61. Lower lip thinner
  62. Archecer jaw [13] by 1
  63. Chin point wider by 4
  64. Jaw taper wider by 4
  65. Archecer mouth [13]
  66. Mouth corners forward
  67. Mouth out
  68. Jaw in
  69. Chin out
  70. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  71. Archecer jaw [13] by 1
  72. Eyebrows up by 3
  73. Mouth in by 6
  74. Jaw out by 2
  75. Lips thicker by 2
  76. Lower lip thinner by 6
  77. Upper lip pinch narrower by 5
  78. Underneck down by 1
  79. Mouth corners back
  80. Mouth corner down by 2
  81. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  82. Cheekbones up by 4
  83. Upper face wider by 2
  84. Eyes wider by 2
  85. Eyelashes shorter by 5
  86. Eyes further apart by 2
  87. Eye squint wider by 1
  88. Eyebrows rotate down by 1
  89. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  90. Eyebrows thinner by 1
  91. Chin in by 1
  92. Jaw squared by 1

Recommended for male teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

176) — 'Yong Fa' — Customised template with Body Shop†

  1. Archalien template [28]
  2. Archemed template [04]
  3. Archemed template [04] minus 40
  4. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  5. Archcino eyes [09]
  6. Archcino nose [09]
  7. Archcino mouth [09]
  8. Archcino jaw [09]
  9. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  10. Archcino eyes [09]
  11. Archcino nose [09]
  12. Archcino mouth [09]
  13. Archcino jaw [09]
  14. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  15. Archcino eyes [09]
  16. Archcino nose [09]
  17. Archcino mouth [09]
  18. Archcino jaw [09]
  19. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  20. Archcino eyes [09]
  21. Archcino nose [09]
  22. Archcino mouth [09]
  23. Archcino jaw [09]
  24. Archeelf eyes [26]
  25. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  26. Archcino nose [09]
  27. Archcino mouth [09]
  28. Archcino jaw [09]
  29. Archalien eyes [28]
  30. Archalien eyes [28] minus 50
  31. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  32. Archcino nose [09]
  33. Archcino mouth [09]
  34. Archcino jaw [09]
  35. Archecer jaw [13]
  36. Upper face wider by 6
  37. Eyes deeper by 1
  38. Cheekbones up
  39. Alfred Askew's Arab mouth [16]
  40. Uranium-Z's Cassius nose [30]
  41. Archalien eyebrows [28]
  42. Archalien eyebrows [28] minus 60
  43. Mouth down
  44. Mouth corners forward by 4
  45. Jaw angled by 4
  46. Archecer jaw [13]
  47. Jaw angled by 4
  48. Jaw out by 4
  49. Forehead in by 2
  50. Mouth down by 2
  51. Nose tip turn down by 4
  52. Eyes larger by 4
  53. Orbit down by 4
  54. Eyebrows up by 6
  55. Eyes up by 4
  56. Upper face wider by 4
  57. Eyes further apart by 1
  58. Underneck up by 4
  59. Chin in by 4
  60. Mouth in by 4
  61. Nose in by 1
  62. Bridge curve in by 2
  63. Bridge wider by 1
  64. Jaw narrower by 6
  65. Mouth wider by 2
  66. Eye squint wider by 2
  67. Nostrils narrower by 4
  68. Lips thinner by 2
  69. Mouth corners up by 1
  70. Eyebrow arch curved by 3
  71. Eyebrows thicker by 3
  72. Eyelashes longer

This template was made to resemble Li Yong Fa, a major character from Battle B-Daman

177) — 'Darling' — Customised template with Body Shop — Teenage Females†

  1. Alfred Askew's Darling template [17]
  2. Face longer by 3
  3. Alfred Askew's Darling eyebrows [17]
  4. Alfred Askew's Darling eyes [17]
  5. Alfred Askew's Darling eyes [17] minus 40
  6. Underneck down by 4
  7. Chin down by 3
  8. Mouth down by 4
  9. Eye squint wider by 4
  10. Upper face wider by 2
  11. Mouth corners up by 2
  12. Eyelashes longer by 6
  13. Jaw in by 2
  14. Lower face wider by 2
  15. Eyebrows down by 2
  16. Eyes deeper by 3
  17. Eyes wider by 2
  18. Nose wider by 2
  19. Nose tip down by 2
  20. Eyes up by 1
  21. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  22. Ears larger by 1
  23. Cheekbones up by 4
  24. Mouth in by 4
  25. Face longer by 1
  26. Mouth narrower by 2
  27. Mouth corners forward by 1
  28. Cheekbones larger by 1
  29. Face gaunter by 1
  30. Cheeks larger by 1
  31. Cheekbones forward by 1
  32. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  33. Eyebrows out by 2
  34. Eyebrows rotate up by 1
  35. Forehead out by 1
  36. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  37. Outer eye up by 2
  38. Bridge wider by 1
  39. Bridge in by 1
  40. Bridge curve out by 1
  41. Nostrils narrower by 1
  42. Nose in by 1
  43. Chin out by 4
  44. Jaw taper wider by 1
  45. Chin point wider by 1
  46. Jaw square by 1

178) — 'Pleasant' — Customised template with Body Shop — Teenage Females†

  1. Archemed template [04]
  2. Archcind nose [20]
  3. Nose turned up by 5
  4. Nose tip turn up by 3
  5. Archcara eyes [17]
  6. Archcara eyes [17] minus 40
  7. Archemed jaw [04]
  8. Archemed mouth [04]
  9. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  10. Bridge wider by 1
  11. Nose tip up by 4
  12. Archemed mouth [04]
  13. Archemed jaw [04]
  14. Archemed mouth [04]
  15. Archemed jaw [04]
  16. Archemed mouth [04]
  17. Archemed jaw [04]
  18. Archemed mouth [04]
  19. Archemed jaw [04]
  20. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  21. Cheekbones up by 4
  22. Cheeks smaller by 2
  23. Archemed jaw [04]
  24. Archemed mouth [04]
  25. Archemed jaw [04]
  26. Archemed mouth [04]
  27. Archemed jaw [04]
  28. Archemed mouth [04]
  29. Archemed jaw [04]
  30. Archemed mouth [04]
  31. Nostrils narrower by 2
  32. Outer eye up by 2
  33. Eyelashes longer by 2
  34. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  35. Archemed mouth [04]
  36. Archemed jaw [04]
  37. Nose longer by 3
  38. Bridge curve out by 2
  39. Nose tip turn up by 2
  40. Eyebrows out by 3
  41. Forehead out by 2
  42. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  43. Archecer eyebrows [13] minus 40
  44. Eyebrows out by 2
  45. Archemed mouth [04]
  46. Archemed jaw [04]
  47. Archeeas mouth [12]
  48. Archeeas mouth [12] minus 40
  49. Archemed jaw [04]
  50. Face shorter by 4
  51. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35]
  52. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35] minus 40
  53. Face longer by 4
  54. Lower face narrower by 2
  55. Chin down by 1
  56. Upper face wider by 2

179) — 'Chhetri' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females†

  1. Alfred Askew's Arab template [16]
  2. Archerus template [03]
  3. Archerus template [03] minus 40
  4. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  5. Archbase eyes [02]
  6. Archbase nose [02]
  7. Archbase mouth [02]
  8. Archbase jaw [02]
  9. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  10. Archbase eyes [02]
  11. Archbase nose [02]
  12. Archbase mouth [02]
  13. Archbase jaw [02]
  14. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  15. Archbase eyes [02]
  16. Archbase nose [02]
  17. Archbase mouth [02]
  18. Archbase jaw [02]
  19. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  20. Archbase eyes [02]
  21. Archbase nose [02]
  22. Archbase mouth [02]
  23. Archbase jaw [02]
  24. Archbase template [02]
  25. Archbase template [02] minus 60
  26. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  27. Archcmed eyes [22]
  28. Archcind nose [20]
  29. Archeste mouth [10]
  30. Archecer jaw [13]
  31. Eyebrows in by 3
  32. Forehead out by 2
  33. Mouth out by 4
  34. Upper face wider by 2
  35. Orbit up by 1
  36. Mouth corners forward by 3
  37. Nose up by 5
  38. Nose tip down by 9
  39. Eyebrows rotate up by 2
  40. Nose wider by 3
  41. Bridge curve out by 2
  42. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  43. Eyebrows in by 3
  44. Forehead out by 2
  45. Upper face wider by 2
  46. Eyebrows rotate up by 2
  47. Eyebrows up by 2
  48. Mouth wider by 4
  49. Lower face wider by 3
  50. Outer eye down by 2
  51. Nose up by 3
  52. Orbit up by 1
  53. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  54. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  55. Cheeks larger by 1
  56. Jaw angled by 2
  57. Bridge wider by 2
  58. Nose turned up by 3
  59. Eyes smaller by 1
  60. Eyes up by 1
  61. Nose tip turn up by 2
  62. Face shorter by 1
  63. Underneck up by 4
  64. Chin down by 2
  65. Mouth up by 1
  66. Eyes wider by 1
  67. Mouth corners forward by 2
  68. Nostrils narrower by 2
  69. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35]
  70. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35] minus 60
  71. Nose wider by 1
  72. Eyebrows down by 2
  73. Orbit up by 1
  74. Eyelashes longer by 3
  75. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35]
  76. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35] minus 70
  77. Mouth wider by 2
  78. Bridge in by 1
  79. Lips thicker by 1
  80. Mouth corners up by 1
  81. Eyes closer by 1
  82. Chin in by 2
  83. Eyes deeper by 1
  84. Outer eye down by 1

180) — Template Archetge — Customised with Archerus ears with Body Shop

  1. Archerus template [03]
  2. Archetge eyebrows [27]
  3. Archetge eyes [27]
  4. Archetge nose [27]
  5. Archetge mouth [27]
  6. Archetge jaw [27]
  7. Archetge eyebrows [27]
  8. Archetge eyes [27]
  9. Archetge nose [27]
  10. Archetge mouth [27]
  11. Archetge jaw [27]
  12. Archetge eyebrows [27]
  13. Archetge eyes [27]
  14. Archetge nose [27]
  15. Archetge mouth [27]
  16. Archetge jaw [27]
  17. Archetge eyebrows [27]
  18. Archetge eyes [27]
  19. Archetge nose [27]
  20. Archetge mouth [27]
  21. Archetge jaw [27]

181) — Template Archerus — Customised with Archetge ears with Body Shop

  1. Archetge template [27]
  2. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  3. Archerus eyes [03]
  4. Archerus nose [03]
  5. Archerus mouth [03]
  6. Archerus jaw [03]
  7. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  8. Archerus eyes [03]
  9. Archerus nose [03]
  10. Archerus mouth [03]
  11. Archerus jaw [03]
  12. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  13. Archerus eyes [03]
  14. Archerus nose [03]
  15. Archerus mouth [03]
  16. Archerus jaw [03]
  17. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  18. Archerus eyes [03]
  19. Archerus nose [03]
  20. Archerus mouth [03]
  21. Archerus jaw [03]

182) — Template Archbase — Customised with Archeelf mouth with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archeelf mouth [26]
  3. Mouth in by 2
  4. Lips thinner by 1
  5. Lower lip thicker by 1
  6. Mouth narrower by 2
  7. Lower lip pinch narrower by 1
  8. Jaw in by 2
  9. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  10. Archbase eyes [02]
  11. Archbase nose [02]
  12. Archbase jaw [02]
  13. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  14. Archbase eyes [02]
  15. Archbase nose [02]
  16. Archbase jaw [02]
  17. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  18. Archbase eyes [02]
  19. Archbase nose [02]
  20. Archbase jaw [02]
  21. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  22. Archbase eyes [02]
  23. Archbase nose [02]
  24. Archbase jaw [02]

183) — Template Archeelf with Archbase ears — Made to resemble Archbase with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  3. Archeelf eyes [26]
  4. Archeelf nose [26]
  5. Archeelf mouth [26]
  6. Archeelf jaw [26]
  7. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  8. Archeelf eyes [26]
  9. Archeelf nose [26]
  10. Archeelf mouth [26]
  11. Archeelf jaw [26]
  12. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  13. Archeelf eyes [26]
  14. Archeelf nose [26]
  15. Archeelf mouth [26]
  16. Archeelf jaw [26]
  17. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  18. Archeelf eyes [26]
  19. Archeelf nose [26]
  20. Archeelf mouth [26]
  21. Archeelf jaw [26]
  22. Eyebrow orbit shape down
  23. Upper face wider by 6
  24. Archeelf eyes [26]
  25. Archeelf nose [26]
  26. Archeelf mouth [26]
  27. Archeelf jaw [26]
  28. Eyebrow arch curved by 4
  29. Archeelf eyes [26]
  30. Archeelf nose [26]
  31. Archeelf mouth [26]
  32. Archeelf jaw [26]
  33. Eyebrow rotate up by 3
  34. Archeelf eyes [26]
  35. Archeelf nose [26]
  36. Archeelf mouth [26]
  37. Archeelf jaw [26]
  38. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  39. Archeelf nose [26]
  40. Eyes closer by 2
  41. Upper face narrower by 2
  42. Eyebrows down by 1
  43. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  44. Archeelf nose [26]
  45. Nose in by 1
  46. Archeelf nose [26]
  47. Archeelf nose [26] minus 40
  48. Nose up by 1
  49. Nose tip up by 1
  50. Underneck down by 1
  51. Nose turned up by 1
  52. Nose tip turn down by 2
  53. Mouth in by 3
  54. Lips thinner by 1
  55. Lower lip thicker by 1
  56. Mouth narrower by 2
  57. Lower lip pinch narrower by 1
  58. Jaw in by 1
  59. Chin out by 2
  60. Chin point wider by 5
  61. Lower face wider by 2
  62. Outer eye down by 3
  63. Eye squint wider by 1
  64. Eyes down by 1
  65. Bridge curve out by 2
  66. Jaw narrower by 1
  67. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  68. Mouth corners forward by 3

184) — 'Loreleiy' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Customised Adult Male template (01|06) Light Skin
  2. Lips thinner by 7
  3. Face longer by 3
  4. Chin down by 2
  5. Nose larger by 1
  6. Mouth corners forward by 2

185) — Template Archeelf with Archbase ears — Made to resemble Archbase with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  3. Archeelf eyes [26]
  4. Archeelf nose [26]
  5. Archeelf mouth [26]
  6. Archeelf jaw [26]
  7. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  8. Archeelf eyes [26]
  9. Archeelf nose [26]
  10. Archeelf mouth [26]
  11. Archeelf jaw [26]
  12. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  13. Archeelf eyes [26]
  14. Archeelf nose [26]
  15. Archeelf mouth [26]
  16. Archeelf jaw [26]
  17. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  18. Archeelf eyes [26]
  19. Archeelf nose [26]
  20. Archeelf mouth [26]
  21. Archeelf jaw [26]
  22. Face longer by 2
  23. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  24. Archeelf eyes [26]
  25. Archeelf nose [26]
  26. Archeelf mouth [26]
  27. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  28. Archeelf eyes [26]
  29. Archeelf nose [26]
  30. Archeelf mouth [26]
  31. Chin up by 1
  32. Chin out by 2
  33. Archeelf mouth [26]
  34. Mouth narrower by 3
  35. Eyebrows rotate up by 6
  36. Archeelf eyes [26]
  37. Archeelf nose [26]
  38. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  39. Outer eye down by 2
  40. Eye squint wider by 2
  41. Eyes wider by 1
  42. Eyes up by 1
  43. Bridge curve out by 2
  44. Nose tip turn up by 1
  45. Eyelashes longer by 2
  46. Face plumper by 1
  47. Lower face wider by 1
  48. Underneck up by 5
  49. Jaw angled by 2
  50. Bridge wider by 2
  51. Cheeks larger by 1
  52. Cheekbones up by 5
  53. Lips thicker by 2
  54. Mouth corners down by 1
  55. Cheekbones larger by 2
  56. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  57. Mouth corners forward by 2
  58. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  59. Lower lip pinch wider by 2
  60. Mouth wider by 1
  61. Nose turned up by 1
  62. Lower lip thinner by 2
  63. Eyes narrower by 1
  64. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  65. Jaw narrower by 2
  66. Nose up by 1
  67. Nose tip down by 1
  68. Chin point wider by 2
  69. Jaw taper wider by 2
  70. Eyes down by 1
  71. Eyebrows down by 1
  72. Eye squint wider by 1
  73. Forehead out by 1
  74. Jaw square by 1

186) — Template Archeeas — Made to resemble Archcteu with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  3. Nose out by 3
  4. Nose turned up by 2
  5. Nose up by 2
  6. Bridge in
  7. Bridge curve in by 7
  8. Nose longer by 2
  9. Bridge narrower by 2
  10. Face shorter by 2
  11. Archeeas jaw [12]
  12. Face longer by 10
  13. Chin out
  14. Nose tip turn up by 2
  15. Bridge in by 2
  16. Bridge curve in by 1
  17. Nose narrower by 1
  18. Chin down by 6
  19. Jaw angled by 1
  20. Chin point wider by 3
  21. Jaw taper wider by 2
  22. Lower face wider by 2
  23. Mouth down by 5
  24. Mouth out by 5
  25. Mouth corner forward by 1
  26. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  27. Forehead in by 3
  28. Eyebrows out by 2
  29. Eyebrows up by 1
  30. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  31. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 3
  32. Eye squint wider by 2
  33. Cheeks larger by 2
  34. Archeeas mouth [12] by 1
  35. Upper lip thicker by 3
  36. Chin out by 2
  37. Underneck up by 2
  38. Mouth out by 5
  39. Mouth corner up by 1
  40. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  41. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  42. Cheekbones larger by 2
  43. Lower face narrower by 1
  44. Eyes wider by 1
  45. Eyes further apart by 1
  46. Outer eye down by 1
  47. Mouth wider by 1
  48. Jaw wider by 1
  49. Mouth corners back by 2
  50. Ears smaller by 2

Recommended for male teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

187) — Template Archeeas — Made to resemble Archcteu with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Eyebrow rotate up by 3
  3. Eyebrow arch straighter by 4
  4. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 2
  5. Upper face narrower by 3
  6. Archeeas eyes [12]
  7. Archeeas nose [12]
  8. Archeeas mouth [12]
  9. Archeeas jaw [12]
  10. Archeeas eyes [12]
  11. Archeeas nose [12]
  12. Archeeas mouth [12]
  13. Archeeas jaw [12]
  14. Archeeas eyes [12]
  15. Archeeas nose [12]
  16. Archeeas mouth [12]
  17. Archeeas jaw [12]
  18. Archeeas eyes [12]
  19. Archeeas nose [12]
  20. Archeeas mouth [12]
  21. Archeeas jaw [12]
  22. Eyebrows out by 4
  23. Chin down by 3
  24. Archeeas eyes [12]
  25. Archeeas nose [12]
  26. Archeeas mouth [12]
  27. Chin point wider by 2
  28. Jaw taper wider by 2
  29. Jaw angled by 2
  30. Underneck up by 4
  31. Archeeas mouth [12]
  32. Cheekbones larger by 2
  33. Archeeas nose [12]
  34. Jaw angled by 1
  35. Mouth corners down by 2
  36. Nose turned up by 2
  37. Nose tip turn up by 1
  38. Jaw narrower by 1
  39. Nose out by 1
  40. Nose shorter by 3
  41. Upper lip thinner by 5
  42. Mouth out by 7
  43. Jaw in by 3
  44. Chin out by 2
  45. Bridge curve in by 4
  46. Bridge narrower by 2
  47. Nose narrower by 2
  48. Archeeas eyes [12]
  49. Bridge wider by 1
  50. Mouth wider by 3
  51. Bridge in by 4
  52. Mouth up by 1
  53. Lower lip thicker by 6
  54. Jaw in by 3
  55. Chin out by 2
  56. Jaw wider by 1
  57. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 2
  58. Cheeks larger by 2
  59. Archeeas eyes [12]
  60. Archeeas eyes [12] minus 65
  61. Eyes narrower by 1
  62. Outer eye up by 2
  63. Mouth corners back by 3
  64. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  65. Eyes deeper by 1
  66. Eyebrows rotate down by 1
  67. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  68. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  69. Nose turned down by 1
  70. Nostrils wider by 1
  71. Eyebrows up by 2

188) — Template Archcteu — Made to resemble Archeeas with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archcteu template [14]
  2. Ears larger by 1
  3. Face shorter by 1
  4. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  5. Archcteu eyes [14]
  6. Archcteu nose [14]
  7. Archcteu mouth [14]
  8. Chin up by 7
  9. Mouth up by 3
  10. Chin point narrower by 3
  11. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  12. Archcteu nose [14]
  13. Archcteu eyes [14]
  14. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  15. Mouth in
  16. Lower face narrower by 1
  17. Jaw out by 3
  18. Archcteu eyes [14]
  19. Mouth in by 3
  20. Jaw in by 1
  21. Chin in
  22. Archcteu eyes [14]
  23. Chin in by 2
  24. Jaw squared by 2
  25. Nose in by 2
  26. Nose shorter by 4
  27. Archcteu eyes [14] by 1
  28. Bridge curve out
  29. Cheekbones up by 4
  30. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  31. Bridge wider by 4
  32. Bridge out by 6
  33. Archcteu eyes [14] by 1
  34. Mouth narrower by 1
  35. Lower lip pinch narrower by 4
  36. Upper lip thinner by 4
  37. Lower lip thicker by 2
  38. Mouth corners forward by 4
  39. Chin in by 1
  40. Lips thicker by 1
  41. Nose turned down by 2
  42. Nose tip down by 3
  43. Bridge curve out by 1
  44. Nose tip turn down by 2
  45. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  46. Eye squint narrower by 3
  47. Eyes narrower by 1
  48. Nose narrower by 2
  49. Nostrils wider by 5
  50. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 2
  51. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  52. Forehead out by 3

189) — Template Archcteu — Made to resemble Archeeas with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archcteu template [14]
  2. Underneck down by 1
  3. Eyebrow rotate down by 3
  4. Archcteu eyes [14]
  5. Archcteu nose [14]
  6. Jaw squared by 3
  7. Upper face wider by 3
  8. Archcteu eyes [14]
  9. Archcteu nose [14]
  10. Archcteu mouth [14]
  11. Archcteu eyes [14]
  12. Eyebrow arch curved by 3
  13. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  14. Eyebrows down by 1
  15. Archcteu eyes [14]
  16. Archcteu nose [14]
  17. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  18. Chin up by 3
  19. Eyebrows in by 3
  20. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  21. Eyes wider by 2
  22. Nose up by 2
  23. Nose turned down by 3
  24. Nose tip down by 2
  25. Eyelashes shorter by 1
  26. Archcteu mouth [14] by 1
  27. Jaw taper narrower by 4
  28. Chin point wider by 3
  29. Face gaunter by 1
  30. Underneck down by 1
  31. Bridge curve out by 4
  32. Nose longer by 2
  33. Lower lip thinner by 6
  34. Upper lip thicker by 2
  35. Mouth in by 5
  36. Cheekbones up by 4
  37. Mouth corners up by 2
  38. Jaw out by 4
  39. Chin in by 2
  40. Mouth narrower by 3
  41. Bridge out by 2
  42. Jaw squared by 2
  43. Lower face narrower by 2
  44. Bridge wider by 5
  45. Nose narrower by 2
  46. Nostrils wider by 4

190) — Template Archcino — Customised with Archcteu nose with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archcino template [09]
  2. Archcteu nose [14]
  3. Nose in by 3
  4. Nose turned down by 3
  5. Nose tip down by 4
  6. Archcino eyes [09]
  7. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  8. Archcino mouth [09]
  9. Archcino jaw [09]
  10. Nostrils wider by 3
  11. Nose shorter by 4
  12. Archcino mouth [09]
  13. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  14. Archcino eyes [09]
  15. Archcino jaw [09]
  16. Mouth in
  17. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  18. Archcino eyes [09]
  19. Archcino mouth [09]
  20. Archcino jaw [09]
  21. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  22. Archcino eyes [09]
  23. Archcino mouth [09]
  24. Archcino jaw [09]
  25. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  26. Archcino eyes [09]
  27. Archcino mouth [09]
  28. Archcino jaw [09]
  29. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  30. Archcino eyes [09]
  31. Archcino mouth [09]
  32. Archcino jaw [09]
  33. Mouth corners forward by 5
  34. Archcino jaw [09]
  35. Lips thinner by 2
  36. Nose tip up by 1
  37. Mouth up by 2
  38. Jaw out by 1
  39. Cheeks smaller by 2
  40. Underneck up by 2
  41. Eye squint wider by 1
  42. Mouth in by 2
  43. Mouth corners up by 1

Recommended for teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

191) — Template Archcino — Customised with Archcteu nose with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archcino template [09]
  2. Archcteu nose [14]
  3. Nose tip down by 7
  4. Nose turned down by 3
  5. Nose in by 4
  6. Nose shorter
  7. Mouth in
  8. Archcino eyes [09] by 1
  9. Mouth in
  10. Archcino eyes [09] by 1
  11. Mouth in
  12. Archcino mouth [09]
  13. Bridge out by 3
  14. Archcino mouth [09]
  15. Archcino jaw [09]
  16. Nose shorter by 1
  17. Nose in by 1
  18. Nose turned up by 1
  19. Nose tip turn up by 1
  20. Nostrils wider by 8
  21. Nose down by 1
  22. Bridge curve out by 4
  23. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  24. Archcino eyes [09]
  25. Archcino mouth [09]
  26. Archcino jaw [09]
  27. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  28. Archcino eyes [09]
  29. Archcino mouth [09]
  30. Archcino jaw [09]
  31. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  32. Archcino eyes [09]
  33. Archcino mouth [09]
  34. Archcino jaw [09]
  35. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  36. Archcino eyes [09]
  37. Archcino mouth [09]
  38. Archcino jaw [09]
  39. Mouth corners forward by 5
  40. Archcino jaw [09]
  41. Lips thinner by 2
  42. Nose tip up by 3
  43. Mouth up by 2
  44. Jaw out by 1
  45. Jaw taper wider by 2
  46. Cheeks smaller by 2
  47. Underneck up by 2
  48. Eye squint wider by 1
  49. Bridge curve out by 2
  50. Nose longer by 1
  51. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  52. Mouth in by 2
  53. Mouth corners up by 1

Recommended for male young adults, adults, and elders

192) — 'Al Mahmoud' — Customised with Body Shop — Adult and Elder Males

  1. Archemed template [04]
  2. Archceth nose [15]
  3. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  4. Archemed eyes [04]
  5. Archemed mouth [04]
  6. Archemed jaw [04]
  7. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  8. Archemed eyes [04]
  9. Archemed mouth [04]
  10. Archemed jaw [04]
  11. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  12. Archemed eyes [04]
  13. Archemed mouth [04]
  14. Archemed jaw [04]
  15. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  16. Archemed eyes [04]
  17. Archemed mouth [04]
  18. Archemed jaw [04]
  19. Mouth wider by 4

193) — 'Knack' — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  3. Archccel eyes [19]
  4. Archccel nose [19]
  5. Archccel mouth [19]
  6. Archccel jaw [19]
  7. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  8. Archccel eyes [19]
  9. Archccel nose [19]
  10. Archccel mouth [19]
  11. Archccel jaw [19]
  12. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  13. Archccel eyes [19]
  14. Archccel nose [19]
  15. Archccel mouth [19]
  16. Archccel jaw [19]
  17. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  18. Archccel eyes [19]
  19. Archccel nose [19]
  20. Archccel mouth [19]
  21. Archccel jaw [19]
  22. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35]
  23. Archcteu mouth [14]
  24. Archceth mouth [15]
  25. Archceth mouth [15] minus 40
  26. Archemed jaw [04]
  27. Archceth jaw [15]
  28. Archceth jaw [15] minus 20
  29. Archcara nose [17]
  30. Archcara nose [17] minus 40
  31. Mouth in by 5
  32. Lower lip thinner by 5
  33. Archccel eyes [19]
  34. Archccel eyes [19] minus 40
  35. Nose longer by 3
  36. Nose tip turn down by 5
  37. Nose turned down by 2
  38. Nose tip down by 8
  39. Nose up by 3
  40. Mouth corners back
  41. Eyes less deep by 1
  42. Bridge narrower by 1
  43. Nostrils wider by 2
  44. Mouth in by 5
  45. Nose in by 2
  46. Eyebrows in by 3
  47. Chin out by 2
  48. Eyebrows thicker by 3

This was my attempt at recreating Nick Knack's facial structure for The Sims 2

194) — Toothy template — Customised with Archbase with Body Shop — Child Males†

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  3. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  4. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  5. AlfredAskew's Toothy mouth [08]
  6. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  7. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  8. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  9. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  10. AlfredAskew's Toothy mouth [08]
  11. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  12. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  13. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  14. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  15. AlfredAskew's Toothy mouth [08]
  16. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  17. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  18. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  19. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  20. AlfredAskew's Toothy mouth [08]
  21. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  22. Archbase mouth [02]
  23. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  24. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  25. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  26. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  27. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  28. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  29. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  30. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  31. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  32. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  33. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  34. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  35. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  36. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  37. AlfredAskew's Toothy nose [08]
  38. AlfredAskew's Toothy jaw [08]
  39. Jaw squared by 1
  40. Chin down by 2
  41. Bridge out by 1
  42. Underneck down by 1
  43. Eye squint narrower by 1
  44. Eyes narrower by 1
  45. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08]
  46. AlfredAskew's Toothy eyes [08] minus 40

195) — Template Archemed — Customised with Cat-Eyed Will ears with Body Shop — Adult Females†

  1. AlfredAskew's Cat-Eyed Will template [12]
  2. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  3. Archemed eyes [04]
  4. Archemed nose [04]
  5. Archemed mouth [04]
  6. Archemed jaw [04]
  7. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  8. Archemed eyes [04]
  9. Archemed nose [04]
  10. Archemed mouth [04]
  11. Archemed jaw [04]
  12. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  13. Archemed eyes [04]
  14. Archemed nose [04]
  15. Archemed mouth [04]
  16. Archemed jaw [04]
  17. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  18. Archemed eyes [04]
  19. Archemed nose [04]
  20. Archemed mouth [04]
  21. Archemed jaw [04]
  22. Mouth corner forward by 1
  23. Mouth corner up by 1
  24. Upper lip thicker by 1
  25. Jaw taper wider by 1
  26. Lower face wider by 1
  27. Jaw out by 1
  28. Jaw angled by 1
  29. Bridge wider by 1
  30. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1

196) — Template Archemed — Customised with Cat-Eyed Will ears with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. AlfredAskew's Cat-Eyed Will template [12]
  2. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  3. Archemed eyes [04]
  4. Archemed nose [04]
  5. Archemed mouth [04]
  6. Archemed jaw [04]
  7. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  8. Archemed eyes [04]
  9. Archemed nose [04]
  10. Archemed mouth [04]
  11. Archemed jaw [04]
  12. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  13. Archemed eyes [04]
  14. Archemed nose [04]
  15. Archemed mouth [04]
  16. Archemed jaw [04]
  17. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  18. Archemed eyes [04]
  19. Archemed nose [04]
  20. Archemed mouth [04]
  21. Archemed jaw [04]

197) — 'Wainwright' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archeeng template [16]
  2. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  3. Archbase eyes [02]
  4. Archbase nose [02]
  5. Archbase mouth [02]
  6. Archbase jaw [02]
  7. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  8. Archbase eyes [02]
  9. Archbase nose [02]
  10. Archbase mouth [02]
  11. Archbase jaw [02]
  12. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  13. Archbase eyes [02]
  14. Archbase nose [02]
  15. Archbase mouth [02]
  16. Archbase jaw [02]
  17. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  18. Archbase eyes [02]
  19. Archbase nose [02]
  20. Archbase mouth [02]
  21. Archbase jaw [02]
  22. Archerus mouth [03]
  23. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  24. Face shorter by 2
  25. Archheart nose [01]
  26. Archbase jaw [02]
  27. Archcmay jaw [11]
  28. Face longer by 2
  29. Archerus mouth [03]
  30. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  31. Nose out by 1
  32. Bridge in by 3
  33. Archerus mouth [03]
  34. Lower lip thinner by 3
  35. Upper face wider by 3
  36. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  37. Archceth eyes [15]
  38. Archceth eyes [15] minus 40
  39. Archceth eyebrows [15]
  40. Archceth eyebrows [15] minus 60
  41. Archcmay eyes [11]
  42. Archcmay eyes [11] minus 40
  43. Nose up by 3
  44. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  45. Lower lip thinner by 4
  46. Upper face wider by 3
  47. Chin up by 2
  48. Cheekbones up by 6
  49. Jaw narrower by 2
  50. Nose tip up by 2
  51. Outer eye down by 2
  52. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  53. Mouth corners forward by 3
  54. Orbit up by 1
  55. Eyes up by 1
  56. Cheekbones forward by 4
  57. Nose turned up by 1
  58. Nose tip turn up by 1
  59. Eyebrows up by 1
  60. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  61. Eyes closer by 3
  62. Cheekbones larger by 3
  63. Cheeks larger by 1
  64. Face gaunter by 1
  65. Eye squint wider by 2
  66. Underneck up by 1
  67. Lips thinner by 2
  68. Eyes wider by 1
  69. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  70. Eyelashes longer by 6
  71. Lower lip pinch wider by 2
  72. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  73. Mouth wider by 2
  74. Bridge wider by 2
  75. Nostrils wider by 2
  76. Lower face wider by 1
  77. Chin out by 2
  78. Nose up by 1
  79. Mouth up by 2

This was my attempt at recreating Blair Wainwright's facial structure for The Sims 2

198) — 'Brown' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archeeng nose [16]
  3. Alfred Askew's Rascal eyes [22]
  4. Alfred Askew's Rascal eyebrows [22]
  5. Archcpla mouth [23]
  6. Alfred Askew's Tom mouth [02]
  7. Alfred Askew's Tom mouth [02] minus 40
  8. Alfred Askew's Roundy jaw [03]
  9. Face shorter by 1
  10. Chin down by 4
  11. Orbit up by 4
  12. Eyes closer by 1
  13. Eyes down by 2
  14. Nose up by 2
  15. Lower face wider by 2
  16. Eyebrows wider by 5
  17. Upper face wider by 3
  18. Eyes wider by 2
  19. Nose wider by 4
  20. Nostrils narrower by 4
  21. Lips thinner by 2
  22. Eye squint wider by 1
  23. Eyebrows up by 1
  24. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  25. Cheekbones down by 2
  26. Nose tip up by 3
  27. Mouth corners forward by 4
  28. Jaw out by 2
  29. Underneck up by 1
  30. Bridge curve out by 1

199) — Uranium-Z's Cassius template — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. Uranium-Z's Cassius template [30]
  2. Ears larger by 2
  3. Uranium-Z's Cassius template [30]
  4. Uranium-Z's Cassius template [30] minus 60
  5. Face longer by 2
  6. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  7. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  8. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  9. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  10. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  11. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  12. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  13. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  14. Face longer by 2
  15. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  16. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  17. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  18. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  19. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  20. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  21. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  22. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  23. Uranium-Z's Cassius mouth [30]
  24. Uranium-Z's Cassius mouth [30] minus 40
  25. Mouth corners up by 1
  26. Uranium-Z's Cassius nose [30]
  27. Uranium-Z's Cassius nose [30] minus 40
  28. Nose out by 6
  29. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  30. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyebrows [30]
  31. Jaw angled by 1
  32. Jaw out by 3
  33. Chin in by 2
  34. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 5
  35. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  36. Eyes less deep by 4
  37. Lips thinner by 2
  38. Lower lip thicker by 4
  39. Mouth wider by 1
  40. Lower lip pinch thinner by 2
  41. Upper face narrower by 2
  42. Nose turned down by 4
  43. Cheeks smaller by 1
  44. Face gaunter by 1
  45. Nostrils wider
  46. Nose tip turn down
  47. Bridge narrower by 2
  48. Eyebrow rotate down by 3
  49. Eyebrows up by 3
  50. Eyebrow arch straighter by 6
  51. Uranium-Z's Cassius eyes [30]
  52. Eyes less deep by 4
  53. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  54. Eye squint wider by 2
  55. Cheekbones up by 3
  56. Bridge in by 4
  57. Nose tip down by 4
  58. Nose tip turn down by 3
  59. Nostrils wider by 2
  60. Bridge curve in by 3
  61. Nose shorter by 2
  62. Eyebrows down by 3
  63. Lower lip thicker by 3
  64. Eyes smaller by 1
  65. Outer eye up by 2
  66. Lower face wider by 2
  67. Eyebrows thicker by 3
  68. Jaw wider by 2
  69. Chin point wider by 2
  70. Eyes wider by 2

This was my attempt at customising Uranium-Z's Cassius template to make it resemble Loki Beaker's

200) — 'Andrew Parker' — Made to resemble Archcteu with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (02|06) Light Skin
  2. Face longer by 5
  3. Chin down by 6
  4. Ears smaller by 2
  5. Orbit up by 2
  6. Nose up by 2
  7. Jaw angled by 2
  8. Underneck up by 3
  9. Forehead in by 2
  10. Nose out by 7
  11. Mouth down by 2
  12. Chin out by 7
  13. Mouth wider by 1
  14. Jaw wider by 1
  15. Jaw taper wider by 1
  16. Mouth corners up by 1
  17. Bridge in by 7
  18. Upper lip thinner by 4
  19. Jaw in by 3
  20. Mouth out
  21. Eyes less deep by 2
  22. Eye squint wider by 3
  23. Nose tip turn up by 2
  24. Eyebrows thinner by 1
  25. Eyebrow orbit up by 3
  26. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  27. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  28. Upper face narrower by 2
  29. Eyebrows out by 4

  30. Mouth out by 5
  31. Nose longer by 4
  32. Mouth wider by 1
  33. Outer eye up by 3
  34. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  35. Eyes up by 1
  36. Mouth down by 1

This template was made using the template I used for my fanon Sim, Andrew Parker. I customised it to make it look like the template I used for Andrew's prototype from my original gameplay

  • Customised templates 165) and 197) use a copy of the 01 Archheart template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 151), 158), 159), 165), 166), 168), 169), 170), 171), 172), 173), 174), 175), 179), 182), 183), 185), 194), 197), and 198) use a copy of the 02 Archbase template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 151), 168), 171), 172), 173), 179), 180), 181), and 197) use a copy of the 03 Archerus template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 165), 169), 174), 176), 178), 192, 193), 195), and 196) use a copy of the 04 Archemed template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 176), 190, and 191) use a copy of the 09 Archcino template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 166) and 179) use a copy of the 10 Archeste template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised template 197) uses a copy of the 11 Archcmay template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 178), 186), 187), and 193) use a copy of the 12 Archeeas template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 170), 175), 176), 178), and 179) use a copy of the 13 Archecer template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 167), 179), 188), 189), 190), 191), and 193) use a copy of the 14 Archcteu template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 157), 192), 193), and 197) use a copy of the 15 Archceth template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised template 153), 197), and 198) use a copy of the 16 Archeeng template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 178) and 193) use a copy of the 17 Archcara template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised template 166) uses a copy of the 18 Archcaus template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 161), 162), and 193) use a copy of the 19 Archccel template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 178) and 179) use a copy of the 20 Archcind template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 157), 160), and 179) use a copy of the 22 Archcmed template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 163), 164), and 198) use a copy of the 23 Archcpla template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised template 159) uses a copy of the 25 Archcsla template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 176), 182), 183), and 185) use a copy of the 26 Archeelf template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 165), 167), 180), and 181) use a copy of the 27 Archetge template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised template 176) uses a copy of the 28 Archalien template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised template 152) uses a copy of the 25 Archcsla template that is linked to the 23 Archcpla template for all ages except adult. This template can be found in the Create a Sim bin for adult males with light skin.
  • Customised template 159) uses a copy of the 25 Archcsla template with the brokenness fixed. So this copy of the template is not broken. The mod can be downloaded here. ٭
  • Customised template 198) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 2nd Alfred Askew template Tom which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 198) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 3rd Alfred Askew template Roundy which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 194) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 8th Alfred Askew template Toothy which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 195) and 196) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 12th Alfred Askew template Cat-Eyed Will which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 176) and 179) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 16th Alfred Askew template Arab which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 177) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 17th Alfred Askew template Darling which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 198) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 22nd Alfred Askew template Rascal which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 176) and 199) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 30th Uranium-Z template Cassius which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 178), 179), and 193) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 35th Alleliua template Miravelle Jones which can be downloaded here. †
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