C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Nine

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The Sims 2

Some of these instructions may be difficult to follow. If anyone has any trouble trying to follow the instructions for creating these customised faces, tell me, and I'll upload a couple of pictures that will show you what the said instructions mean.

C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part One
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Two
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Three
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Four
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Five
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Six
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Seven
C.Syde's Customised Face Templates Collection - Part Eight

Part Nine of my collections of customised face templates for Sims in The Sims 2. Note that this collection of customised face templates is mostly unrelated to my fanon Sims, as I never did keep track of how I made most of their faces.

401) — Template Archcino — Customised with Archeelf ears — with Body Shop — Teenage Males

  1. Archeelf template [26]
  2. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  3. Archcino eyes [09]
  4. Archcino nose [09]
  5. Archcino mouth [09]
  6. Archcino jaw [09]
  7. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  8. Archcino eyes [09]
  9. Archcino nose [09]
  10. Archcino mouth [09]
  11. Archcino jaw [09]
  12. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  13. Archcino eyes [09]
  14. Archcino nose [09]
  15. Archcino mouth [09]
  16. Archcino jaw [09]
  17. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  18. Archcino eyes [09]
  19. Archcino nose [09]
  20. Archcino mouth [09]
  21. Archcino jaw [09]
  22. Face shorter by 4
  23. Orbit down by 1
  24. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  25. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  26. Lower face narrower
  27. Face gaunter by 1
  28. Cheeks smaller by 1
  29. Lips thinner by 2
  30. Mouth up by 7
  31. Eyelashes longer by 2
  32. Eyes closer by 1
  33. Eyes narrower by 2
  34. Eyes down by 1
  35. Nose narrower by 2
  36. Nose longer by 2
  37. Bridge out by 2
  38. Nose turned up by 3
  39. Nose up by 4
  40. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  41. Upper face wider by 1

402) — Kimari — Customised template with Body Shop — Teenage Females

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Archcmas jaw [06]
  3. Archcmas template [06]
  4. Archcmas template [06] minus 60
  5. Face shorter by 2
  6. Chin point narrower by 1
  7. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  8. Face gaunter by 1
  9. Jaw wider by 1
  10. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  11. Archeeas eyes [12]
  12. Archeeas nose [12]
  13. Archeeas mouth [12]
  14. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  15. Archeeas eyes [12]
  16. Archeeas nose [12]
  17. Archeeas mouth [12]
  18. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  19. Archeeas eyes [12]
  20. Archeeas nose [12]
  21. Archeeas mouth [12]
  22. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  23. Archeeas eyes [12]
  24. Archeeas nose [12]
  25. Archeeas mouth [12]
  26. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  27. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  28. Archerus eyebrows [03] minus 40
  29. Eyebrow arch straighter by 2
  30. Archecer eyes [13]
  31. Archeeas nose [12]
  32. Archeeas nose [12]
  33. Chin in by 4
  34. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  35. Eyebrows up by 1
  36. Archbase mouth [02]
  37. Mouth out by 2
  38. Archheart nose [01]
  39. Archeasi nose [08]
  40. Archeasi nose [08] minus 40
  41. Archeafr nose [07]
  42. Archeafr nose [07] minus 60
  43. Archcind nose [20]
  44. Archcind nose [20] minus 60
  45. Jaw definition squared by 4
  46. Cheekbones up by 2
  47. Nose turned up by 4
  48. Nose tip turn up by 4
  49. Nose longer by 2
  50. Nose up by 2
  51. Orbit up by 1
  52. Eyebrows down by 1
  53. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  54. Nose wider by 1
  55. Bridge wider by 1
  56. Nose tip up by 1
  57. Nostril height up by 2
  58. Eyes wider by 1
  59. Eye squint narrower by 1
  60. Mouth corners forward by 2
  61. Mouth up by 1
  62. Archeasi mouth [08]
  63. Archeasi mouth [08] minus 60
  64. Archcmay eyes [11]
  65. Archcmay eyes [11] minus 70
  66. Upper lip pinch narrower by 2
  67. Mouth wider by 2
  68. Bridge curve out by 2
  69. Bridge in by 2
  70. Nose down by 1
  71. Lower lip centre height up by 1
  72. Nose longer by 1
  73. Philtrum depth out by 1
  74. Mouth corners down by 1
  75. Eye corners distance closer by 2
  76. Eyelashes longer by 1
  77. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  78. Chin definition up by 1
  79. Eyebrow head thinner by 2
  80. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  81. Forehead out by 1

403) — 'Goethals' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females†

  1. Archemed template [04]
  2. Archeeas template [12]
  3. Archeeas template [12] minus 40
  4. Archeeng template [16]
  5. Archeeng template [16] minus 53
  6. Archalien template [28]
  7. Archalien template [28] minus 60
  8. Alfred Askew's Appley template [06]
  9. Alfred Askew's Appley template [06] minus 64
  10. Alfred Askew's Toothy template [08]
  11. Alfred Askew's Toothy template [08] minus 67
  12. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry template [09]
  13. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry template [09] minus 69
  14. Ears larger by 1
  15. Ears sticking out by 1
  16. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  17. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  18. Archemed eyebrows [04] minus 40
  19. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  20. Archcmas eyebrows [06] minus 53
  21. Archcmay eyebrows [11]
  22. Archcmay eyebrows [11] minus 60
  23. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  24. Archcteu eyebrows [14] minus 64
  25. Archeeng eyebrows [16]
  26. Archeeng eyebrows [16] minus 67
  27. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  28. Archcpla eyebrows [23] minus 69
  29. Archcpol eyebrows [24]
  30. Archcpol eyebrows [24] minus 70
  31. Forehead out by 1
  32. Ear rotation back by 3
  33. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 1
  34. Upper face wider by 1
  35. Face longer by 1
  36. Archemed eyes [04]
  37. Archcmas eyes [06]
  38. Archcmas eyes [06] minus 40
  39. Archeeas eyes [12]
  40. Archeeas eyes [12] minus 53
  41. Archcmed eyes [22]
  42. Archcmed eyes [22] minus 60
  43. Archeelf eyes [26]
  44. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 64
  45. Archetge eyes [27]
  46. Archetge eyes [27] minus 67
  47. Outer orbit depth out
  48. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  49. Eye squint closer
  50. Outer eye down by 2
  51. Lower eyelid wider
  52. Eye bag curve closer by 5
  53. Upper eyelid height up by 3
  54. Eye bag lift down by 4
  55. Archemed nose [04]
  56. Archcmay nose [11]
  57. Archcmay nose [11] minus 40
  58. Archeeas nose [12]
  59. Archeeas nose [12] minus 53
  60. Archcteu nose [14]
  61. Archcteu nose [14] minus 60
  62. Archeeng nose [16]
  63. Archeeng nose [16] minus 64
  64. Archcmed nose [22]
  65. Archcmed nose [22] minus 67
  66. Archcpla nose [23]
  67. Archcpla nose [23] minus 69
  68. Archeelf nose [26]
  69. Archeelf nose [26] minus 70
  70. Archetge nose [27]
  71. Archetge nose [27] minus 71
  72. Alfred Askew's Appley nose [06]
  73. Alfred Askew's Appley nose [06] minus 72
  74. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  75. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09] minus 73
  76. Nose turned up by 3
  77. Nose in by 1
  78. Nose up by 1
  79. Bridge curve out by 2
  80. Nose longer by 2
  81. Nose root depth in by 3
  82. Bridge out by 1
  83. Nose definition wider by 1
  84. Nasal tip larger by 1
  85. Bridge wider by 1
  86. Septum width narrower by 2
  87. Nostril height up by 3
  88. Nostril rotation down by 2
  89. Nostrils wider by 2
  90. Nostril height down by 1
  91. Nose narrower by 1
  92. Eyes closer by 1
  93. Archbase mouth [02]
  94. Archemed mouth [04]
  95. Archemed mouth [04] minus 40
  96. Archeeas mouth [12]
  97. Archeeas mouth [12] minus 53
  98. Archcteu mouth [14]
  99. Archcteu mouth [14] minus 60
  100. Archeeng mouth [16]
  101. Archeeng mouth [16] minus 64
  102. Archeelf mouth [26]
  103. Archeelf mouth [26] minus 67
  104. Archetge mouth [27]
  105. Archetge mouth [27] minus 69
  106. Alfred Askew's Appley mouth [06]
  107. Alfred Askew's Appley mouth [06] minus 70
  108. Alfred Askew's Toothy mouth [08]
  109. Alfred Askew's Toothy mouth [08] minus 71
  110. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09]
  111. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09] minus 72
  112. Eyebrows closer by 2
  113. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  114. Upper face wider by 1
  115. Face shorter by 1
  116. Archbase jaw [02]
  117. Archemed jaw [04]
  118. Archemed jaw [04] minus 40
  119. Archeeng jaw [16]
  120. Archeeng jaw [16] minus 53
  121. Alfred Askew's Appley jaw [06]
  122. Alfred Askew's Appley jaw [06] minus 60
  123. Face longer by 1
  124. Eyebrow head thicker by 1
  125. Jaw wider by 1
  126. Jaw definition oval by 2
  127. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 3
  128. Eyelashes longer by 3
  129. Jaw out by 1
  130. Chin definition up by 6
  131. Chin cleft down by 1
  132. Upper jowl wider by 3
  133. Cheek raise down by 1
  134. Cheeks smaller by 1
  135. Lower face wider by 1
  136. Jaw squared by 1
  137. Chin point wider by 1
  138. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  139. Cheekbones up by 2
  140. Upper eyelid wider by 3
  141. Eyes smaller by 1
  142. Eye squint wider by 1
  143. Cheekbones forward by 1
  144. Philtrum depth in by 2
  145. Chin crease depth out by 1
  146. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  147. Mouth corners forward by 1
  148. Eyebrows thinner by 1

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble the actress Angela Goethals

404) — 'Leslie' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females†

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archemed template [04]
  3. Archemed template [04] minus 40
  4. Archecer template [13]
  5. Archecer template [13] minus 53
  6. Archcara template [17]
  7. Archcara template [17] minus 60
  8. Archcmed template [22]
  9. Archcmed template [22] minus 64
  10. Archetge template [27]
  11. Archetge template [27] minus 67
  12. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan template [04]
  13. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan template [04] minus 69
  14. Alfred Askew's Toothy template [08]
  15. Alfred Askew's Toothy template [08] minus 70
  16. Uranium-Z's Olek template [23]
  17. Uranium-Z's Olek template [23] minus 71
  18. Ear rotation back by 2
  19. Ears larger by 1
  20. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  21. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  22. Archemed eyebrows [04] minus 40
  23. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  24. Archecer eyebrows [13] minus 53
  25. Archetge eyebrows [27]
  26. Archetge eyebrows [27] minus 60
  27. Alfred Askew's Toothy eyebrows [08]
  28. Alfred Askew's Toothy eyebrows [08] minus 64
  29. Eyebrows closer by 1
  30. Eyebrows down by 1
  31. Upper face wider by 1
  32. Eyebrows out by 1
  33. Forehead out by 1
  34. Eyebrow head thinner by 3
  35. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  36. Archbase eyes [02]
  37. Archemed eyes [04]
  38. Archemed eyes [04] minus 40
  39. Archcara eyes [17]
  40. Archcara eyes [17] minus 53
  41. Archcmed eyes [22]
  42. Archcmed eyes [22] minus 60
  43. Archeelf eyes [26]
  44. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 64
  45. Archetge eyes [27]
  46. Archetge eyes [27] minus 67
  47. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan eyes [04]
  48. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan eyes [04] minus 69
  49. Alfred Askew's Toothy eyes [08]
  50. Alfred Askew's Toothy eyes [08] minus 70
  51. Uranium-Z's Olek eyes [23]
  52. Uranium-Z's Olek eyes [23] minus 71
  53. Upper face wider by 1
  54. Eyebrows out by 1
  55. Outer orbit depth out by 8
  56. Eyelashes longer by 6
  57. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 2
  58. Eye squint closer by 3
  59. Lower eyelid shift further apart by 8
  60. Lower eyelid wider by 7
  61. Archbase nose [02]
  62. Archemed nose [04]
  63. Archemed nose [04] minus 40
  64. Archcara nose [17]
  65. Archcara nose [17] minus 53
  66. Archcmed nose [22]
  67. Archcmed nose [22] minus 60
  68. Archeelf nose [26]
  69. Archeelf nose [26] minus 64
  70. Archetge nose [27]
  71. Archetge nose [27] minus 67
  72. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan nose [04]
  73. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan nose [04] minus 69
  74. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  75. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21] minus 70
  76. Uranium-Z's Olek nose [23]
  77. Uranium-Z's Olek nose [23] minus 71
  78. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35]
  79. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35] minus 72
  80. Nose larger by 1
  81. Nose tip up by 2
  82. Nostril rotation down by 3
  83. Nostril height up by 2
  84. Nose definition wider by 1
  85. Bridge wider by 1
  86. Eyes smaller by 1
  87. Eye squint wider by 1
  88. Outer eye down by 2
  89. Septum width narrower by 3
  90. Nose root depth in by 4
  91. Bridge out by 1
  92. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  93. Upper eyelid wider
  94. Upper eyelid height down by 3
  95. Upper eyelid lift up by 1
  96. Eyelid crease lift up by 2
  97. Eyelid crease curve closer by 8
  98. Eyes wider by 1
  99. Nasal tip smaller by 2
  100. Eye bag lift down by 2
  101. Lower eyelid height up by 2
  102. Eye bag further apart by 5
  103. Eye corners outside corners up / inside corners down by 3
  104. Nose turned down by 1
  105. Nose tip turn up by 2
  106. Bridge curve out by 1
  107. Nostrils narrower by 1
  108. Archbase mouth [02]
  109. Archemed mouth [04]
  110. Archemed mouth [04] minus 40
  111. Archecer mouth [13]
  112. Archecer mouth [13] minus 53
  113. Archeelf mouth [26]
  114. Archeelf mouth [26] minus 60
  115. Archetge mouth [27]
  116. Archetge mouth [27] minus 64
  117. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan mouth [04]
  118. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan mouth [04] minus 67
  119. Alfred Askew's Jean mouth [15]
  120. Alfred Askew's Jean mouth [15] minus 69
  121. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  122. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21] minus 70
  123. Uranium-Z's Olek mouth [23]
  124. Uranium-Z's Olek mouth [23] minus 71
  125. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35]
  126. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35] minus 72
  127. Nose up by 1
  128. Nose tip down by 3
  129. Mouth wider by 1
  130. Mouth down by 2
  131. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  132. Underneck up
  133. Face shorter by 2
  134. Archemed jaw [04]
  135. Archecer jaw [13]
  136. Archecer jaw [13] minus 40
  137. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan jaw [04]
  138. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan jaw [04] minus 53
  139. Alfred Askew's Jean jaw [15]
  140. Alfred Askew's Jean jaw [15] minus 60
  141. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35]
  142. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35] minus 64
  143. Face longer by 1
  144. Nose down by 1
  145. Cheek raise up by 2
  146. Upper jowl wider by 5
  147. Lower face wider by 2
  148. Orbit down by 1
  149. Mouth wider by 1
  150. Mouth corners up by 2
  151. Philtrum depth in by 2
  152. Cupid's bow shape down by 1
  153. Bridge in by 1
  154. Nose turned up by 1
  155. Jaw definition squared by 3
  156. Jaw angled by 1
  157. Cheekbones forward by 1
  158. Cheekbones larger by 1
  159. Cheekbones up by 1
  160. Eyebrow head thinner by 1
  161. Chin point narrower by 1
  162. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  163. Cheeks smaller by 1
  164. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 2
  165. Upper eyelid wider by 4
  166. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  167. Mouth down by 3
  168. Lower lip centre height up by 1
  169. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  170. Cupid's bow height down by 1
  171. Cupid's bow width narrower by 3
  172. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  173. Chin down by 1
  174. Chin cleft up by 2
  175. Chin definition up by 2
  176. Nostril height up by 2
  177. Nostril rotation down by 2
  178. Jaw out by 1
  179. Chin out by 1
  180. Chin crease depth in by 3

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble the actress Rose Leslie

405) — Customised 'Jessica Peterson' face template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. 'Jessica Peterson' — Customised template
  2. Eyes narrower by 3
  3. Eyes deeper by 3
  4. Nose in by 2
  5. Jaw squared by 4
  6. Chin down by 3
  7. Nose turned up by 5
  8. Underneck up
  9. Mouth up by 6
  10. Eyebrows up by 3
  11. Nose up by 6
  12. Mouth corners forward by 1
  13. Nose longer by 5
  14. Eyebrows in by 3
  15. Bridge wider by 4
  16. Mouth corners down by 4
  17. Eyes larger by 1
  18. Outer eye down by 2
  19. Eye squint wider by 2
  20. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 3
  21. Upper face width narrower by 2
  22. Nostrils narrower by 1
  23. Cheekbones smaller by 3
  24. Eyebrow arch straighter by 5
  25. Eye squint further apart by 6
  26. Eyelashes curl clockwise by 1
  27. Eyelashes longer by 1
  28. Mouth narrower by 2
  29. Lips thicker by 1
  30. Upper eyelid height down by 4
  31. Eyebrows thinner by 1
  32. Nose root depth in by 1
  33. Bridge curve out by 4
  34. Bridge out by 1
  35. Mouth in by 3
  36. Cupid's bow width narrower by 4
  37. Lower lip centre height down by 3
  38. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  39. Upper lip raise up by 1
  40. Eyebrow head thicker by 3
  41. Jaw in by 1
  42. Chin in by 2
  43. Chin definition down by 6
  44. Chin crease depth in by 3
  45. Chin cleft down by 1
  46. Cheekbones up by 3

  47. Bridge curve in by 3
  48. Underneck down by 2
  49. Mouth down by 2
  50. Mouth narrower by 4
  51. Mouth corners up by 1
  52. Upper lip pinch narrower by 1
  53. Eyes deeper by 5
  54. Eyes wider by 2
  55. Eyes down by 1
  56. Outer eye up by 2
  57. Eyelashes longer by 3

This was my attempt at customising Jessica Peterson's face template to make it resemble Heather Huffington's

406) — Customised 'Heather Huffington' face template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. 'Heather Huffington' — Customised template
  2. Face longer by 1
  3. Lower face wider by 1
  4. Upper face wider by 3
  5. Underneck down by 2
  6. Cheekbones forward
  7. Cheekbones smaller by 5
  8. Cheekbones up by 6
  9. Eyebrows down by 5
  10. Eyebrow arch curved by 4
  11. Eyebrow rotate up by 2
  12. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 3
  13. Eyebrows out by 3
  14. Eyes smaller by 1
  15. Eyes narrower by 1
  16. Outer eye down by 3
  17. Orbit up by 2
  18. Eyes less deep by 7
  19. Eyelashes shorter by 3
  20. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  21. Nose smaller by 1
  22. Nose narrower by 1
  23. Nostrils wider by 7
  24. Nose shorter by 3
  25. Nose down by 1
  26. Nose turned down by 6
  27. Nose tip down by 8
  28. Nose tip turn down by 6
  29. Bridge curve out by 2
  30. Bridge in by 3
  31. Bridge narrower by 1
  32. Nose out by 2
  33. Mouth wider by 6
  34. Mouth down by 2
  35. Mouth corners up by 3
  36. Lips thinner by 3
  37. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  38. Lower lip pinch narrower by 7
  39. Mouth corners back by 1
  40. Lower lip thicker by 2
  41. Mouth out by 2
  42. Chin up by 4
  43. Chin point wider by 4
  44. Jaw out by 1
  45. Jaw squared by 2
  46. Jaw narrower by 1
  47. Jaw taper wider by 2
  48. Outer orbit depth in
  49. Upper jowl width narrower by 3
  50. Cheek raise up by 4
  51. Eyebrow head thinner by 2
  52. Upper eyelid height up by 8
  53. Eye squint closer
  54. Eyelashes curl clockwise by 1
  55. Nostril rotation up
  56. Nasal tip size smaller by 1
  57. Nose definition narrower by 1
  58. Nose root depth out by 2
  59. Nostril height down by 2
  60. Septum width narrower by 1
  61. Philtrum depth out by 5
  62. Lower lip centre height up by 3
  63. Cupid's bow wider by 3
  64. Upper lip raise down by 4
  65. Cupid's bow shape down by 1
  66. Jaw definition oval
  67. Chin definition down by 5
  68. Chin crease depth out by 2
  69. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 4
  70. Eyes wider by 1
  71. Outer eye up by 4
  72. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  73. Nose tip turn up by 5
  74. Bridge curve in by 2
  75. Lips thicker by 2
  76. Lower lip pinch wider by 4
  77. Chin point narrower by 2
  78. Jaw angled by 7

This was my attempt at customising Heather Huffington's face template to make it resemble Jessica Peterson's

407) — Kun — Customised template with Body Shop — Teenage Females†

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archeasi template [08]
  3. Archeasi template [08] minus 40
  4. Archeste template [10]
  5. Archeste template [10] minus 53
  6. Archecer template [13]
  7. Archecer template [13] minus 60
  8. Archalien template [28]
  9. Archalien template [28] minus 64
  10. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  11. Archeasi eyebrows [08]
  12. Archeasi eyebrows [08] minus 40
  13. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  14. Archeste eyebrows [10] minus 53
  15. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  16. Archecer eyebrows [13] minus 60
  17. Archalien eyebrows [28]
  18. Archalien eyebrows [28] minus 64
  19. Alfred Askew's Darling eyebrows [17]
  20. Alfred Askew's Darling eyebrows [17] minus 67
  21. Alfred Askew's Sienna eyebrows [19]
  22. Alfred Askew's Sienna eyebrows [19] minus 69
  23. Archbase eyes [02]
  24. Archeasi eyes [08]
  25. Archeasi eyes [08] minus 40
  26. Archeste eyes [10]
  27. Archeste eyes [10] minus 53
  28. Archeelf eyes [26]
  29. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 60
  30. Alfred Askew's Darling eyes [17]
  31. Alfred Askew's Darling eyes [17] minus 64
  32. Alfred Askew's Sienna eyes [19]
  33. Alfred Askew's Sienna eyes [19] minus 67
  34. Uranium-Z's Olek eyes [23]
  35. Uranium-Z's Olek eyes [23] minus 69
  36. Eyes wider by 1
  37. Outer eye down by 1
  38. Archbase nose [02]
  39. Archeasi nose [08]
  40. Archeasi nose [08] minus 40
  41. Archeste nose [10]
  42. Archeste nose [10] minus 53
  43. Archeelf nose [26]
  44. Archeelf nose [26] minus 60
  45. Alfred Askew's Darling nose [17]
  46. Alfred Askew's Darling nose [17] minus 64
  47. Alfred Askew's Sienna nose [19]
  48. Alfred Askew's Sienna nose [19] minus 67
  49. Alleliua's Jane Eyre nose [34]
  50. Alleliua's Jane Eyre nose [34] minus 69
  51. Archbase mouth [02]
  52. Archeasi mouth [08]
  53. Archeasi mouth [08] minus 40
  54. Archeste mouth [10]
  55. Archeste mouth [10] minus 53
  56. Archecer mouth [13]
  57. Archecer mouth [13] minus 60
  58. Archeelf mouth [26]
  59. Archeelf mouth [26] minus 64
  60. Archalien mouth [28]
  61. Archalien mouth [28] minus 67
  62. Alfred Askew's Darling mouth [17]
  63. Alfred Askew's Darling mouth [17] minus 69
  64. Uranium-Z's Olek mouth [23]
  65. Uranium-Z's Olek mouth [23] minus 70
  66. Alleliua's Jane Eyre mouth [34]
  67. Alleliua's Jane Eyre mouth [34] minus 71
  68. Ear rotation forward by 1
  69. Ears larger by 1
  70. Ears sticking out by 1
  71. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 2
  72. Outer orbit depth back
  73. Upper face wider by 2
  74. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 6
  75. Eyebrow head thinner by 3
  76. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  77. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  78. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  79. Lower eyelid wider
  80. Lower eyelid height up by 2
  81. Eye squint closer by 6
  82. Eyelashes curl clockwise by 5
  83. Eyelashes longer by 2
  84. Upper eyelid wider by 6
  85. Face shorter by 2
  86. Archbase jaw [02]
  87. Archeasi jaw [08]
  88. Archeasi jaw [08] minus 40
  89. Archeste jaw [10]
  90. Archeste jaw [10] minus 53
  91. Archecer jaw [13]
  92. Archecer jaw [13] minus 60
  93. Alfred Askew's Sienna jaw [19]
  94. Alfred Askew's Sienna jaw [19] minus 64
  95. Alleliua's Jane Eyre jaw [34]
  96. Alleliua's Jane Eyre jaw [34] minus 67
  97. Face longer by 2
  98. Chin down by 2
  99. Mouth down by 2
  100. Chin in by 1
  101. Chin point wider by 1
  102. Jaw taper wider by 1
  103. Chin cleft down by 1
  104. Nose out by 1
  105. Nose turned up by 2
  106. Nostril rotation up by 3
  107. Nostril height down by 3
  108. Nose longer by 2
  109. Nose tip turn down by 2
  110. Bridge wider by 1
  111. Upper jowl wider by 4
  112. Lower face wider by 2
  113. Cheeks larger by 1
  114. Cheek raise up by 4
  115. Mouth down by 1
  116. Mouth wider by 1
  117. Bridge curve in by 2
  118. Nose root depth in by 4
  119. Bridge out by 3
  120. Face plumper by 1
  121. Cheekbones up by 2
  122. Cheekbones back by 1
  123. Upper face wider by 2
  124. Nose definition wider by 1
  125. Nostrils wider by 1
  126. Mouth corners up by 1
  127. Mouth in by 1
  128. Mouth corners forward by 2
  129. Jaw definition squared by 1
  130. Jaw angled by 1
  131. Chin definition up by 4
  132. Chin crease depth in by 3
  133. Lips thicker by 1
  134. Cupid's bow height down by 1
  135. Lower lip centre height up by 1
  136. Cupid's bow shape down by 1
  137. Upper lip pinch narrower by 1
  138. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  139. Nasal tip size smaller by 1
  140. Cupid's bow width wider by 1
  141. Septum width wider by 2
  142. Eyebrows out by 1
  143. Eyebrow arch curved by 1

408) — 'Bertiger' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females†

  1. Archerus template [03]
  2. Archeeas template [12]
  3. Archeeas template [12] minus 40
  4. Archcteu template [14]
  5. Archcteu template [14] minus 53
  6. Archeeng template [16]
  7. Archeeng template [16] minus 60
  8. Archcara template [17]
  9. Archcara template [17] minus 64
  10. Archccel template [19]
  11. Archccel template [19] minus 67
  12. Archcmed template [22]
  13. Archcmed template [22] minus 69
  14. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones template [35]
  15. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones template [35] minus 70
  16. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  17. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  18. Archeeas eyebrows [12] minus 40
  19. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  20. Archcteu eyebrows [14] minus 53
  21. Archeeng eyebrows [16]
  22. Archeeng eyebrows [16] minus 60
  23. Archcara eyebrows [17]
  24. Archcara eyebrows [17] minus 64
  25. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  26. Archccel eyebrows [19] minus 67
  27. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  28. Archcmed eyebrows [22] minus 69
  29. Alfred Askew's Jean eyebrows [15]
  30. Alfred Askew's Jean eyebrows [15] minus 70
  31. Eyebrow arch curved by 6
  32. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 5
  33. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  34. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  35. Forehead out by 3
  36. Archerus eyes [03]
  37. Archeeas eyes [12]
  38. Archeeas eyes [12] minus 40
  39. Archcteu eyes [14]
  40. Archcteu eyes [14] minus 53
  41. Archcara eyes [17]
  42. Archcara eyes [17] minus 60
  43. Archccel eyes [19]
  44. Archccel eyes [19] minus 64
  45. Archcmed eyes [22]
  46. Archcmed eyes [22] minus 67
  47. Alfred Askew's Jean eyes [15]
  48. Alfred Askew's Jean eyes [15] minus 69
  49. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones eyes [35]
  50. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones eyes [35] minus 70
  51. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 2
  52. Outer eye down by 2
  53. Eyes closer by 2
  54. Eyelashes longer by 3
  55. Eyelashes curl clockwise by 2
  56. Archerus nose [03]
  57. Archeeas nose [12]
  58. Archeeas nose [12] minus 40
  59. Archcara nose [17]
  60. Archcara nose [17] minus 53
  61. Archcmed nose [22]
  62. Archcmed nose [22] minus 60
  63. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35]
  64. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35] minus 64
  65. Nostrils narrower by 4
  66. Nose tip turn down by 2
  67. Bridge in by 1
  68. Upper face wider by 2
  69. Nostril height up by 5
  70. Nose turned up by 1
  71. Archerus mouth [03]
  72. Archeeas mouth [12]
  73. Archeeas mouth [12] minus 40
  74. Archcteu mouth [14]
  75. Archcteu mouth [14] minus 53
  76. Archeeng mouth [16]
  77. Archeeng mouth [16] minus 60
  78. Archccel mouth [19]
  79. Archccel mouth [19] minus 64
  80. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35]
  81. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35] minus 67
  82. Orbit up by 2
  83. Mouth corners up by 2
  84. Eyebrows down by 1
  85. Eyes down by 1
  86. Lower lip pinch narrower by 7
  87. Cheekbones larger by 2
  88. Cheekbones up by 1
  89. Cheekbones forward by 1
  90. Mouth corners forward by 1
  91. Face shorter by 2
  92. Eyebrows closer by 2
  93. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 3
  94. Archerus jaw [03]
  95. Archeeas jaw [12]
  96. Archeeas jaw [12] minus 40
  97. Archcteu jaw [14]
  98. Archcteu jaw [14] minus 53
  99. Archeeng jaw [16]
  100. Archeeng jaw [16] minus 60
  101. Alfred Askew's Jean jaw [15]
  102. Alfred Askew's Jean jaw [15] minus 64
  103. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35]
  104. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35] minus 67
  105. Face longer by 2
  106. Cheekbones up by 3
  107. Chin up by 1
  108. Lower face wider by 2
  109. Ears rotate back by 1
  110. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 2
  111. Jaw definition squared by 2
  112. Lower lip centre height up by 2
  113. Nostril height up by 2
  114. Lower lip thicker by 2
  115. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  116. Cupid's bow width wider by 2
  117. Cupid's bow height up by 2
  118. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  119. Chin definition up
  120. Chin cleft up by 1
  121. Jaw squared by 1
  122. Philtrum depth in by 2
  123. Upper lip raise down by 2
  124. Cheek raise up by 2
  125. Eyelashes longer by 1
  126. Mouth wider by 1
  127. Eyebrows thicker by 3
  128. Eyebrow head thinner by 7
  129. Nose root depth in by 1
  130. Bridge out by 1
  131. Cupid's bow shape down by 3
  132. Eye corners closer by 2
  133. Eyes narrower by 1
  134. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  135. Lower eyelid height down by 2
  136. Eyebrows out by 1
  137. Eye squint closer by 2
  138. Eyes closer by 1
  139. Nasal tip size smaller by 4
  140. Nose longer by 1
  141. Chin crease depth in by 2
  142. Outer eye up by 1
  143. Nostril rotation up by 2
  144. Nose definition narrower by 1
  145. Outer orbit depth in by 5
  146. Upper jowl width wider by 3
  147. Lower eyelid wider
  148. Eye bag lift down by 2
  149. Eye bag curve further apart by 6
  150. Upper eyelid height down by 2
  151. Septum width wider by 1
  152. Upper eyelid shift further apart by 4
  153. Lower eyelid shift further apart by 2

This was my attempt at recreating Brittany Bertiger's facial structure for The Sims 2

409) — Template Archcmay — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archcmay template [11]
  2. Face plumper by 1
  3. Upper face wider by 1
  4. Underneck down by 3
  5. Cheekbones back by 5
  6. Cheekbones smaller by 4
  7. Ears larger by 2
  8. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  9. Eyebrows down by 1
  10. Eyebrow arch curved by 7
  11. Eyebrow rotate up by 3
  12. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 3
  13. Eyes narrower by 5
  14. Outer eye down by 1
  15. Eyes closer by 4
  16. Eye squint wider by 3
  17. Nostrils narrower by 3
  18. Nose longer by 8
  19. Nose up by 2
  20. Nose turned up by 5
  21. Nose tip turn up by 3
  22. Bridge in by 5
  23. Bridge wider by 2
  24. Nose out by 2
  25. Nostril rotation up by 7
  26. Nasal tip size smaller by 5
  27. Nose root depth in by 2
  28. Nostril height up by 5
  29. Mouth narrower
  30. Mouth down by 1
  31. Mouth corners up by 1
  32. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  33. Mouth corners forward by 1
  34. Mouth in by 2
  35. Chin in by 4
  36. Jaw in by 2
  37. Jaw squared by 3
  38. Cupid's bow height up by 3
  39. Cupid's bow shape down by 4

  40. Mouth narrower by 6

This was my attempt at customising the 11 Archcmay face template to make it resemble Rod Humble's

410) — 'PlantSim' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archeelf template [26]
  2. Face gaunter by 1
  3. Cheeks smaller by 4
  4. Lower face wider by 1
  5. Underneck up by 2
  6. Eyebrows up by 3
  7. Eyes larger by 1
  8. Eyes closer by 5
  9. Eyes down by 1
  10. Eye squint wider by 2
  11. Nose longer by 6
  12. Nose down by 2
  13. Mouth narrower by 6
  14. Mouth down by 3
  15. Chin down by 2
  16. Jaw out by 2
  17. Jaw squared by 1

This template was my attempt at replicating ideal plantsim's facial structure without copying it directly. It may not be quite identical but it's near enough

411) — AlfredAskew's Firefly's Harry template — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. Archemed template [04]
  2. Ears smaller by 3
  3. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry template [09]
  4. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry template [09] minus 40
  5. Archbase template [02]
  6. Archbase template [02] minus 23
  7. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyebrows [09]
  8. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyes [09]
  9. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  10. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09]
  11. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry jaw [09]
  12. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyebrows [09]
  13. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyes [09]
  14. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  15. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09]
  16. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry jaw [09]
  17. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyebrows [09]
  18. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyes [09]
  19. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  20. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09]
  21. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry jaw [09]
  22. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyebrows [09]
  23. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyes [09]
  24. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  25. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09]
  26. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry jaw [09]
  27. Face longer by 5
  28. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09]
  29. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry mouth [09] minus 13
  30. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyebrows [09]
  31. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyes [09]
  32. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyes [09] minus 20
  33. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  34. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09] minus 13
  35. Underneck down by 3
  36. Eyes deeper by 2
  37. Nose longer by 2
  38. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyebrows [09]
  39. Mouth wider by 5
  40. Mouth down by 2
  41. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry eyebrows [09]
  42. Eyes larger by 1
  43. Lips thinner by 4
  44. Cupid's bow shape down by 3
  45. Cupid's bow width narrower by 2
  46. Chin in by 3
  47. Eye squint further apart by 3
  48. Eyes down by 1
  49. Mouth in by 4
  50. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 3
  51. Mouth corners down by 2
  52. Upper lip pinch narrower by 2
  53. Mouth corners back by 3
  54. Philtrum depth out by 2
  55. Eyelashes longer by 1
  56. Nostril height down by 2
  57. Bridge curve in by 2
  58. Jaw narrower by 3
  59. Lower face wider by 2
  60. Eyes deeper by 1
  61. Cheek raise up by 2
  62. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  63. Jaw squared by 7
  64. Ears sticking in by 2
  65. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  66. Upper lip raise up by 2
  67. Nostril rotation down by 1
  68. Bridge in by 1
  69. Chin crease depth in by 2
  70. Chin definition down by 2
  71. Jaw definition oval by 1
  72. Chin point wider by 1
  73. Eye corners closer by 1
  74. Upper eyelid up by 3
  75. Eyelid crease lift up by 4
  76. Eyelash curl clockwise by 1
  77. Eyebrows thinner by 9
  78. Eyebrow head thinner by 3
  79. Eyebrows out by 3
  80. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  81. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  82. Upper face wider by 2
  83. Eyebrows further apart by 2
  84. Forehead out by 2
  85. Eyebrows rotate up by 1
  86. Eyebrows down by 1
  87. Mouth narrower by 5
  88. Underneck up by 1
  89. Cheeks smaller by 1
  90. Eyes closer by 2
  91. Eyes narrower by 2
  92. Face gaunter by 2

  93. Eyebrows rotate down by 4
  94. Mouth corners down
  95. Lower lip pinch narrower by 4
  96. Lower face narrower by 8

This was my attempt at customising AlfredAskew's Firefly's Harry template to make it resemble Tybalt Capp's

412) — 'Toyonaga' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Customised Adult Female template (01|06) Tanned Skin
  2. Mouth wider by 5
  3. Mouth corners up by 1
  4. Eyelashes shorter by 5
  5. Upper lip pinch wider by 4
  6. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 1
  7. Lower lip pinch wider by 6
  8. Lower lip thinner by 1
  9. Mouth corners back by 2
  10. Forehead in by 5
  11. Bridge curve out by 3
  12. Nose in by 1
  13. Nose longer by 2
  14. Nose tip up by 1
  15. Nose tip turn down by 2
  16. Bridge wider by 1
  17. Eyebrows out by 1
  18. Cupid's bow shape up by 1
  19. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  20. Upper lip raise down by 1
  21. Chin in by 3
  22. Upper jowl width narrower by 2
  23. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  24. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  25. Eyebrow head thicker by 3
  26. Eyes wider by 1
  27. Underneck down by 1
  28. Eyebrows up by 1
  29. Lower face wider by 2
  30. Eye squint narrower by 3
  31. Eye corners height outer corners up / inner corners down by 4
  32. Eye corners closer by 3
  33. Outer eye up by 2
  34. Eyelashes curl counter clockwise by 2
  35. Eyes further apart by 1
  36. Outer eye down by 1
  37. Upper eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up by 2
  38. Cheeks larger by 2
  39. Eyes down by 2
  40. Upper eyelid lift up by 1
  41. Upper eyelid height down by 4
  42. Eyelid crease curve outer corners up / inner corners down by 4
  43. Eyes closer by 1
  44. Nostrils wider by 2
  45. Nose tip down by 2
  46. Nose tip turn up by 2
  47. Upper lip pinch narrower by 3
  48. Lower lip pinch narrower by 5
  49. Mouth down by 1
  50. Cheek raise up by 1
  51. Cheekbones up by 2
  52. Cheekbones forward by 2
  53. Chin definition up by 2
  54. Lower lip centre height down by 1
  55. Philtrum depth out by 1

This template was made using the same facial features that I used to create my fanon Sim Suzanne Toyonaga. I customised the facial features differently to make them look more like those of a pre-made female Sim found on the cover of the PAL version of The Sims 2 for PC, with the black wavy hair, green eyes, and the red halter top that appears in the game but not in the red colouration displayed on the front cover

413) — Template Archeasi — Customised with Archbase — with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archeasi template [08]
  3. Archeasi template [08] minus 40
  4. Archeasi eyebrows [08]
  5. Chin point wider by 5
  6. Archeasi eyebrows [08]
  7. Archeasi eyes [08]
  8. Archeasi eyebrows [08]
  9. Eyes closer by 1
  10. Archeasi eyebrows [08]
  11. Chin out by 1
  12. Archbase nose [02]
  13. Archbase mouth [02]
  14. Archbase nose [02]
  15. Archbase mouth [02]
  16. Archbase nose [02]
  17. Archbase mouth [02]
  18. Archbase nose [02]
  19. Archbase mouth [02]
  20. Orbit up by 2
  21. Eyes down by 2
  22. Upper face width narrower by 2
  23. Archeasi eyebrows [02]
  24. Eyebrows up by 1
  25. Upper lip pinch narrower by 2
  26. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  27. Eyes up by 3
  28. Nostrils wider by 2
  29. Nose tip down by 2
  30. Nose tip turn up by 2
  31. Mouth down by 1
  32. Cheekbones up by 5
  33. Eyes deeper by 3
  34. Eye squint wider by 2
  35. Orbit down by 1
  36. Chin down by 1
  37. Eyebrows down by 1 (bar click)

This was my attempt at recreating the facial structure of a pre-made female Sim found on the cover of the PAL version of The Sims 2 for PC, with the black wavy hair, green eyes, and the red halter top that appears in the game but not in the red colouration displayed on the front cover

414) — Nopke's Gerwazy template — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. Nopke's Gerwazy template
  2. Archbase template [02]
  3. Archbase template [02] minus 23
  4. Nopke's Gerwazy eyebrows
  5. Nopke's Gerwazy eyes
  6. Nopke's Gerwazy nose
  7. Nopke's Gerwazy mouth
  8. Nopke's Gerwazy jaw
  9. Nopke's Gerwazy eyebrows
  10. Nopke's Gerwazy eyes
  11. Nopke's Gerwazy nose
  12. Nopke's Gerwazy mouth
  13. Nopke's Gerwazy jaw
  14. Nopke's Gerwazy eyebrows
  15. Nopke's Gerwazy eyes
  16. Nopke's Gerwazy nose
  17. Nopke's Gerwazy mouth
  18. Nopke's Gerwazy jaw
  19. Nopke's Gerwazy eyebrows
  20. Nopke's Gerwazy eyes
  21. Nopke's Gerwazy nose
  22. Nopke's Gerwazy mouth
  23. Nopke's Gerwazy jaw
  24. Face longer by 1
  25. Nopke's Gerwazy eyebrows
  26. Nopke's Gerwazy eyes
  27. Nopke's Gerwazy nose
  28. Nopke's Gerwazy mouth
  29. Face longer by 1
  30. Nopke's Gerwazy eyebrows
  31. Nopke's Gerwazy eyes
  32. Nopke's Gerwazy nose
  33. Nose out by 4
  34. Nose longer by 4
  35. Eyes less deep by 6
  36. Mouth wider by 3
  37. Lower face narrower by 1
  38. Jaw angled by 1
  39. Jaw taper narrower by 3
  40. Chin point wider by 2
  41. Chin down by 1
  42. Underneck up by 3
  43. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  44. Eyebrow rotate up by 3
  45. Eyebrows down by 4
  46. Upper face wider by 2
  47. Bridge in by 4
  48. Bridge curve in by 5
  49. Chin out by 4
  50. Mouth out by 4
  51. Eyes larger by 1
  52. Eyes further apart by 4
  53. Eyes narrower by 1
  54. Eye corners further apart by 3
  55. Outer eye up by 2
  56. Orbit up by 1
  57. Eyelashes curl clockwise by 2
  58. Eyelashes longer by 2
  59. Eye squint further apart by 2
  60. Eyebrow distance further apart by 3
  61. Chin crease depth out by 6
  62. Forehead in by 1
  63. Ears smaller by 1
  64. Ear rotation back by 1
  65. Ears sticking in by 2
  66. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 2
  67. Outer orbit depth in
  68. Mouth corners up by 2
  69. Eyebrow head thinner by 5
  70. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  71. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 1
  72. Jaw definition oval by 2
  73. Upper eyelid height down by 3
  74. Lower eyelid height up by 1
  75. Eye bag lift down by 1
  76. Upper eyelid wider
  77. Cupid's bow height down by 6
  78. Upper lip pinch narrower by 6
  79. Cupid's bow shape down by 4
  80. Upper lip thinner by 2
  81. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 3
  82. Mouth up by 1
  83. Upper jowl width narrower by 2
  84. Cheekbones larger by 3
  85. Cheekbones forward by 2
  86. Lower eyelid wider by 2
  87. Nose definition narrower by 4
  88. Nostril rotation up by 5
  89. Nostril height up by 3
  90. Bridge narrower by 1
  91. Nasal tip smaller by 4
  92. Nose tip turn down by 5
  93. Nose turned up by 1
  94. Septum wider by 2
  95. Lower lip centre height up by 1
  96. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  97. Mouth corners back by 1
  98. Upper lip raise down by 3
  99. Chin definition down by 2
  100. Chin cleft down by 1
  101. Eyebrows thinner by 3
  102. Eyes smaller by 2
  103. Eye squint narrower by 2
  104. Eyes closer by 2
  105. Outer eye down by 2
  106. Lips thicker by 4
  107. Mouth corners down by 1
  108. Mouth narrower by 2

This was my attempt at customising Nopke's Gerwazy template to make it resemble Vidcund Curious'

415) — Template Archerus — Customised with Archcmas eyebrows — with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archerus template [03]
  2. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  3. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  4. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  5. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  6. Forehead in by 2
  7. Eyebrow head thicker by 1
  8. Archerus eyes [03]
  9. Archerus nose [03]
  10. Archerus mouth [03]
  11. Archerus jaw [03]
  12. Archerus eyes [03]
  13. Archerus nose [03]
  14. Archerus mouth [03]
  15. Archerus jaw [03]
  16. Archerus eyes [03]
  17. Archerus nose [03]
  18. Archerus mouth [03]
  19. Archerus jaw [03]
  20. Archerus eyes [03]
  21. Archerus nose [03]
  22. Archerus mouth [03]
  23. Archerus jaw [03]

416) — Template Archerus — Customised with Archcmas eyebrows — with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archerus template [03]
  2. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  3. Eyebrow rotate up by 3
  4. Eyebrow arch straighter by 3
  5. Eyebrows down by 1
  6. Eyebrows in by 2
  7. Forehead out by 1
  8. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 3
  9. Eyebrow head thinner by 1
  10. Eyebrows closer by 1
  11. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  12. Archerus eyes [03]
  13. Archerus nose [03]
  14. Archerus mouth [03]
  15. Archerus jaw [03]
  16. Archerus eyes [03]
  17. Archerus nose [03]
  18. Archerus mouth [03]
  19. Archerus jaw [03]
  20. Archerus eyes [03]
  21. Archerus nose [03]
  22. Archerus mouth [03]
  23. Archerus jaw [03]
  24. Archerus eyes [03]
  25. Archerus nose [03]
  26. Archerus mouth [03]
  27. Archerus jaw [03]

417) — 'Elder Female 05 Light Skin' — Made to resemble Archeelf with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Elder Female template (05|06) Light Skin
  2. Face longer by 1
  3. Underneck down by 1
  4. Underneck down by 3 (bar clicks)
  5. Eyebrow arch straighter by 2
  6. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 4
  7. Forehead in by 1
  8. Eyes further apart by 2
  9. Orbit up by 2
  10. Eye squint narrower by 2
  11. Eye corners height outside corners up / inside corners down by 1
  12. Nose longer by 4
  13. Nose up by 1
  14. Nose tip down by 1
  15. Nostril rotation down by 2
  16. Nose definition narrower by 1
  17. Nostril height up by 1
  18. Mouth wider by 2
  19. Mouth up by 1
  20. Mouth corners back by 2
  21. Philtrum depth out by 3
  22. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  23. Upper lip raise down by 3
  24. Cupid's bow shape down by 1
  25. Chin point narrower by 2
  26. Jaw narrower by 4
  27. Jaw taper narrower by 2

418) — 'McFly' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archeeng template [16]
  2. Archeeas template [12]
  3. Archeeas template [12] minus 40
  4. Ears smaller by 1
  5. Archerus jaw [03]
  6. Cheeks larger by 1
  7. Lower face narrower by 2
  8. Jaw angled by 2
  9. Archheart jaw [01]
  10. Archheart jaw [01] minus 60
  11. Face longer by 1
  12. Cheeks larger by 1
  13. Archeeas nose [12]
  14. Archheart nose [01]
  15. Archheart nose [01] minus 50
  16. Archeste mouth [10]
  17. Archeelf mouth [26]
  18. Archeelf mouth [26] minus 40
  19. Archetge mouth [27]
  20. Archetge mouth [27] minus 53
  21. Cheeks larger by 1
  22. Nose tip turn up by 2
  23. Archeelf eyes [26]
  24. Eyes closer by 2
  25. Archerus eyes [03]
  26. Archerus eyes [03] minus 60
  27. Cheeks larger by 1
  28. Upper face wider by 2
  29. Cheekbones larger by 1
  30. Outer orbit depth out
  31. Eyes wider by 1
  32. Outer eye down by 1
  33. Eyes up by 1
  34. Orbit down by 1
  35. Nose down by 1
  36. Nose tip up by 1
  37. Mouth down by 1
  38. Mouth corners up by 1
  39. Chin up by 1
  40. Jaw angled by 1
  41. Jaw taper narrower by 2
  42. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  43. Archecer eyebrows [13] minus 53
  44. Lower face narrower by 1
  45. Upper face narrower by 2
  46. Cheekbones forward by 2
  47. Cheekbones up by 2
  48. Upper jowl wider by 4
  49. Cheek raise down by 2
  50. Ear rotation back by 1
  51. Eyebrows thicker by 6
  52. Eyebrows down by 1
  53. Eyebrow arch curved by 3
  54. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  55. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  56. Forehead out by 2
  57. Eyebrows out by 4
  58. Eyebrows closer by 5
  59. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 3
  60. Eyebrow head thinner
  61. Outer eye down by 2
  62. Eyes down by 2
  63. Eyes less deep by 3
  64. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  65. Lower eyelid height up by 2
  66. Eye corners closer by 2
  67. Upper eyelid wider
  68. Upper eyelid height down by 2
  69. Eyelid crease lift down by 3
  70. Eyelid crease curve further apart
  71. Eye squint further apart by 2
  72. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1
  73. Nose larger by 1
  74. Nose shorter by 1
  75. Nose turned up by 3
  76. Nose tip up by 1
  77. Bridge curve in by 1
  78. Bridge in by 2
  79. Bridge narrower by 1
  80. Nostril rotation down by 2
  81. Nose root depth out by 3
  82. Nostril height up by 3
  83. Septum width wider by 3
  84. Mouth down by 2
  85. Mouth corners up by 2
  86. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  87. Lower lip thinner by 1
  88. Mouth corners forward by 1
  89. Mouth out by 2
  90. Philtrum depth in by 2
  91. Lower lip centre height down by 1
  92. Cupid's bow height up by 2
  93. Cupid's bow width narrower by 2
  94. Upper lip raise down
  95. Chin out by 1
  96. Chin point wider by 1
  97. Jaw out by 1
  98. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  99. Jaw definition squared by 4
  100. Chin definition up by 3
  101. Chin cleft down by 2
  102. Chin crease depth in by 3

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble the character Marty McFly who was played by the actor Michael J. Fox.

419) — 'Perry' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archeste template [10]
  2. Archeeng template [16]
  3. Archeeng template [16] minus 40
  4. Face shorter by 1
  5. Archcino jaw [09]
  6. Chin in by 2
  7. Chin crease depth in by 3
  8. Archeasi jaw [08]
  9. Archeasi jaw [08] minus 40
  10. Chin crease depth in by 2
  11. Face longer by 1
  12. Chin down by 1
  13. Archeeas mouth [12]
  14. Archeafr eyes [07]
  15. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  16. Archeafr nose [07]
  17. Archeafr eyes [07]
  18. Jaw in by 3
  19. Archheart nose [01]
  20. Archheart nose [01] minus 40
  21. Underneck down by 3
  22. Eyebrows in by 4
  23. Eyelashes longer
  24. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  25. Nostrils wider by 2
  26. Mouth down by 1
  27. Lips thicker by 2
  28. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  29. Lower lip pinch wider by 2
  30. Jaw squared by 3
  31. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  32. Archcmas eyebrows [06] minus 40
  33. Cheeks larger by 1
  34. Lower face wider by 1
  35. Upper face narrower by 2
  36. Cheekbones forward by 8
  37. Cheekbones larger by 1
  38. Cheekbones up by 4
  39. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 1
  40. Upper jowl wider by 3
  41. Cheek raise up by 3
  42. Ears rotate back by 1
  43. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  44. Eyebrows down by 1
  45. Eyebrow arch straighter by 2
  46. Eyebrow rotate up by 3
  47. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 3
  48. Forehead out by 1
  49. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 7
  50. Eyebrow head thinner by 5
  51. Eyebrows closer by 1
  52. Eyes larger by 1
  53. Eyes narrower by 1
  54. Outer eye up by 4
  55. Eyes closer by 2
  56. Eyes down by 2
  57. Orbit up by 1
  58. Eyes less deep by 1
  59. Eye squint wider by 1
  60. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  61. Lower eyelid wider
  62. Lower eyelid height up by 2
  63. Eye bag lift down by 4
  64. Eye corners further apart by 1
  65. Eye squint closer by 2
  66. Eyelash curl clockwise by 1
  67. Upper eyelid wider by 8
  68. Upper eyelid height down by 2
  69. Nose shorter by 1
  70. Nose down by 1
  71. Nose turned up by 1
  72. Nose tip turn up by 1
  73. Bridge curve out by 3
  74. Bridge in by 1
  75. Nostril rotation up by 2
  76. Nasal tip size larger by 1
  77. Nose definition wider by 1
  78. Nostril height up by 1
  79. Lower lip pinch narrower by 1
  80. Lower lip thicker by 1
  81. Mouth corners back by 2
  82. Mouth in by 3
  83. Lower lip centre height up by 2
  84. Cupid's bow height down by 1
  85. Cupid's bow width narrower by 2
  86. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 2
  87. Upper lip raise down by 3
  88. Cupid's bow shape down by 1
  89. Chin point wider by 2
  90. Jaw narrower by 1
  91. Chin definition down by 3
  92. Chin cleft down by 1
  93. Chin crease depth in by 3

This was my attempt at recreating Odine Perry's facial structure for The Sims 2.

420) — 'Jarvis' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Archeste template [10]
  3. Archeste template [10] minus 40
  4. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian template [11]
  5. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian template [11] minus 40
  6. Ears larger by 1
  7. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  8. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  9. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  10. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  11. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  12. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  13. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  14. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  15. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  16. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  17. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  18. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  19. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  20. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  21. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  22. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  23. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  24. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  25. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  26. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  27. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35]
  28. Face longer by 2
  29. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian eyebrows [11]
  30. Face longer by 1
  31. Alfred Askew's Cat-Eyed Will nose [12]
  32. Nose larger by 2
  33. Nose shorter by 1
  34. Nose tip turn up by 3
  35. Bridge in by 3
  36. Nose out by 1
  37. Archetge nose [27]
  38. Archetge nose [27] minus 40
  39. Face shorter by 3
  40. Bridge curve in by 1
  41. Alfred Askew's Tom eyes [02]
  42. Face longer by 3
  43. Eyes larger by 1
  44. Alfred Askew's Jeremy eyebrows [13]
  45. Face longer by 1
  46. Eyebrows down by 3
  47. Eyebrows in by 2
  48. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian eyebrows [11]
  49. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian eyebrows [11] minus 40
  50. Face shorter by 4
  51. Cheekbones up by 6
  52. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  53. Outer eye down by 1
  54. Nostrils narrower by 2
  55. Mouth wider by 2
  56. Jaw wider by 3
  57. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian mouth [11]
  58. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian mouth [11] minus 50
  59. Alleliua's Joan mouth [31] by 4
  60. Archetge mouth [27] by 4
  61. Alleliua's Joan mouth [31] by 2
  62. Archetge mouth [27] by 2
  63. Face longer by 3
  64. Cheeks smaller by 2
  65. Lower face wider by 1
  66. Upper face wider by 1
  67. Outer orbit depth in by 3
  68. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 1
  69. Upper jowl wider by 1
  70. Cheek raise up by 3
  71. Ears sticking out by 1
  72. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  73. Eyebrows down by 1
  74. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  75. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  76. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  77. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 2
  78. Eyebrow head thinner by 3
  79. Eyebrows closer by 1
  80. Eyes up by 1
  81. Orbit down by 1
  82. Eyes less deep by 1
  83. Eyelashes longer by 1
  84. Lower eyelid wider by 4
  85. Lower eyelid height up by 1
  86. Eye corners outside corners up / inside corners down by 1
  87. Eye corners further apart by 1
  88. Upper eyelid wider
  89. Eyelid crease lift up by 6
  90. Upper eyelid lift up by 2
  91. Eye squint further apart by 4
  92. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1
  93. Nose shorter by 2
  94. Nose down by 2
  95. Nose tip up by 3
  96. Bridge curve out by 1
  97. Bridge in by 1
  98. Nostril rotation up by 3
  99. Nose definition narrower by 1
  100. Nose root depth out by 4
  101. Nostril height down by 2
  102. Septum width wider by 2
  103. Mouth wider by 2
  104. Mouth down by 4
  105. Mouth corners up by 1
  106. Lips thicker by 1
  107. Upper lip pinch narrower by 2
  108. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  109. Mouth corners forward by 1
  110. Philtrum depth in by 1
  111. Lower lip centre height up by 2
  112. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  113. Cupid's bow wider by 2
  114. Upper lip raise down by 4
  115. Cupid's bow shape down by 4
  116. Chin down by 2
  117. Jaw out by 3
  118. Jaw taper wider by 1
  119. Jaw definition oval by 2
  120. Chin definition up by 3
  121. Chin cleft up by 1
  122. Chin crease depth out by 3

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble the actor Robbie Jarvis who is best known for being the actor of the teenage version of James Potter

421) — 'Voldemort' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Archeeng template [16]
  3. Archeeng template [16] minus 40
  4. Archeste template [10]
  5. Archeste template [10] minus 30
  6. Archcsla template [25]
  7. Archcsla template [25] minus 60
  8. Archeelf eyes [26]
  9. Face shorter by 5
  10. Eyes closer by 3
  11. Archalien nose [28]
  12. Face longer by 5
  13. Nose up by 5
  14. Archeelf eyes [26]
  15. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 10
  16. Eyes closer by 3
  17. Nose wider by 3
  18. Nostrils wider by 3
  19. Nose tip down
  20. Bridge wider by 3
  21. Archeelf nose [26]
  22. Archeelf nose [26] minus 50
  23. Face longer by 2
  24. Nose up by 5
  25. Nose tip down
  26. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  27. Face shorter by 2
  28. Upper face narrower by 3
  29. Nose up by 5
  30. Nose tip down
  31. Archeelf eyes [26]
  32. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 10
  33. Face shorter by 3
  34. Eyes closer by 2
  35. Eyes less deep by 2
  36. Nose down by 2
  37. Nose tip up by 3
  38. Archemed jaw [04]
  39. Lower face wider by 4
  40. Archceth jaw [15]
  41. Archceth jaw [15] minus 40
  42. Lower face wider by 2
  43. Archcmed jaw [22]
  44. Archcmed jaw [22] minus 53
  45. Face longer by 2
  46. Cheeks larger by 2
  47. Upper face wider by 2
  48. Underneck up by 2
  49. Cheekbones forward by 4
  50. Cheekbones larger by 3
  51. Eyebrows down by 1
  52. Eyebrows up by 1 (bar click)
  53. Eyebrows rotate up by 2
  54. Outer eye down by 2
  55. Eyes closer by 1
  56. Eyes up by 1
  57. Orbit down by 1
  58. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  59. Bridge in by 1
  60. Chin up by 2
  61. Jaw squared by 1
  62. Archerus mouth [03]
  63. Archeasi mouth [08]
  64. Archeasi mouth [08] minus 40
  65. Upper face narrower by 2
  66. Eyes closer by 1
  67. Orbit down by 1
  68. Nose down by 1
  69. Mouth down by 2
  70. Mouth corners up by 1
  71. Archetge mouth [27]
  72. Archetge mouth [27] minus 53
  73. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  74. Nose tip down by 1
  75. Archerus mouth [03]
  76. Archerus mouth [03] minus 60
  77. Cheekbones up by 1
  78. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  79. Eyes larger by 1
  80. Eyes smaller by 1 (bar click)
  81. Nose tip down by 2
  82. Bridge in by 1
  83. Mouth down by 5
  84. Lips thicker by 2
  85. Chin down by 1
  86. Chin in by 2
  87. Chin point wider by 2
  88. Jaw out by 3
  89. Archcmed nose [22]
  90. Archcmed nose [22] minus 70
  91. Upper face narrower by 2
  92. Outer orbit depth out
  93. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 2
  94. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 1
  95. Upper jowl wider by 6
  96. Cheek raise up by 3
  97. Ears sticking out by 1
  98. Ears rotate back by 3
  99. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  100. Eyebrows out by 2
  101. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  102. Eyebrow centre shift closer
  103. Eyebrow head thicker by 3
  104. Eyebrows closer by 5
  105. Eyelashes shorter by 2
  106. Lower eyelid width narrower by 4
  107. Eye corners further apart by 1
  108. Upper eyelid wider
  109. Upper eyelid height down by 4
  110. Upper eyelid lift down by 1
  111. Eye squint closer by 5
  112. Eyelash curl clockwise by 1
  113. Nose wider by 2
  114. Nostrils narrower by 2
  115. Nose shorter by 1
  116. Nostril rotation down by 5
  117. Nasal tip size smaller by 5
  118. Nose definition narrower by 3
  119. Nose root depth out by 8
  120. Nostril height up
  121. Septum width wider
  122. Mouth corners up by 1
  123. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  124. Philtrum depth out by 1
  125. Lower lip centre height up by 1
  126. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  127. Cupid's bow width wider by 2
  128. Cupid's bow shape down by 2
  129. Jaw out by 1
  130. Jaw definition squared by 1
  131. Chin definition down by 2
  132. Chin cleft down by 1
  133. Chin crease depth in by 4

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble the character Lord Voldemort who was played by the actor Ralph Fiennes. Recommended teenage, young adult, adult, and elder males

422) — 'Shimmy' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archeafr template [07]
  2. Archeeas template [12]
  3. Archeeas template [12] minus 23
  4. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  5. Eyebrows thicker by 4
  6. Archecer nose [13]
  7. Archerus eyes [03]
  8. Archccel eyes [19]
  9. Archccel eyes [19] minus 40
  10. Face longer by 2
  11. Archerus jaw [03]
  12. Face shorter by 2
  13. Lower face narrower by 3
  14. Jaw angled by 3
  15. Archetge jaw [27]
  16. Archetge jaw [27] minus 25
  17. Face longer by 1
  18. Cheeks smaller by 3
  19. Lower face wider by 3
  20. Upper face narrower by 3
  21. Underneck down by 2
  22. Cheekbones forward by 4
  23. Cheekbones smaller by 3
  24. Cheekbones down by 4
  25. Ears smaller by 2
  26. Outer orbit depth out
  27. Ear shape horizontally narrower / vertically wider by 1
  28. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 1
  29. Upper jowl wider by 6
  30. Ears sticking out by 1
  31. Ears rotate back by 6
  32. Eyebrows thicker by 4
  33. Eyebrows up by 2
  34. Eyebrows rotate up by 1
  35. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 2
  36. Eyebrows out by 4
  37. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 4
  38. Eyebrow head thinner
  39. Eyes larger by 2
  40. Eyes narrower by 1
  41. Outer eye down by 3
  42. Eyes closer by 1
  43. Eyes down by 2
  44. Orbit up by 2
  45. Eyes less deep by 1
  46. Eye squint narrower by 2
  47. Eyelashes longer by 2
  48. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  49. Lower eyelid wider
  50. Lower eyelid height down by 3
  51. Eye bag lift down by 3
  52. Eye corners height outer corners up / inner corners down by 1
  53. Eye corners closer by 1
  54. Upper eyelid wider
  55. Upper eyelid height down
  56. Upper eyelid shift further apart
  57. Lower eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up by 7
  58. Upper eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up by 3
  59. Eye squint closer by 3
  60. Eyelash curl clockwise by 5
  61. Nose smaller by 1
  62. Nose wider by 1
  63. Nostrils wider by 1
  64. Nose shorter by 2
  65. Nose turned up by 4
  66. Nose tip down by 1
  67. Nose tip turn down by 6
  68. Bridge curve out by 3
  69. Bridge in by 1
  70. Bridge narrower by 1
  71. Nose out by 4
  72. Nostril rotation down by 8
  73. Nasal tip larger by 4
  74. Nose definition narrower by 2
  75. Nose root depth in by 2
  76. Nostril height up by 3
  77. Septum width narrower by 7
  78. Mouth corners up by 2
  79. Lips thicker by 1
  80. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  81. Lower lip pinch narrower by 4
  82. Upper lip thicker by 1
  83. Mouth corners forward by 1
  84. Mouth in by 6
  85. Philtrum depth in by 2
  86. Lower lip centre height up by 4
  87. Cupid's bow height down by 1
  88. Cupid's bow width narrower by 5
  89. Lips depth upper lip in / lower lip out by 2
  90. Upper lip raise down
  91. Cupid's bow shape down by 6
  92. Chin up by 2
  93. Chin in by 3
  94. Chin point wider by 2
  95. Jaw out by 3
  96. Jaw angled by 2
  97. Jaw wider by 2
  98. Jaw taper narrower by 3
  99. Jaw definition oval by 2
  100. Chin definition up by 5
  101. Chin cleft down by 4
  102. Chin crease depth out by 6

This was my attempt at recreating Heimrich Shimmy's facial structure for The Sims 2.

423) — Template Archcaus — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archcaus template [18]
  2. Upper face narrower by 1
  3. Eyebrows thinner by 2
  4. Eyebrows up by 6
  5. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  6. Eyebrows rotate down by 6
  7. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 3
  8. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 2
  9. Eyebrows further apart by 3
  10. Eyebrow head thicker by 2
  11. Eyes closer by 1
  12. Eyes up by 1
  13. Eye squint wider by 5
  14. Eye squint further apart
  15. Nose tip down
  16. Nose in by 2
  17. Mouth narrower
  18. Lips thinner
  19. Mouth in

  20. Nostrils narrower
  21. Nose turned up by 3
  22. Nose tip down by 5
  23. Nostril rotation up
  24. Bridge wider by 3
  25. Nose in by 1
  26. Mouth up by 5
  27. Upper lip thinner
  28. Mouth in
  29. Cupid's bow height down by 3
  30. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 5

  31. Nose narrower by 1
  32. Nostrils narrower
  33. Nose longer
  34. Nose tip turn up by 2
  35. Bridge wider by 1
  36. Nostril height down by 5
  37. Nose root depth out
  38. Mouth narrower
  39. Upper lip pinch narrower by 6
  40. Lower lip centre height up by 2
  41. Cupid's bow height down by 6

  42. Face gaunter by 5
  43. Cheeks smaller by 8
  44. Lower face wider by 2
  45. Underneck down by 3
  46. Cheekbones smaller by 4
  47. Outer orbit depth in
  48. Upper jowl wider
  49. Cheek raise down
  50. Eyelashes longer by 1
  51. Lower eyelid height up by 6
  52. Eye bag lift down by 2
  53. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1
  54. Nostrils narrower by 3
  55. Nose up by 1
  56. Nasal tip size smaller by 4
  57. Nose root depth out by 2
  58. Septum width narrower
  59. Mouth corners down by 1
  60. Lower lip pinch wider by 2
  61. Upper lip thinner by 2
  62. Mouth corners forward by 4
  63. Mouth out by 4
  64. Upper lip raise down by 2
  65. Cupid's bow shape down by 4
  66. Jaw squared by 3
  67. Chin in by 4
  68. Chin point narrower by 4
  69. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  70. Jaw definition squared by 1
  71. Chin crease depth in by 4

This was my most successful attempt so far at deuglifying the Archcaus template with Body Shop. Recommended for young adult, adult, and elder males.

424) — Customised 'Sharon Foss' face template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. 'Sharon Foss' — Customised template
  2. Face longer by 6
  3. Cheeks larger by 2
  4. Lower face narrower by 2
  5. Upper face wider by 2
  6. Underneck down by 2
  7. Cheekbones forward by 4
  8. Cheekbones smaller by 3
  9. Cheekbones up by 4
  10. Ears larger by 1
  11. Outer orbit depth in
  12. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 2
  13. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 1
  14. Upper jowl wider by 3
  15. Cheek raise up by 2
  16. Ears sticking out by 1
  17. Ear rotation forward by 1
  18. Eyebrows up by 4
  19. Eyebrow arch straighter by 1
  20. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  21. Forehead in by 2
  22. Eyebrows out
  23. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 1
  24. Eyebrow head thinner by 1
  25. Eyes wider by 4
  26. Outer eye down by 1
  27. Eyes further apart by 2
  28. Orbit up by 1
  29. Eyes deeper by 2
  30. Eye squint narrower by 2
  31. Lower eyelid width narrower
  32. Lower eyelid height down by 5
  33. Eye bag lift down by 2
  34. Eye corners outside corners up / inside corners down by 2
  35. Eye corners further apart by 1
  36. Upper eyelid width narrower by 2
  37. Eye squint further apart by 3
  38. Eyelashes curl clockwise by 1
  39. Nose narrower by 1
  40. Nostrils wider by 2
  41. Nose longer by 2
  42. Nose up by 1
  43. Nose turned down by 4
  44. Nose tip down by 5
  45. Bridge curve in by 1
  46. Bridge out by 1
  47. Bridge wider by 1
  48. Nose in by 1
  49. Nostril rotation up by 4
  50. Nasal tip size smaller by 1
  51. Nose root depth in by 2
  52. Nostril height down by 6
  53. Septum width wider by 1
  54. Mouth up by 3
  55. Mouth corners up by 1
  56. Lips thicker by 2
  57. Upper lip pinch narrower by 4
  58. Lower lip pinch narrower by 3
  59. Philtrum depth in by 1
  60. Lower lip centre height down by 1
  61. Cupid's bow height down by 2
  62. Cupid's bow width narrower by 1
  63. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 3
  64. Upper lip raise up by 1
  65. Cupid's bow shape down by 4
  66. Chin down by 2
  67. Chin in by 3
  68. Chin point narrower by 2
  69. Jaw squared by 2
  70. Jaw taper narrower by 2
  71. Jaw definition oval by 4
  72. Chin definition down by 4
  73. Chin cleft down by 1
  74. Chin crease depth in by 4

This was my attempt at customising Sharon Foss' face template to make it resemble Bianca Monty's

425) — 'Smythe' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archheart template [01]
  2. Archeeas template [12]
  3. Archeeas template [12] minus 40
  4. Archerus template [03]
  5. Archerus template [03] minus 70
  6. Archeste template [10] by 4
  7. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  8. Archeste template [10] by 1
  9. Archbase eyes [02]
  10. Archbase nose [02]
  11. Archbase mouth [02]
  12. Archbase jaw [02]
  13. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  14. Archbase eyes [02]
  15. Archbase nose [02]
  16. Archbase mouth [02]
  17. Archbase jaw [02]
  18. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  19. Archbase eyes [02]
  20. Archbase nose [02]
  21. Archbase mouth [02]
  22. Archbase jaw [02]
  23. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  24. Archbase eyes [02]
  25. Archbase nose [02]
  26. Archbase mouth [02]
  27. Archbase jaw [02]
  28. Archeeas mouth [12]
  29. Face longer by 2
  30. Archcmay mouth [11]
  31. Archcmay mouth [11] minus 40
  32. Face shorter by 1
  33. Archerus jaw [03]
  34. Archcmas jaw [06]
  35. Archcmas jaw [06] minus 40
  36. Face shorter by 1
  37. Archerus mouth [03]
  38. Archerus mouth [03] minus 53
  39. Chin up by 1
  40. Archerus eyes [03]
  41. Upper face narrower by 2
  42. Cheekbones up by 3
  43. Eyes larger by 1
  44. Eyes further apart by 1
  45. Eyelashes longer by 4
  46. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  47. Mouth corners up by 1
  48. Chin in by 2
  49. Jaw squared by 1
  50. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  51. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  52. Archcmas eyebrows [06] minus 40
  53. Face longer by 1
  54. Eyebrow arch curved by 4
  55. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 4
  56. Archceth nose [15]
  57. Face shorter by 1
  58. Archccel nose [19]
  59. Archccel nose [19] minus 40
  60. Forehead out by 3
  61. Nose longer by 1
  62. Bridge narrower by 1
  63. Archcmas eyes [06]
  64. Archcmas eyes [06] minus 50
  65. Bridge curve out by 1
  66. Bridge in by 3
  67. Archecer nose [13]
  68. Archecer nose [13] minus 53
  69. Eyes closer by 1
  70. Eyelashes longer by 4
  71. Bridge in by 1
  72. Archcara nose [17]
  73. Archcara nose [17] minus 60
  74. Eyes closer by 1
  75. Mouth up by 1
  76. Mouth in by 2
  77. Archcind eyebrows [20]
  78. Archcind eyebrows [20] minus 70
  79. Face gaunter by 1
  80. Cheeks smaller by 1
  81. Lower face narrower by 1
  82. Upper face narrower by 2
  83. Cheekbones forward by 2
  84. Cheekbones up by 2
  85. Outer orbit depth out
  86. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 1
  87. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 6
  88. Upper jowl wider by 2
  89. Cheek raise down by 2
  90. Ears sticking in by 3
  91. Ear rotation back by 2
  92. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  93. Eyebrows up by 1
  94. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  95. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 2
  96. Eyebrow head thinner by 3
  97. Eyebrows closer by 4
  98. Eyes wider by 1
  99. Outer eye up by 1
  100. Orbit down by 1
  101. Eyelashes longer by 2
  102. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  103. Lower eyelid wider
  104. Lower eyelid height down by 1
  105. Eye bag lift down by 2
  106. Eye bag curve further apart by 3
  107. Lower eyelid shift further apart
  108. Eye corners outside corners up / inside corners down by 2
  109. Upper eyelid wider
  110. Upper eyelid height down by 4
  111. Upper eyelid shift further apart by 2
  112. Upper eyelid lift up by 2
  113. Eye squint closer by 1
  114. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1
  115. Nose down by 3
  116. Nose turned up by 1
  117. Nose tip up by 3
  118. Nose tip turn up by 1
  119. Bridge in by 1
  120. Nostril rotation up by 2
  121. Nasal tip size larger by 2
  122. Nose definition narrower by 1
  123. Nose root depth in by 1
  124. Nostril height up by 2
  125. Septum width wider by 6
  126. Mouth corners up by 1
  127. Lips thicker by 1
  128. Upper lip pinch narrower by 1
  129. Lower lip pinch narrower by 5
  130. Upper lip thicker by 1
  131. Lower lip thinner by 2
  132. Philtrum depth in by 2
  133. Lower lip centre height down by 1
  134. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  135. Cupid's bow width narrower by 2
  136. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  137. Upper lip raise up by 1
  138. Cupid's bow shape down by 2
  139. Chin point narrower by 1
  140. Jaw wider by 1
  141. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  142. Jaw definition squared by 2
  143. Chin definition up by 3
  144. Chin cleft up by 1
  145. Chin crease depth in by 3

  146. Lower eyelid wider

This was my attempt at recreating Samantha Smythe's facial structure for The Sims 2

426) — Customised 'Rod Humble' face template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. 'Rod Humble' — Customised template
  2. Face gaunter by 1
  3. Upper face narrower by 1
  4. Underneck up
  5. Cheekbones forward by 5
  6. Cheekbones larger by 4
  7. Ears smaller by 4
  8. Eyebrows thinner by 1
  9. Eyebrows up by 1
  10. Eyebrow arch straighter by 7
  11. Eyebrow rotate down by 3
  12. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 3
  13. Eyes wider by 4
  14. Outer eye up by 1
  15. Eyes further apart by 4
  16. Eye squint narrower by 2
  17. Nostrils wider by 2
  18. Nose shorter by 8
  19. Nose down by 2
  20. Nose turned down by 7
  21. Nose tip turn down by 8
  22. Bridge out by 4
  23. Bridge narrower by 1
  24. Nose in by 2
  25. Mouth wider
  26. Mouth corners down by 1
  27. Mouth out by 2
  28. Chin out by 4
  29. Jaw out by 2
  30. Jaw angled by 3

  31. Nostrils wider by 1
  32. Nose turned down by 2
  33. Nose tip turn up by 2
  34. Bridge out by 1
  35. Bridge narrower by 1
  36. Nose root depth out by 2
  37. Nostril rotation down
  38. Nostril height down by 8
  39. Mouth wider by 6
  40. Mouth up by 1
  41. Upper lip pinch narrower by 2
  42. Mouth corners back by 1
  43. Cupid's bow height down by 3
  44. Cupid's bow shape up by 4

This was my attempt at customising Rod Humble's face template to make it resemble the 11 Archcmay template which the majority of his face is based on

427) — Devil — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archecer template [13]
  2. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter
  3. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in
  4. Ears sticking out
  5. Ear rotation back
  6. Elf ears up
  7. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  8. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in
  9. Ears sticking out
  10. Ear rotation back
  11. Elf ears up
  12. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  13. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 4
  14. Ears sticking out
  15. Ear rotation back
  16. Curvature ears down by 5
  17. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  18. Ear rotation back by 2
  19. Archcban eyebrows [05]
  20. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  21. Archcmas eyebrows [06] minus 40
  22. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  23. Archcino eyebrows [09] minus 53
  24. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  25. Archeeas eyebrows [12] minus 60
  26. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  27. Archcteu eyebrows [14] minus 64
  28. Archcara eyebrows [17]
  29. Archcara eyebrows [17] minus 67
  30. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  31. Archcmed eyebrows [22] minus 69
  32. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  33. Archeelf eyebrows [26] minus 70
  34. Archalien eyebrows [28]
  35. Archalien eyebrows [28] minus 71
  36. Face longer by 3
  37. Ear rotation back
  38. Eyebrow rotate down by 2
  39. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  40. Orbit up by 4
  41. Archerus eyes [03]
  42. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in
  43. Ears sticking in
  44. Ear rotation forward
  45. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  46. Eyes further apart by 4
  47. Archcban eyes [05]
  48. Archcban eyes [05] minus 40
  49. Archcmas eyes [06]
  50. Archcmas eyes [06] minus 53
  51. Archeafr eyes [07]
  52. Archeafr eyes [07] minus 60
  53. Archceth eyes [15]
  54. Archceth eyes [15] minus 64
  55. Archcara eyes [17]
  56. Archcara eyes [17] minus 67
  57. Archeelf eyes [26]
  58. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 69
  59. Archalien eyes [28]
  60. Archalien eyes [28] minus 70
  61. Face gaunter
  62. Face shorter by 4
  63. Upper face wider by 2
  64. Outer orbit depth in
  65. Eyebrows thicker by 4
  66. Eyebrow rotate up by 2
  67. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  68. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 3
  69. Eyebrow head thinner by 7
  70. Eyebrows further apart by 2
  71. Eyes narrower by 2
  72. Outer eye up by 3
  73. Eyes down by 1
  74. Orbit up by 6
  75. Lower eyelid wider
  76. Lower eyelid height down
  77. Eye bag lift down by 4
  78. Eye corners closer by 3
  79. Upper eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up by 3
  80. Upper eyelid width narrower
  81. Upper eyelid height down
  82. Eyelid crease lift down
  83. Eye squint closer by 6
  84. Archcteu jaw [14]
  85. Archcara jaw [17]
  86. Archcara jaw [17] minus 40
  87. Archerus mouth [03]
  88. Upper face wider by 3
  89. Face longer by 3
  90. Archcmay mouth [11]
  91. Archcmay mouth [11] minus 40
  92. Archcpla mouth [23]
  93. Archcpla mouth [23] minus 53
  94. Face shorter by 1
  95. Archcsla mouth [25]
  96. Archcsla mouth [25] minus 60
  97. Archccel mouth [19]
  98. Archccel mouth [19] minus 64
  99. Archceth mouth [15]
  100. Archceth mouth [15] minus 67
  101. Archcind mouth [20]
  102. Archcind mouth [20] minus 69
  103. Archcmed mouth [22]
  104. Archcmed mouth [22] minus 70
  105. Archalien mouth [28]
  106. Archalien mouth [28] minus 71
  107. Face shorter by 2
  108. Cheekbones down
  109. Archcmay nose [11]
  110. Archcara nose [17]
  111. Archcara nose [17] minus 40
  112. Face shorter by 1
  113. Archccel nose [19]
  114. Archccel nose [19] minus 53
  115. Face longer by 2
  116. Archcind nose [20]
  117. Archcind nose [20] minus 60
  118. Face shorter by 3
  119. Archcmed nose [22]
  120. Archcmed nose [22] minus 64
  121. Face longer by 4
  122. Archcpla nose [23]
  123. Archcpla nose [23] minus 67
  124. Face gaunter by 4
  125. Face longer
  126. Cheeks smaller by 4
  127. Lower face narrower
  128. Upper face wider by 3
  129. Cheekbones forward
  130. Cheekbones smaller
  131. Cheekbones up by 2
  132. Ears smaller
  133. Outer orbit depth in
  134. Upper jowl wider
  135. Ear rotation back
  136. Cheek raise up by 1
  137. Eyebrows down by 1
  138. Forehead out by 2
  139. Eyebrows out by 2
  140. Eyebrows further apart by 1
  141. Outer eye up by 1
  142. Eyes further apart by 4
  143. Eyes down by 2
  144. Orbit down by 1
  145. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  146. Upper eyelid wider
  147. Eyelashes curl counter clockwise by 3
  148. Nose narrower by 1
  149. Nostrils wider by 5
  150. Nose shorter by 2
  151. Nose up by 3
  152. Nose turned up by 8
  153. Nose tip down
  154. Nose tip turn up by 2
  155. Bridge curve out by 2
  156. Bridge in by 1
  157. Bridge narrower by 3
  158. Nose out by 2
  159. Nostril rotation down
  160. Nasal tip size smaller by 5
  161. Nose definition wider by 5
  162. Nose root depth out
  163. Nostril height up
  164. Septum width wider
  165. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  166. Lower lip thinner by 2
  167. Mouth down
  168. Mouth out
  169. Philtrum depth out by 4
  170. Lower lip centre height down by 2
  171. Cupid's bow height up by 3
  172. Cupid's bow width narrower by 4
  173. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  174. Upper lip raise down
  175. Cupid's bow shape down
  176. Chin point narrower by 3
  177. Jaw angled
  178. Jaw wider by 4
  179. Jaw taper narrower by 2
  180. Jaw definition squared
  181. Chin definition down
  182. Chin cleft down
  183. Chin crease depth out

  184. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  185. Outer orbit depth in
  186. Upper jowl wider by 6
  187. Eyelashes longer by 3
  188. Nose out by 2
  189. Nostril rotation down by 1
  190. Nasal tip size smaller by 3
  191. Nostril height up by 2
  192. Mouth down by 2
  193. Mouth corners up by 1
  194. Lower lip pinch wider by 1
  195. Jaw out by 1
  196. Jaw definition squared by 4
  197. Chin definition down by 4
  198. Chin crease depth out by 5

Recommended for children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

428) — 'Showtime' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. Archemed template [04]
  2. Archeste template [10]
  3. Archeste template [10] minus 40
  4. Archeeas template [12]
  5. Archeeas template [12] minus 53
  6. Archeeng template [16]
  7. Archeeng template [16] minus 60
  8. Archcsla template [25]
  9. Archcsla template [25] minus 64
  10. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  11. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  12. Archemed eyebrows [04] minus 40
  13. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  14. Archcmas eyebrows [06] minus 53
  15. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  16. Archcino eyebrows [09] minus 60
  17. Archecer eyebrows [13]
  18. Archecer eyebrows [13] minus 64
  19. Archcind eyebrows [20]
  20. Archcind eyebrows [20] minus 67
  21. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  22. Archcpla eyebrows [23] minus 69
  23. Archetge eyebrows [27]
  24. Archetge eyebrows [27] minus 70
  25. Face shorter by 2
  26. Ears larger by 1
  27. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 1
  28. Ear rotation back by 1
  29. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  30. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  31. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  32. Forehead out by 1
  33. Eyebrows out by 2
  34. Eyebrow head thinner by 1
  35. Eyebrows closer by 1
  36. Orbit up by 1
  37. Archheart nose [01]
  38. Face longer by 2
  39. Nostrils wider by 1
  40. Nostril height down by 2
  41. Archemed nose [04]
  42. Archemed nose [04] minus 40
  43. Archeelf nose [26]
  44. Archeelf nose [26] minus 53
  45. Archetge nose [27]
  46. Archetge nose [27] minus 60
  47. Nose wider by 1
  48. Nostrils narrower by 1
  49. Nose turned up by 1
  50. Nose in by 1
  51. Archbase eyes [02]
  52. Archerus eyes [03]
  53. Archerus eyes [03] minus 40
  54. Archcmas eyes [06]
  55. Archcmas eyes [06] minus 53
  56. Archeafr eyes [07]
  57. Archeafr eyes [07] minus 60
  58. Archceth eyes [15]
  59. Archceth eyes [15] minus 64
  60. Archcara eyes [17]
  61. Archcara eyes [17] minus 67
  62. Face shorter by 2
  63. Upper face wider by 1
  64. Outer orbit depth out
  65. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  66. Outer eye up by 1
  67. Eyes closer by 1
  68. Eyelashes longer by 6
  69. Eye corners outside corners down / inside corners up by 2
  70. Eye corners further apart by 1
  71. Upper eyelid wider by 5
  72. Upper eyelid height down by 3
  73. Eye squint closer
  74. Eyelashes curl counter clockwise by 3
  75. Nose shorter by 1
  76. Bridge narrower by 1
  77. Nostril rotation up by 2
  78. Nose definition wider by 1
  79. Archheart mouth [01]
  80. Face longer by 2
  81. Archerus mouth [03]
  82. Archerus mouth [03] minus 40
  83. Archbase jaw [02]
  84. Archcmas jaw [06]
  85. Archcmas jaw [06] minus 40
  86. Face shorter by 1
  87. Archeafr jaw [07]
  88. Archeafr jaw [07] minus 53
  89. Archetge jaw [27]
  90. Archetge jaw [27] minus 60
  91. Face gaunter by 1
  92. Face longer by 1
  93. Cheeks larger by 2
  94. Lower face wider by 1
  95. Upper face narrower by 1
  96. Underneck down by 2
  97. Cheekbones forward by 2
  98. Cheekbones larger by 4
  99. Cheekbones up by 6
  100. Cheek raise up by 2
  101. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  102. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 4
  103. Eyebrow head thinner by 2
  104. Eyes narrower by 1
  105. Outer eye down by 2
  106. Orbit down by 1
  107. Eye squint wider by 1
  108. Lower eyelid wider
  109. Lower eyelid height up by 2
  110. Eye bag lift down by 4
  111. Eyelid crease lift down by 3
  112. Upper eyelid lift up by 1
  113. Eye squint further apart by 4
  114. Nostrils wider by 1
  115. Nose tip up by 1
  116. Nose tip turn down by 2
  117. Bridge curve out by 2
  118. Bridge out by 2
  119. Bridge wider by 1
  120. Nasal tip size larger by 1
  121. Nose root depth in by 2
  122. Septum width wider by 2
  123. Mouth wider by 1
  124. Mouth up by 1
  125. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  126. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  127. Upper lip thinner by 1
  128. Lower lip thicker by 1
  129. Mouth corners back by 1
  130. Philtrum depth in by 1
  131. Lower lip centre height up by 1
  132. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  133. Cupid's bow wider by 3
  134. Chin down by 1
  135. Chin in by 1
  136. Chin point wider by 2
  137. Jaw squared by 1
  138. Jaw taper narrower by 2
  139. Jaw definition oval by 4
  140. Chin definition up by 6
  141. Chin cleft up by 3
  142. Chin crease depth in by 4
  143. Archerus template [03]
  144. Archerus template [03] minus 74

This was my attempt at recreating the facial structure of a female Sim found in one of the pictures used for the loading screen of The Sims 3: Showtime; with black hair, a pale aqua top, a necklace, and dark grey jeans

429) — 'Broke/Cullen' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archhcteu template [14]
  2. Archheart template [01]
  3. Archheart template [01] minus 27
  4. Archetge template [27]
  5. Archetge template [27] minus 40
  6. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  7. Archcteu eyes [14]
  8. Archcteu nose [14]
  9. Archcteu mouth [14]
  10. Archcteu jaw [14]
  11. Archheart eyebrows [01]
  12. Archheart eyebrows [01] minus 27
  13. Archheart eyes [01]
  14. Archheart eyes [01] minus 27
  15. Archheart nose [01]
  16. Archheart nose [01] minus 27
  17. Archheart mouth [01]
  18. Archheart mouth [01] minus 27
  19. Archheart jaw [01]
  20. Archheart jaw [01] minus 27
  21. Archheart nose [01]
  22. Archerus eyes [03]
  23. Archerus eyes [03] minus 45
  24. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  25. Archbase eyebrows [02] minus 40
  26. Archetge eyes [27]
  27. Archetge eyes [27] minus 40
  28. Archheart nose [01]
  29. Archheart nose [01] minus 40
  30. Archemed mouth [04]
  31. Archemed mouth [04] minus 40
  32. Archetge jaw [27]
  33. Archetge jaw [27] minus 40
  34. Outer orbit depth in
  35. Upper jowl wider by 1
  36. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  37. Eyebrows thinner by 2
  38. Eyebrows in by 1
  39. Eyebrow head thicker by 2
  40. Eyes narrower by 1
  41. Outer eye down by 1
  42. Eyes closer by 1
  43. Eye squint wider by 2
  44. Eyelashes longer by 1
  45. Lower eyelid wider by 5
  46. Eye corners closer by 4
  47. Eye squint closer by 3
  48. Eyelash curl clockwise by 2
  49. Nostril rotation down by 1
  50. Mouth corners forward by 1
  51. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  52. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  53. Chin in by 1
  54. Chin point wider by 1
  55. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  56. Jaw definition oval by 1
  57. Chin definition up by 1
  58. Chin cleft down by 2
  59. Chin crease depth in by 1

This was my attempt at creating a face template that was a hybrid between the face templates of Beau Broke and Jonathan Cullen

430) — 'Provost' — Customised template with Body Shop — Teenage Males†

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Archeste template [10]
  3. Archeste template [10] minus 40
  4. Ears larger by 1
  5. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian template [11]
  6. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian template [11] minus 40
  7. Ears larger by 1
  8. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  9. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  10. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  11. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  12. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  13. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  14. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  15. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  16. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  17. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  18. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  19. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  20. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  21. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  22. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  23. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyebrows [21]
  24. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh eyes [21]
  25. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh nose [21]
  26. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh mouth [21]
  27. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh jaw [21]
  28. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35]
  29. Face longer by 2
  30. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian eyebrows [11]
  31. Face longer by 1
  32. Alfred Askew's Cat-Eyed Will nose [12]
  33. Nose larger by 2
  34. Nose shorter by 1
  35. Nose tip turn up by 3
  36. Bridge in by 3
  37. Nose out by 1
  38. Archetge nose [27]
  39. Archetge nose [27] minus 40
  40. Face shorter by 3
  41. Bridge curve in by 1
  42. Alfred Askew's Tom eyes [02]
  43. Face longer by 3
  44. Eyes larger by 1
  45. Alfred Askew's Jeremy eyebrows [13]
  46. Face longer by 1
  47. Eyebrows down by 3
  48. Eyebrows in by 2
  49. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian eyebrows [11]
  50. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian eyebrows [11] minus 40
  51. Face shorter by 4
  52. Cheekbones up by 6
  53. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  54. Outer eye down by 1
  55. Nostrils narrower by 2
  56. Mouth wider by 2
  57. Jaw wider by 3
  58. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian mouth [11]
  59. Alfred Askew's Ageless Dorian mouth [11] minus 50
  60. Alleliua's Joan mouth [31] by 4
  61. Archetge mouth [27] by 4
  62. Alleliua's Joan mouth [31] by 2
  63. Archetge mouth [27] by 2
  64. Face longer by 4
  65. Cheeks smaller by 2
  66. Lower face wider by 1
  67. Upper face wider by 1
  68. Outer orbit depth in by 3
  69. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 1
  70. Upper jowl wider by 1
  71. Cheek raise up by 3
  72. Ears sticking out by 1
  73. Eyebrows thicker by 4
  74. Eyebrows down by 1
  75. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  76. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  77. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  78. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 2
  79. Eyebrow head thinner by 3
  80. Eyebrows closer by 1
  81. Eyes up by 2
  82. Orbit down by 1
  83. Eyes narrower by 1
  84. Eyes less deep by 1
  85. Eye squint wider by 1
  86. Eyelashes longer by 1
  87. Lower eyelid wider by 4
  88. Lower eyelid height up by 1
  89. Eye corners outside corners up / inside corners down by 1
  90. Eye corners further apart by 1
  91. Upper eyelid wider
  92. Upper eyelid height up by 1
  93. Eyelid crease lift up by 6
  94. Upper eyelid lift up by 2
  95. Eye squint further apart by 4
  96. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1
  97. Nose shorter by 2
  98. Nose down by 2
  99. Nose tip up by 3
  100. Bridge curve out by 1
  101. Bridge in by 1
  102. Nostril rotation up by 3
  103. Nose definition narrower by 1
  104. Nose root depth out by 4
  105. Nostril height down by 2
  106. Septum width wider by 2
  107. Mouth wider by 2
  108. Mouth down by 4
  109. Mouth corners up by 1
  110. Lips thicker by 1
  111. Upper lip pinch narrower by 4
  112. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  113. Mouth corners forward by 1
  114. Philtrum depth in by 1
  115. Lower lip centre height up by 2
  116. Cupid's bow height up by 1
  117. Cupid's bow wider by 2
  118. Upper lip raise down by 4
  119. Cupid's bow shape down by 4
  120. Chin down by 4
  121. Jaw out by 3
  122. Jaw wider by 1
  123. Jaw taper wider by 1
  124. Jaw definition oval by 2
  125. Chin definition up by 3
  126. Chin cleft up by 1
  127. Chin crease depth out by 3

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble my fictional character Harrison Provost from my fictional series The Provost Brothers

431) — 'Provost' — Customised template with Body Shop — Teenage Males†

This section is in need of additional information. You can help C.Syde's Wiki by expanding this section.

As its name implies, this template will be created to resemble my fictional character Piercy Provost from my fictional series The Provost Brothers

432) — 'Rex' — Customised template with Body Shop — Teenage Females†

  1. Archheart template [01]
  2. Archeeas template [12]
  3. Archeeas template [12] minus 40
  4. Archetge template [27]
  5. Archetge template [27] minus 53
  6. Alfred Askew's Tom template [02]
  7. Alfred Askew's Tom template [02] minus 60
  8. Alfred Askew's VJawDenai template [05]
  9. Alfred Askew's VJawDenai template [05] minus 64
  10. Alfred Askew's Chris template [07]
  11. Alfred Askew's Chris template [07] minus 67
  12. Alfred Askew's Willow template [14]
  13. Alfred Askew's Willow template [14] minus 69
  14. Alfred Askew's Jean template [15]
  15. Alfred Askew's Jean template [15] minus 70
  16. Alfred Askew's Arab template [16]
  17. Alfred Askew's Arab template [16] minus 71
  18. Alfred Askew's Essie template [20]
  19. Alfred Askew's Essie template [20] minus 72
  20. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh template [21]
  21. Alfred Askew's Stan Marsh template [21] minus 73
  22. Ears larger by 1
  23. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 1
  24. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 1
  25. Ears sticking out by 2
  26. Ear rotation back by 1
  27. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  28. Archcban eyebrows [05]
  29. Archcban eyebrows [05] minus 40
  30. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  31. Archcino eyebrows [09] minus 53
  32. Archceth eyebrows [15]
  33. Archceth eyebrows [15] minus 60
  34. Archcaus eyebrows [18]
  35. Archcaus eyebrows [18] minus 64
  36. Archcind eyebrows [20]
  37. Archcind eyebrows [20] minus 67
  38. Face longer by 1
  39. Upper face narrower by 1
  40. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  41. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  42. Archheart nose [01]
  43. Archeeas nose [12]
  44. Archeeas nose [12] minus 40
  45. Archecer nose [13]
  46. Archecer nose [13] minus 53
  47. Archceth nose [15]
  48. Archceth nose [15] minus 60
  49. Archcind nose [20]
  50. Archcind nose [20] minus 64
  51. Archerus eyes [03]
  52. Archemed eyes [04]
  53. Archemed eyes [04] minus 40
  54. Archeste eyes [10]
  55. Archeste eyes [10] minus 53
  56. Face shorter by 2
  57. Archeeng eyes [16]
  58. Archeeng eyes [16] minus 60
  59. Face longer by 6
  60. Upper face wider by 3
  61. Outer orbit depth out
  62. Eyes narrower by 1
  63. Outer eye down by 1
  64. Upper eyelid curve outside corners up / inside corners down by 3
  65. Archheart mouth [01]
  66. Outer orbit depth out
  67. Mouth wider by 2
  68. Mouth corners up by 1
  69. Upper lip pinch narrower by 3
  70. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  71. Mouth corners back by 4
  72. Mouth in by 3
  73. Lower lip centre height up by 2
  74. Cupid's bow height down by 2
  75. Cupid's bow width wider by 1
  76. Upper lip raise down by 3
  77. Cupid's bow shape down by 3
  78. Jaw in by 2
  79. Archbase mouth [02]
  80. Archbase mouth [02] minus 40
  81. Face shorter by 1
  82. Archeasi mouth [08]
  83. Archeasi mouth [08] minus 53
  84. Face shorter by 1
  85. Archeste mouth [10]
  86. Archeste mouth [10] minus 60
  87. Face shorter by 1
  88. Cheekbones up by 4
  89. Archeeas mouth [12]
  90. Archeeas mouth [12] minus 64
  91. Archecer mouth [13]
  92. Archecer mouth [13] minus 67
  93. Face plumper by 1
  94. Face shorter by 1
  95. Cheeks smaller by 1
  96. Upper face wider by 3
  97. Cheekbones forward by 1
  98. Cheekbones larger by 1
  99. Cheek raise up by 3
  100. Eyebrows thicker by 4
  101. Eyebrows down by 2
  102. Eyebrow arch curved by 1
  103. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  104. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  105. Forehead in by 1
  106. Eyebrow head thinner by 6
  107. Eyebrows closer by 1
  108. Outer eye down by 2
  109. Eyes down by 3
  110. Orbit up by 2
  111. Eyes less deep by 2
  112. Eye squint wider by 1
  113. Eyelashes longer by 1
  114. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  115. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1 (bar click)
  116. Lower eyelid wider
  117. Lower eyelid height down by 3
  118. Eye bag lift down by 3
  119. Eye bag curve further apart
  120. Eye corners outside corners up / inside corners down by 1
  121. Eye corners closer by 4
  122. Upper eyelid wider
  123. Upper eyelid height down by 4
  124. Eyelid crease curve further apart
  125. Eye squint closer by 7
  126. Eyelash curl clockwise by 1
  127. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1 (bar click)
  128. Nose wider by 3
  129. Nostrils narrower by 2
  130. Nose shorter by 1
  131. Nose up by 1
  132. Nose turned up by 3
  133. Nose tip up by 1
  134. Nose tip turn down by 4
  135. Bridge curve in by 1
  136. Bridge in by 2
  137. Bridge wider by 2
  138. Nostril rotation up by 5
  139. Nasal tip larger by 1
  140. Nose definition narrower by 1
  141. Nose root depth in by 2
  142. Nostril height up by 3
  143. Septum width narrower by 1
  144. Mouth wider by 2
  145. Mouth corners up by 1
  146. Lips thicker by 1
  147. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  148. Archeafr jaw [07]
  149. Archeasi jaw [08]
  150. Archeasi jaw [08] minus 40
  151. Archcino jaw [09]
  152. Archcino jaw [09] minus 53
  153. Archeste jaw [10]
  154. Archeste jaw [10] minus 60
  155. Archecer jaw [13]
  156. Archecer jaw [13] minus 64
  157. Face shorter by 1
  158. Archalien jaw [28]
  159. Archalien jaw [28] minus 67
  160. Alfred Askew's Willow jaw [14]
  161. Alfred Askew's Willow jaw [14] minus 69
  162. Face longer by 2
  163. Cheeks smaller by 1
  164. Lower face wider by 7
  165. Underneck down by 1
  166. Upper jowl wider by 3
  167. Cheek raise up by 3
  168. Eyebrow rotate clockwise by 1
  169. Outer eye down by 1
  170. Eye corners closer by 2
  171. Mouth down by 1
  172. Cupid's bow width wider by 2
  173. Chin down by 2
  174. Chin in by 1
  175. Chin point narrower by 1
  176. Jaw angled by 1
  177. Jaw wider by 2
  178. Jaw taper wider by 2
  179. Jaw definition oval by 1
  180. Chin definition up by 5
  181. Chin cleft up by 1
  182. Chin crease depth in by 3

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble Emma Rex who appears in Kids React and Teens React

433) — 'Bertiger' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. Archerus template [03]
  2. Archeeas template [12]
  3. Archeeas template [12] minus 40
  4. Archcteu template [14]
  5. Archcteu template [14] minus 53
  6. Archeeng template [16]
  7. Archeeng template [16] minus 60
  8. Archcara template [17]
  9. Archcara template [17] minus 64
  10. Archccel template [19]
  11. Archccel template [19] minus 67
  12. Archcmed template [22]
  13. Archcmed template [22] minus 69
  14. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones template [35]
  15. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones template [35] minus 70
  16. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  17. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  18. Archeeas eyebrows [12] minus 40
  19. Archcteu eyebrows [14]
  20. Archcteu eyebrows [14] minus 53
  21. Archeeng eyebrows [16]
  22. Archeeng eyebrows [16] minus 60
  23. Archcara eyebrows [17]
  24. Archcara eyebrows [17] minus 64
  25. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  26. Archccel eyebrows [19] minus 67
  27. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  28. Archcmed eyebrows [22] minus 69
  29. Alfred Askew's Jean eyebrows [15]
  30. Alfred Askew's Jean eyebrows [15] minus 70
  31. Upper face narrower by 5
  32. Eyebrows thicker by 7
  33. Eyebrows up by 1
  34. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  35. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  36. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  37. Forehead out by 3
  38. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 4
  39. Eyebrow head thinner
  40. Eyebrows closer by 3
  41. Archerus eyes [03]
  42. Archeeas eyes [12]
  43. Archeeas eyes [12] minus 40
  44. Archcteu eyes [14]
  45. Archcteu eyes [14] minus 53
  46. Archcara eyes [17]
  47. Archcara eyes [17] minus 60
  48. Archccel eyes [19]
  49. Archccel eyes [19] minus 64
  50. Archcmed eyes [22]
  51. Archcmed eyes [22] minus 67
  52. Alfred Askew's Jean eyes [15]
  53. Alfred Askew's Jean eyes [15] minus 69
  54. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones eyes [35]
  55. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones eyes [35] minus 70
  56. Eyes wider by 2
  57. Outer eye down by 1
  58. Eyes closer by 1
  59. Eyes less deep by 1
  60. Eyelashes shorter by 3
  61. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  62. Lower eyelid wider by 3
  63. Lower eyelid height up
  64. Eye bag lift down
  65. Eye bag curve closer
  66. Lower eyelid shift closer
  67. Upper eyelid wider
  68. Upper eyelid height up by 3
  69. Eyelid crease lift up
  70. Upper eyelid lift up by 2
  71. Eye corners further apart by 4
  72. Lower eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up by 6
  73. Upper eyelid curve outer corners up / inner corners down by 3
  74. Eye squint closer
  75. Eyelash curl clockwise
  76. Archerus nose [03]
  77. Archeeas nose [12]
  78. Archeeas nose [12] minus 40
  79. Archcara nose [17]
  80. Archcara nose [17] minus 53
  81. Archcmed nose [22]
  82. Archcmed nose [22] minus 60
  83. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35]
  84. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35] minus 64
  85. Nose larger by 1
  86. Nose thinner by 1
  87. Nostrils narrower by 2
  88. Nose longer by 2
  89. Nose tip turn down by 4
  90. Bridge curve in by 2
  91. Bridge in by 4
  92. Nostril rotation up by 5
  93. Nose definition narrower by 2
  94. Nose root depth in by 1
  95. Nostril height up by 2
  96. Septum width wider
  97. Archerus mouth [03]
  98. Archeeas mouth [12]
  99. Archeeas mouth [12] minus 40
  100. Archcteu mouth [14]
  101. Archcteu mouth [14] minus 53
  102. Archeeng mouth [16]
  103. Archeeng mouth [16] minus 60
  104. Archccel mouth [19]
  105. Archccel mouth [19] minus 64
  106. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35]
  107. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones mouth [35] minus 67
  108. Upper face narrower by 1
  109. Eyes smaller by 1
  110. Eyes wider by 1
  111. Eyes down by 1
  112. Eyelashes longer by 2
  113. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 3
  114. Mouth down by 1
  115. Mouth corners up by 4
  116. Upper lip pinch wider by 3
  117. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  118. Upper lip thinner by 1
  119. Mouth out by 5
  120. Philtrum depth out by 1
  121. Cupid's bow height up by 8
  122. Cupid's bow width narrower by 5
  123. Cupid's bow shape down by 6
  124. Archerus jaw [03]
  125. Archeeas jaw [12]
  126. Archeeas jaw [12] minus 40
  127. Archcteu jaw [14]
  128. Archcteu jaw [14] minus 53
  129. Archeeng jaw [16]
  130. Archeeng jaw [16] minus 60
  131. Alfred Askew's Jean jaw [15]
  132. Alfred Askew's Jean jaw [15] minus 64
  133. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35]
  134. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones jaw [35] minus 67
  135. Face shorter by 1
  136. Lower face wider by 2
  137. Cheekbones out by 4
  138. Cheekbones up by 4
  139. Ears larger by 1
  140. Outer orbit depth in
  141. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 3
  142. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 3
  143. Cheek raise up by 2
  144. Ears sticking out by 1
  145. Ear rotation back by 3
  146. Curvature ears down by 1
  147. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  148. Eyebrows closer by 1
  149. Eyebrows down by 2
  150. Eyes closer by 1
  151. Eyes down by 2
  152. Orbit up by 1
  153. Nose up by 1
  154. Nose turned up by 1
  155. Nose in by 1
  156. Mouth up by 1
  157. Upper lip pinch wider by 1
  158. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  159. Chin up by 1
  160. Chin out by 3
  161. Chin point wider by 3
  162. Jaw out by 1
  163. Jaw angled by 1
  164. Jaw wider by 1
  165. Jaw taper narrower by 2
  166. Jaw definition oval by 1
  167. Chin definition up by 7
  168. Chin cleft up by 4
  169. Chin crease depth out by 3

This was my attempt at recreating a male variation of Brittany Bertiger's facial structure for The Sims 2

434) — 'Belsten' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females†

  1. Archheart template [01]
  2. Archbase template [02]
  3. Archbase template [02] minus 40
  4. Archerus template [03]
  5. Archerus template [03] minus 53
  6. Archeste template [10]
  7. Archeste template [10] minus 60
  8. Archecer template [13]
  9. Archecer template [13] minus 64
  10. Archeeng template [16]
  11. Archeeng template [16] minus 67
  12. Archetge template [27]
  13. Archetge template [27] minus 69
  14. Ears larger by 1
  15. Ear shape horizontally wider / vertically shorter by 2
  16. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 1
  17. Ears sticking out by 1
  18. Ear rotation forward by 1
  19. Archheart eyebrows [01]
  20. Archbase eyebrows [02]
  21. Archbase eyebrows [02] minus 40
  22. Archemed eyebrows [04]
  23. Archemed eyebrows [04] minus 53
  24. Archeeas eyebrows [12]
  25. Archeeas eyebrows [12] minus 60
  26. Archcper eyebrows [21]
  27. Archcper eyebrows [21] minus 64
  28. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  29. Archcmed eyebrows [22] minus 67
  30. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  31. Archeelf eyebrows [26] minus 69
  32. Archetge eyebrows [27]
  33. Archetge eyebrows [27] minus 70
  34. Alfred Askew's Appley eyebrows [06]
  35. Alfred Askew's Appley eyebrows [06] minus 71
  36. Alfred Askew's Chris eyebrows [07]
  37. Alfred Askew's Chris eyebrows [07] minus 72
  38. Archerus eyes [03]
  39. Archemed eyes [04]
  40. Archemed eyes [04] minus 40
  41. Archcmas eyes [06]
  42. Archcmas eyes [06] minus 53
  43. Archeafr eyes [07]
  44. Archeafr eyes [07] minus 60
  45. Archeste eyes [10]
  46. Archeste eyes [10] minus 64
  47. Archeeas eyes [12]
  48. Archeeas eyes [12] minus 67
  49. Archceth eyes [15]
  50. Archceth eyes [15] minus 69
  51. Alleliua's Jane Eyre eyes [34]
  52. Alleliua's Jane Eyre eyes [34] minus 70
  53. Archheart nose [01]
  54. Archbase nose [02]
  55. Archbase nose [02] minus 40
  56. Alfred Askew's Appley nose [06]
  57. Alfred Askew's Appley nose [06] minus 53
  58. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  59. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09] minus 60
  60. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35]
  61. Alleliua's Miravelle Jones nose [35] minus 64
  62. Archerus mouth [03]
  63. Archeste mouth [10]
  64. Archeste mouth [10] minus 40
  65. Archeeas mouth [12]
  66. Archeeas mouth [12] minus 53
  67. Archecer mouth [13]
  68. Archecer mouth [13] minus 60
  69. Archccel mouth [19]
  70. Archccel mouth [19] minus 64
  71. Archeelf mouth [26]
  72. Archeelf mouth [26] minus 67
  73. Archetge mouth [27]
  74. Archetge mouth [27] minus 69
  75. Face shorter by 1
  76. Upper face wider by 7
  77. Cheekbones up by 2
  78. Outer orbit depth out
  79. Eyebrows down by 1
  80. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  81. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  82. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  83. Forehead out by 4
  84. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 4
  85. Eyebrows closer by 1
  86. Eyes narrower by 1
  87. Eyes closer by 1
  88. Eye squint wider by 1
  89. Eyelashes longer by 3
  90. Lower eyelid narrower by 3
  91. Lower eyelid height down by 2
  92. Eye bag lift down by 6
  93. Eye corners closer by 3
  94. Eye squint further apart by 6
  95. Nose larger by 1
  96. Nose longer by 1
  97. Nose up by 1
  98. Nose turned down by 2
  99. Nose tip down by 2
  100. Nostril rotation up by 2
  101. Nostril height up by 1
  102. Mouth wider by 2
  103. Mouth up by 1
  104. Mouth corners up by 1
  105. Archerus jaw [03]
  106. Archcmas jaw [06]
  107. Archcmas jaw [06] minus 40
  108. Archeafr jaw [07]
  109. Archeafr jaw [07] minus 53
  110. Archeste jaw [10]
  111. Archeste jaw [10] minus 60
  112. Archecer jaw [13]
  113. Archecer jaw [13] minus 64
  114. Archcind jaw [15]
  115. Archcind jaw [15] minus 67
  116. Archeeng jaw [16]
  117. Archeeng jaw [16] minus 69
  118. Lower face wider by 3
  119. Cheekbones forward by 2
  120. Cheekbones larger by 2
  121. Cheekbones up by 4
  122. Ears larger by 1
  123. Cheek raise up by 1
  124. Eyes down by 1
  125. Orbit up by 1
  126. Eye squint wider by 1
  127. Eyelashes longer by 2
  128. Eye corners closer by 2
  129. Upper eyelid wider
  130. Upper eyelid height down by 4
  131. Upper eyelid lift up by 2
  132. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 4
  133. Nose wider by 1
  134. Nostrils wider by 1
  135. Nose tip down by 1
  136. Nose tip turn down by 2
  137. Bridge in by 1
  138. Nose root depth in by 3
  139. Mouth down by 1
  140. Mouth wider by 3
  141. Lips thicker by 1
  142. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  143. Lower lip pinch narrower by 3
  144. Mouth corners back by 1
  145. Philtrum depth in by 2
  146. Cupid's bow width narrower by 1
  147. Upper lip raise down by 1
  148. Cupid's bow shape down by 1
  149. Chin in by 1
  150. Chin point wider by 2
  151. Jaw angled by 1
  152. Jaw wider by 1
  153. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  154. Jaw definition oval by 2
  155. Chin definition up by 3
  156. Chin cleft down by 1
  157. Chin crease depth in by 4

  158. Cheekbones smaller by 2

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble the Internet celebrity Kathleen 'Loserfruit' Belsten

435) — 'Burton' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

This section is in need of additional information. You can help C.Syde's Wiki by expanding this section.

As its name implies, this template will be created to resemble Jordan Burton who appears in Teens React

436) — 'Lxggg' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females†

  1. Archbase template [02]
  2. Archeste template [10]
  3. Archeste template [10] minus 40
  4. Archecer template [13]
  5. Archecer template [13] minus 53
  6. Archeeng template [16]
  7. Archeeng template [16] minus 60
  8. Nopke's Gerwazy template
  9. Nopke's Gerwazy template minus 64
  10. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  11. Archcban eyebrows [05]
  12. Archcban eyebrows [05] minus 40
  13. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  14. Archcmas eyebrows [06] minus 53
  15. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  16. Archcino eyebrows [09] minus 60
  17. Archcmay eyebrows [11]
  18. Archcmay eyebrows [11] minus 64
  19. Archcaus eyebrows [18]
  20. Archcaus eyebrows [18] minus 67
  21. Archcper eyebrows [21]
  22. Archcper eyebrows [21] minus 69
  23. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  24. Archcpla eyebrows [23] minus 70
  25. Upper face wider by 2
  26. Ear rotation back by 2
  27. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  28. Eyebrows up by 1
  29. Eyebrow rotate up by 2
  30. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 1
  31. Forehead out by 1
  32. Eyebrows out by 2
  33. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 2
  34. Eyebrow head thinner by 2
  35. Eyebrows further apart by 1
  36. Archbase eyes [02]
  37. Archerus eyes [03]
  38. Archerus eyes [03] minus 40
  39. Face shorter by 1
  40. Archemed eyes [04]
  41. Archemed eyes [04] minus 53
  42. Archeeas eyes [12]
  43. Archeeas eyes [12] minus 60
  44. Archceth eyes [15]
  45. Archceth eyes [15] minus 64
  46. Archeeng eyes [16]
  47. Archeeng eyes [16] minus 67
  48. Archcara eyes [17]
  49. Archcara eyes [17] minus 69
  50. Archeelf eyes [26]
  51. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 70
  52. Archetge eyes [27]
  53. Archetge eyes [27] minus 71
  54. Eyes closer by 1
  55. Archeafr eyes [07]
  56. Archeafr eyes [07] minus 72
  57. Face shorter by 2
  58. Eyebrows down by 1
  59. Archheart nose [01]
  60. Archbase nose [02]
  61. Archbase nose [02] minus 40
  62. Archemed nose [04]
  63. Archemed nose [04] minus 53
  64. Archcteu nose [14]
  65. Archcteu nose [14] minus 60
  66. Archcara nose [17]
  67. Archcara nose [17] minus 64
  68. Archcmed nose [22]
  69. Archcmed nose [22] minus 67
  70. Archeelf nose [26]
  71. Archeelf nose [26] minus 69
  72. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan nose [04]
  73. Alfred Askew's Pouty Vulcan nose [04] minus 70
  74. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09]
  75. Alfred Askew's Firefly's Harry nose [09] minus 71
  76. Archheart mouth [01]
  77. Archbase mouth [02]
  78. Archbase mouth [02] minus 40
  79. Archemed mouth [04]
  80. Archemed mouth [04] minus 53
  81. Archeasi mouth [08]
  82. Archeasi mouth [08] minus 60
  83. Archeste mouth [10]
  84. Archeste mouth [10] minus 64
  85. Archeeas mouth [12]
  86. Archeeas mouth [12] minus 67
  87. Archecer mouth [13]
  88. Archecer mouth [13] minus 69
  89. Archcteu mouth [14]
  90. Archcteu mouth [14] minus 70
  91. Archeeng mouth [16]
  92. Archeeng mouth [16] minus 71
  93. Archccel mouth [19]
  94. Archccel mouth [19] minus 72
  95. Archeelf mouth [26]
  96. Archeelf mouth [26] minus 73
  97. Archetge mouth [27]
  98. Archetge mouth [27] minus 74
  99. Archalien mouth [28]
  100. Archalien mouth [28] minus 75
  101. Upper face wider by 2
  102. Outer orbit depth out
  103. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  104. Outer eye down by 4
  105. Eyes further apart by 1
  106. Eyes less deep by 1
  107. Eye squint wider by 2
  108. Eyelashes longer
  109. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  110. Lower eyelid wider
  111. Lower eyelid height up
  112. Eye bag lift down
  113. Lower eyelid shift further apart
  114. Eye corners height outer corners up / inner corners down by 2
  115. Eye corners closer by 2
  116. Upper eyelid width narrower by 4
  117. Upper eyelid height down by 4
  118. Eyelid crease lift down by 4
  119. Upper eyelid shift further apart by 6
  120. Lower eyelid curve outer corners up / inner corners down by 3
  121. Eye squint further apart by 3
  122. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 6
  123. Nose wider by 2
  124. Nose longer by 2
  125. Nose up by 4
  126. Nose turned up by 3
  127. Nose tip down by 5
  128. Nose tip turn up by 1
  129. Bridge curve out by 1
  130. Bridge in by 2
  131. Bridge wider by 1
  132. Nose out by 1
  133. Nostril rotation up by 1
  134. Nasal tip larger by 3
  135. Nose definition narrower by 3
  136. Nose root depth in by 2
  137. Nostril height down by 2
  138. Septum width wider by 4
  139. Archbase jaw [02]
  140. Archerus jaw [03]
  141. Archerus jaw [03] minus 40
  142. Archeafr jaw [07]
  143. Archeafr jaw [07] minus 53
  144. Archeeas jaw [12]
  145. Archeeas jaw [12] minus 60
  146. Archecer jaw [13]
  147. Archecer jaw [13] minus 64
  148. Archeeng jaw [16]
  149. Archeeng jaw [16] minus 67
  150. Archcara jaw [17]
  151. Archcara jaw [17] minus 69
  152. Archcper jaw [21]
  153. Archcper jaw [21] minus 70
  154. Archemed jaw [22]
  155. Archemed jaw [22] minus 71
  156. Archcpol jaw [24]
  157. Archcpol jaw [24] minus 72
  158. Nopke's Gerwazy jaw
  159. Nopke's Gerwazy jaw minus 73
  160. Face gaunter by 1
  161. Lower face wider by 2
  162. Cheekbones larger by 4
  163. Cheekbones back by 2
  164. Cheekbones down by 1
  165. Outer orbit depth out by 6
  166. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 1
  167. Upper jowl wider by 4
  168. Cheek raise down by 4
  169. Ear rotation back by 4
  170. Elf ears up by 1
  171. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  172. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  173. Eyes down by 1
  174. Orbit up by 1
  175. Nostrils wider by 1
  176. Bridge curve out by 1
  177. Bridge out by 1
  178. Mouth wider by 2
  179. Mouth down by 1
  180. Mouth corners up by 1
  181. Upper lip pinch wider by 4
  182. Lower lip pinch narrower by 1
  183. Mouth corners back by 2
  184. Mouth out by 5
  185. Philtrum depth out by 2
  186. Lower lip centre height down by 1
  187. Cupid's bow height up by 2
  188. Cupid's bow width narrower by 3
  189. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  190. Upper lip raise down by 3
  191. Cupid's bow shape down by 2
  192. Chin down by 1
  193. Chin out by 2
  194. Chin point wider by 2
  195. Jaw out by 1
  196. Jaw squared by 3
  197. Jaw wider by 1
  198. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  199. Jaw definition oval by 2
  200. Chin definition up by 3
  201. Chin cleft down by 2
  202. Chin crease depth out by 1

437) — 'Silly' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archeeas template [12]
  2. Archeeng template [16]
  3. Archeeng template [16] minus 40
  4. Ears smaller by 2
  5. Archcper eyebrows [21]
  6. Archcper eyes [21]
  7. Archcper nose [21]
  8. Archcper mouth [21]
  9. Archcper jaw [21]
  10. Archcper eyebrows [21]
  11. Archcper eyes [21]
  12. Archcper nose [21]
  13. Archcper mouth [21]
  14. Archcper jaw [21]
  15. Archcper eyebrows [21]
  16. Archcper eyes [21]
  17. Archcper nose [21]
  18. Archcper mouth [21]
  19. Archcper jaw [21]
  20. Archcper eyebrows [21]
  21. Archcper eyes [21]
  22. Archcper nose [21]
  23. Archcper mouth [21]
  24. Archcper jaw [21]
  25. Face shorter
  26. Nose larger by 4
  27. Archeste jaw [10]
  28. Face shorter
  29. Mouth down
  30. Archeste jaw [10]
  31. Nose larger by 5
  32. Mouth down
  33. Archeste jaw [10]
  34. Face longer
  35. Mouth down
  36. Archceth mouth [15]
  37. Mouth corners up
  38. Archeste mouth [10]
  39. Archeste mouth [10] minus 40
  40. Face shorter
  41. Eyebrows thinner
  42. Eyebrow orbit shape down
  43. Forehead in
  44. Eyebrows in
  45. Eyes smaller
  46. Eyes narrower
  47. Eyes closer
  48. Eye squint narrower
  49. Bridge in
  50. Archeste jaw [10]
  51. Archeafr jaw [07]
  52. Archeafr jaw [07] minus 40
  53. Archcino jaw [09]
  54. Archcino jaw [09] minus 53
  55. Archecer jaw [13]
  56. Archecer jaw [13] minus 60
  57. Face plumper by 2
  58. Cheeks smaller by 2
  59. Lower face wider by 2
  60. Upper face narrower by 5
  61. Cheekbones back
  62. Cheekbones smaller
  63. Cheekbones up
  64. Ears smaller by 4
  65. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 4
  66. Upper jowl narrower by 5
  67. Cheek raise up
  68. Ears sticking in by 2
  69. Ear rotation forward by 4
  70. Eyebrows up
  71. Eyebrow rotate down
  72. Eyebrow orbit shape down
  73. Forehead in
  74. Eyebrows in
  75. Eyebrow centre shift closer
  76. Eyebrow head thinner by 2
  77. Eyebrows closer
  78. Eyes smaller
  79. Eyes narrower
  80. Outer eye up
  81. Eyes closer
  82. Eyes up
  83. Orbit up
  84. Eyes deeper
  85. Eye squint narrower
  86. Eyelashes shorter
  87. Lower eyelid wider
  88. Lower eyelid height up
  89. Eye bag lift up
  90. Eye corners outside corners down / inside corners up
  91. Eye corners further apart
  92. Upper eyelid wider
  93. Upper eyelid height down
  94. Eyelid crease lift down
  95. Upper eyelid lift up
  96. Upper eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up
  97. Eye squint closer
  98. Eyelashes curl clockwise
  99. Nose larger
  100. Nose shorter
  101. Nose up
  102. Nose tip up
  103. Bridge in
  104. Bridge wider
  105. Nose in
  106. Nostril rotation down
  107. Nasal tip size larger
  108. Nose definition narrower
  109. Nose root depth out
  110. Nostril height up
  111. Septum width narrower
  112. Mouth wider
  113. Mouth down
  114. Mouth corners up by 3
  115. Lips thicker by 1
  116. Upper lip pinch narrower by 5
  117. Lower lip pinch narrower by 4
  118. Mouth out
  119. Cupid's bow height down
  120. Cupid's bow width wider
  121. Lips depth upper lip in / lower lip out by 3
  122. Upper lip raise down by 4
  123. Cupid's bow shape up by 4
  124. Chin out by 7
  125. Chin point wider
  126. Jaw angled by 5
  127. Jaw wider by 2
  128. Jaw definition oval
  129. Chin definition up
  130. Chin cleft up by 2
  131. Chin crease depth out by 2

  132. Lower face wider by 2
  133. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 3
  134. Eyebrows in
  135. Eyebrow centre shift closer
  136. Eyebrows closer
  137. Upper eyelid height down
  138. Upper eyelid shift closer
  139. Nose narrower by 4
  140. Nose root depth in by 6
  141. Mouth wider
  142. Mouth corners up by 2
  143. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 2

  144. Eyebrows closer by 3

As its name implies, this template was inspired by the Mr. Men character Mr. Silly. Recommended for male teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

438) — 'Littler' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Females

This section is in need of additional information. You can help C.Syde's Wiki by expanding this section.

This will be my attempt at recreating Deidre Littler's facial structure for The Sims 2

439) — 'Goethals' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archetge template [27]
  2. Ears smaller by 4
  3. Archeeas template [12]
  4. Archeeas template [12] minus 40
  5. Ears smaller by 2
  6. Archeasi eyebrows [08]
  7. Archcino eyebrows [09]
  8. Archcino eyebrows [09] minus 40
  9. Archeste eyebrows [10]
  10. Archeste eyebrows [10] minus 53
  11. Archcmay eyebrows [11]
  12. Archcmay eyebrows [11] minus 60
  13. Archcpla eyebrows [23]
  14. Archcpla eyebrows [23] minus 64
  15. Archheart eyes [01]
  16. Archbase eyes [02]
  17. Archbase eyes [02] minus 40
  18. Outer eye down by 1
  19. Archerus eyes [03]
  20. Archerus eyes [03] minus 40
  21. Archceth eyes [15]
  22. Archceth eyes [15] minus 53
  23. Archeeng eyes [16]
  24. Archeeng eyes [16] minus 60
  25. Archcara eyes [17]
  26. Archcara eyes [17] minus 64
  27. Archeelf eyes [26]
  28. Archeelf eyes [26] minus 67
  29. Archalien eyes [28]
  30. Archalien eyes [28] minus 69
  31. Archheart nose [01]
  32. Archbase nose [02]
  33. Archbase nose [02] minus 40
  34. Archeeas nose [12]
  35. Archeeas nose [12] minus 53
  36. Archcteu nose [14]
  37. Archcteu nose [14] minus 60
  38. Archeelf nose [26]
  39. Archeelf nose [26] minus 64
  40. Archetge nose [27]
  41. Archetge nose [27] minus 67
  42. Archalien nose [28]
  43. Archalien nose [28] minus 69
  44. Archcteu nose [14]
  45. Archcteu nose [14] minus 45
  46. Archccel mouth [19]
  47. Archalien mouth [28]
  48. Archalien mouth [28] minus 40
  49. Archcmay jaw [11]
  50. Underneck up
  51. Archceth jaw [15]
  52. Archceth jaw [15] minus 40
  53. Archcara jaw [17]
  54. Archcara jaw [17] minus 53
  55. Archcmed jaw [22]
  56. Archcmed jaw [22] minus 60
  57. Face gaunter by 1
  58. Face shorter by 1
  59. Lower face wider by 1
  60. Cheekbones back by 3
  61. Cheekbones larger by 1
  62. Outer orbit depth out
  63. Upper jowl wider by 1
  64. Cheek raise up by 2
  65. Ear rotation back by 2
  66. Eyebrows up by 1
  67. Eyebrow orbit shape up by 1
  68. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 3
  69. Eyebrow head thicker by 2
  70. Eyes down by 1
  71. Orbit down by 1
  72. Eyes deeper by 1
  73. Eyelashes longer by 3
  74. Lower eyelid wider
  75. Eye bag curve further apart by 3
  76. Lower eyelid shift further apart by 3
  77. Upper eyelid wider
  78. Eyelid crease curve further apart by 5
  79. Upper eyelid shift further apart
  80. Upper eyelid lift up by 3
  81. Eye squint closer by 3
  82. Eyelash curl clockwise by 1
  83. Nose turned up by 2
  84. Nose tip turn up by 2
  85. Bridge curve out by 3
  86. Nose in by 2
  87. Nostril rotation up by 3
  88. Nostril height up by 1
  89. Mouth wider by 2
  90. Mouth up by 1
  91. Mouth corners up by 1
  92. Lips thicker by 2
  93. Lower lip pinch narrower by 2
  94. Mouth corners back by 5
  95. Mouth in
  96. Lower lip centre height down by 2
  97. Cupid's bow height up by 4
  98. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 3
  99. Upper lip raise down by 4
  100. Cupid's bow shape down by 2
  101. Chin point narrower by 1
  102. Jaw out by 2
  103. Jaw angled by 2
  104. Jaw taper narrower by 1
  105. Jaw definition oval by 4
  106. Chin definition up by 5
  107. Chin crease depth in

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble my fictional character Anthony Goethals from my fictional series The Provost Brothers

440) — Customised 'Bella Goth' face template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. 'Bella Goth' — Customised template
  2. Face gaunter by 1
  3. Face longer by 1
  4. Cheeks larger by 4
  5. Lower face narrower by 4
  6. Upper face narrower by 1
  7. Underneck up
  8. Cheekbones back by 4
  9. Cheekbones larger by 2
  10. Outer orbit depth out by 3
  11. Upper jowl wider by 2
  12. Eyebrows thicker by 2
  13. Eyebrows rotate down by 2
  14. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  15. Forehead in by 3
  16. Eyebrows in by 2
  17. Eyes smaller by 1
  18. Eyes narrower by 1
  19. Outer eye down by 6
  20. Eyes further apart by 1
  21. Eyes up by 1
  22. Eyes less deep by 4
  23. Eye squint wider by 1
  24. Eyelashes longer by 1
  25. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 3
  26. Upper eyelid height down
  27. Eyelashes curl counter clockwise by 2
  28. Eye squint further apart by 5
  29. Nostrils narrower by 2
  30. Nose shorter by 1
  31. Nose up by 3
  32. Nose turned up by 2
  33. Nose tip up by 3
  34. Bridge curve in by 1
  35. Bridge out by 1
  36. Nose in by 1
  37. Nostril rotation up by 3
  38. Septum width narrower by 1
  39. Mouth up by 6
  40. Mouth narrower by 1
  41. Mouth corners down by 2
  42. Lips thinner by 2
  43. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  44. Lower lip pinch wider by 2
  45. Lower lip thicker by 6
  46. Mouth corners forward by 4
  47. Cupid's bow narrower by 2
  48. Chin up by 2
  49. Chin out by 3
  50. Chin point narrower by 2
  51. Jaw out by 1
  52. Jaw angled by 1
  53. Jaw wider by 2
  54. Chin cleft up by 1
  55. Chin crease depth in by 2

  56. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  57. Nostrils wider by 4
  58. Nose tip down by 2
  59. Upper lip pinch narrower by 3
  60. Lower lip pinch narrower by 5

This was my attempt at customising Bella Goth's face template to make it resemble Bella Goth from Strangetown's

441) — Customised 'Bella Goth (Strangetown)' face template with Body Shop — Adult Females

  1. 'Bella Goth [Strangetown]' — Customised template
  2. Face shorter by 1
  3. Cheeks smaller by 1
  4. Lower face wider by 1
  5. Underneck up by 2
  6. Nostrils narrower by 4
  7. Nose longer by 4
  8. Nose up by 5
  9. Nose turned down by 1
  10. Nose tip up by 2
  11. Mouth wider by 2
  12. Mouth up by 7
  13. Lips thicker by 2
  14. Upper lip pinch wider by 3
  15. Lower lip pinch wider by 3
  16. Jaw wider by 1

  17. Face longer by 3
  18. Upper face wider by 3
  19. Underneck down by 2
  20. Cheekbones smaller by 2
  21. Cheekbones up by 4
  22. Outer orbit depth in
  23. Upper jowl width narrower by 4
  24. Cheek raise up by 1
  25. Eyebrows thinner by 2
  26. Eyebrows down by 1
  27. Eyebrows up by 1 (bar click)
  28. Eyebrows arch curved by 2
  29. Eyebrows rotate up by 2
  30. Forehead out by 3
  31. Eyebrows out by 3
  32. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 3
  33. Eyebrows closer by 1
  34. Eyes smaller by 1
  35. Eyes wider by 2
  36. Outer eye up by 7
  37. Eyes closer by 1
  38. Eyes down by 1
  39. Orbit up by 5
  40. Eyes deeper by 4
  41. Eyes rotate clockwise by 3
  42. Lower eyelid narrower by 5
  43. Upper eyelid wider by 7
  44. Upper eyelid height up by 5
  45. Eyelid crease curve outer corners up / inner corners down by 4
  46. Upper eyelid shift closer by 5
  47. Eye squint closer by 3
  48. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 2
  49. Nostrils wider by 3
  50. Nose shorter by 4
  51. Nose down by 4
  52. Nose turned down by 1
  53. Nose tip down by 1
  54. Bridge in by 1
  55. Bridge wider by 1
  56. Nose out by 1
  57. Nostril rotation down by 2
  58. Nose definition wider by 1
  59. Nose root depth in by 2
  60. Nostril height down by 2
  61. Mouth narrower by 2
  62. Mouth down by 5
  63. Mouth corners up by 2
  64. Upper lip pinch narrower by 2
  65. Lower lip pinch narrower by 5
  66. Mouth corners back by 4
  67. Mouth in by 1
  68. Philtrum depth out by 1
  69. Lower lip centre height up by 3
  70. Cupid's bow height down by 1
  71. Cupid's bow wider by 3
  72. Upper lip raise down by 4
  73. Chin in by 2
  74. Jaw narrower by 1
  75. Chin definition up by 2
  76. Chin crease depth in by 2

  77. Eyes larger by 1

This was my attempt at customising the Strangetown Bella Goth's face template to make it resemble Bella Goth's

442) — 'Schneider' — Customised template with Body Shop — Adult Males†

  1. Archsla template [25]
  2. Nopke's Gerwazy template
  3. Nopke's Gerwazy template minus 40
  4. Archerus eyebrows [03]
  5. Archcban eyebrows [05]
  6. Archcban eyebrows [05] minus 40
  7. Archcmas eyebrows [06]
  8. Archcmas eyebrows [06] minus 53
  9. Archcaus eyebrows [18]
  10. Archcaus eyebrows [18] minus 60
  11. Archccel eyebrows [19]
  12. Archccel eyebrows [19] minus 64
  13. Archcpol eyebrows [24]
  14. Archcpol eyebrows [24] minus 67
  15. Archcsla eyebrows [25]
  16. Archcsla eyebrows [25] minus 69
  17. Archcban eyes [05]
  18. Archcmas eyes [06]
  19. Archcmas eyes [06] minus 40
  20. Archeafr eyes [07]
  21. Archeafr eyes [07] minus 53
  22. Archceth eyes [15]
  23. Archceth eyes [15] minus 60
  24. Archcaus eyes [18]
  25. Archcaus eyes [18] minus 64
  26. Archcind eyes [20]
  27. Archcind eyes [20] minus 67
  28. Archcper eyes [21]
  29. Archcper eyes [21] minus 69
  30. Archalien eyes [28]
  31. Archalien eyes [28] minus 70
  32. Archemed nose [04]
  33. Archeafr nose [07]
  34. Archeafr nose [07] minus 40
  35. Archerus mouth [03]
  36. Archcmas mouth [06]
  37. Archcmas mouth [06] minus 40
  38. Archcmay mouth [11]
  39. Archcmay mouth [11] minus 53
  40. Archceth mouth [15]
  41. Archceth mouth [15] minus 60
  42. Archeeng mouth [16]
  43. Archeeng mouth [16] minus 64
  44. Archcind mouth [20]
  45. Archcind mouth [20] minus 67
  46. Archcper mouth [21]
  47. Archcper mouth [21] minus 69
  48. Archcmed mouth [22]
  49. Archcmed mouth [22] minus 70
  50. Archcpla mouth [23]
  51. Archcpla mouth [23] minus 71
  52. Archcpol mouth [24]
  53. Archcpol mouth [24] minus 72
  54. Archcsla mouth [25]
  55. Archcsla mouth [25] minus 73
  56. Archerus jaw [03]
  57. Archcban jaw [05]
  58. Archcban jaw [05] minus 40
  59. Archcaus jaw [18]
  60. Archcaus jaw [18] minus 53
  61. Archcpol jaw [24]
  62. Archcpol jaw [24] minus 60
  63. Face plumper by 6
  64. Face longer by 2
  65. Cheeks larger by 2
  66. Lower face wider by 6
  67. Upper face wider by 6
  68. Underneck up
  69. Cheekbones larger by 4
  70. Cheekbones up by 7
  71. Ears smaller by 3
  72. Outer orbit depth out
  73. Ear shape horizontally narrower / vertically longer by 2
  74. Upper jowl narrower
  75. Cheek raise up by 6
  76. Ears sticking in by 2
  77. Ears rotate back by 3
  78. Eyebrows thicker by 3
  79. Eyebrows up by 5
  80. Eyebrow arch curved by 3
  81. Eyebrow rotate down by 2
  82. Eyebrow orbit shape down by 2
  83. Eyebrows out by 4
  84. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 4
  85. Eyebrow head thicker by 2
  86. Eyebrows further apart by 1
  87. Eyes larger by 2
  88. Outer eye down by 1
  89. Eyes closer by 1
  90. Eyes up by 3
  91. Orbit down by 4
  92. Eye squint wider by 2
  93. Eyelashes longer by 5
  94. Eyes rotate counter clockwise by 1
  95. Lower eyelid wider
  96. Lower eyelid height up by 2
  97. Eye bag lift down
  98. Eye bag curve further apart
  99. Lower eyelid shift further apart
  100. Eye corners outside corners down / inside corners up by 2
  101. Eye corners further apart
  102. Upper eyelid width narrower
  103. Upper eyelid height down
  104. Eyelid crease lift down
  105. Eyelid crease curve closer
  106. Upper eyelid shift further apart
  107. Eyelash curl clockwise by 3
  108. Eye squint closer
  109. Nostrils wider by 2
  110. Nose shorter by 1
  111. Nose up by 1
  112. Nose turned up by 4
  113. Nose tip up by 4
  114. Nose tip turn up by 5
  115. Bridge curve out by 2
  116. Bridge out by 2
  117. Bridge wider by 4
  118. Nose out by 4
  119. Nostril rotation down by 4
  120. Nasal tip larger by 2
  121. Nose root depth in by 2
  122. Nostril height up by 1
  123. Septum width wider by 3
  124. Mouth wider
  125. Mouth up by 2
  126. Mouth corners up
  127. Upper lip pinch narrower by 1
  128. Lower lip pinch narrower by 3
  129. Upper lip thinner by 2
  130. Mouth corners back by 7
  131. Mouth in by 1
  132. Philtrum depth out by 2
  133. Lower lip centre height down by 3
  134. Cupid's bow height up by 2
  135. Cupid's bow width narrower by 2
  136. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  137. Upper lip raise down
  138. Cupid's bow shape down
  139. Chin point narrower
  140. Jaw squared by 4
  141. Jaw taper wider by 6
  142. Jaw definition squared
  143. Chin definition up
  144. Chin cleft up by 2
  145. Chin crease depth in by 3

As its name implies, this template was created to resemble Mr. Schneider from The Monkees' TV series. Recommended for children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

443) — Template Archcpol — Made to resemble Archerus with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archcpol template [24]
  2. Face gaunter by 2
  3. Cheeks smaller by 3
  4. Underneck down by 3
  5. Cheekbones smaller by 4
  6. Ears smaller by 1
  7. Outer orbit depth in
  8. Ear shape horizontally narrower / vertically longer by 2
  9. Ear depth upper ear out / lower ear in by 1
  10. Ear rotation back by 5
  11. Elf ears up by 1
  12. Curvature ears up by 1
  13. Eyes narrower by 2
  14. Outer eye down by 1
  15. Eyes closer by 5
  16. Eyes up by 1
  17. Eyes deeper by 6
  18. Eye squint wider by 5
  19. Eyelashes longer by 1
  20. Lower eyelid width narrower by 2
  21. Lower eyelid height down by 3
  22. Eye bag lift down by 2
  23. Eye bag curve further apart by 4
  24. Lower eyelid shift closer by 3
  25. Upper eyelid wider
  26. Upper eyelid height up
  27. Eyelid crease lift up
  28. Eyelid crease curve further apart
  29. Upper eyelid shift closer
  30. Lower eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up by 2
  31. Upper eyelid lift up by 2
  32. Upper eyelid curve outer corners down / inner corners up by 5
  33. Eye squint closer
  34. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1
  35. Mouth narrower
  36. Mouth up by 9
  37. Mouth corners down by 4
  38. Lips thinner
  39. Mouth in by 5
  40. Lips depth upper lip out / lower lip in by 1
  41. Cupid's bow shape down
  42. Chin in by 2
  43. Chin point wider by 1
  44. Jaw in by 5
  45. Jaw angled by 2
  46. Jaw wider by 1
  47. Jaw definition oval by 2
  48. Chin definition up by 2
  49. Chin cleft up by 5
  50. Chin crease depth in by 5
  51. Archcpol eyebrows [24]
  52. Face gaunter by 2
  53. Cheeks smaller by 1
  54. Lower face wider by 1
  55. Upper face narrower by 3
  56. Upper jowl width wider by 7
  57. Eyebrow arch straighter by 2
  58. Eyebrow rotate up by 1
  59. Forehead out by 1
  60. Eyebrows in by 4
  61. Eyebrow centre shift further apart by 5
  62. Eyebrow head thicker by 4
  63. Eyebrows closer by 1
  64. Mouth narrower by 4
  65. Mouth corners up by 1
  66. Lower lip pinch down by 2
  67. Upper lip thinner by 1
  68. Mouth corners back by 2
  69. Mouth in by 1
  70. Lower lip centre height up by 2
  71. Cupid's bow height up by 2
  72. Cupid's bow wider by 4
  73. Upper lip raise down by 2
  74. Cupid's bow shape down by 2
  75. Chin crease depth in by 2
  76. Archcpol nose [24] by 4
  77. Eye corners further apart by 1
  78. Nose width narrower by 2
  79. Nostrils narrower by 5
  80. Nose longer by 5
  81. Nose turned up by 3
  82. Nose tip up by 5
  83. Nose tip turn down by 4
  84. Bridge out by 8
  85. Bridge wider by 4
  86. Nose in by 3
  87. Nostril rotation up
  88. Nasal tip size smaller by 2
  89. Nose definition narrower by 4
  90. Nose root depth in
  91. Nostril height down by 1
  92. Septum width narrower
  93. Philtrum depth in by 1

  94. Nostrils narrower by 3
  95. Bridge wider by 2
  96. Nostril rotation up by 8
  97. Nose root depth in by 3
  98. Nostril height down by 3

Recommended for children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

444) — Template Archerus — Made to resemble Archcpol with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Archerus template [03]
  2. Face plumper by 2
  3. Cheeks larger by 4
  4. Lower face wider by 3
  5. Upper face wider by 5
  6. Underneck up
  7. Cheekbones forward by 4
  8. Cheekbones larger by 4
  9. Cheekbones up by 4
  10. Ears smaller by 3
  11. Outer orbit depth out
  12. Ear depth upper ear in / lower ear out by 2
  13. Ear rotation forward by 2
  14. Upper jowl wider
  15. Eyebrows thicker by 1
  16. Eyebrows down by 1
  17. Eyebrow arch curved by 3
  18. Eyebrow rotate down by 1
  19. Forehead in by 1
  20. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 2
  21. Eyebrow head thinner by 4
  22. Archerus eyes [03]
  23. Archerus eyes [03] minus 70
  24. Lower face narrower by 2
  25. Underneck up by 4
  26. Cheek raise down by 3
  27. Eyebrow centre shift closer by 3
  28. Eyebrow head thinner by 2
  29. Eyebrows closer by 2
  30. Eyes smaller by 2
  31. Eyes wider by 3
  32. Eyes further apart by 7
  33. Eyes down by 1
  34. Eyes less deep by 7
  35. Eye squint narrower by 2
  36. Lower eyelid wider
  37. Upper eyelid height down by 5
  38. Eyelid crease lift down
  39. Upper eyelid lift down by 2
  40. Upper eyelid curve outer corners up / inner corners down
  41. Eye squint further apart
  42. Archerus nose [03]
  43. Archerus mouth [03]
  44. Eye squint closer
  45. Nose wider by 2
  46. Nostrils wider
  47. Nose shorter by 7
  48. Nose turned down by 3
  49. Nose tip down by 6
  50. Nose tip turn up by 4
  51. Bridge curve out by 1
  52. Bridge in
  53. Bridge narrower by 2
  54. Nose out by 5
  55. Nose root depth out
  56. Septum width wider
  57. Archerus mouth [03]
  58. Eyebrows out by 3
  59. Outer eye up by 1
  60. Eye squint closer by 3
  61. Eyelash curl counter clockwise by 1
  62. Bridge curve out by 4
  63. Bridge in by 5
  64. Nostril rotation down by 5
  65. Nose definition wider by 2
  66. Nose root depth out
  67. Nostril height down by 2
  68. Mouth wider
  69. Mouth down by 9
  70. Mouth corners up by 3
  71. Lips thicker by 3
  72. Upper lip pinch wider by 2
  73. Lower lip pinch wider by 2
  74. Mouth corners back by 4
  75. Mouth out by 9
  76. Philtrum depth in by 4
  77. Lower lip centre height down by 6
  78. Cupid's bow height up by 5
  79. Upper lip raise down by 3
  80. Cupid's bow shape up
  81. Chin down by 1
  82. Chin out by 2
  83. Chin point wider by 2
  84. Jaw out by 5
  85. Jaw taper narrower by 2
  86. Jaw definition squared by 2
  87. Chin definition down
  88. Chin cleft down by 4
  89. Chin crease depth out

  90. Underneck down by 1
  91. Nose root depth out by 6
  92. Mouth wider by 5
  93. Mouth corners up by 1
  94. Jaw angled by 1
  95. Chin definition up by 4

Recommended for children, and male teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders

445) — 'Adult Male 04 Tanned Skin' — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (04|06) Tanned Skin
  2. Eyes smaller by 1
  3. Eyes narrower by 2
  4. Outer eye up by 3
  5. Eyes closer by 3
  6. Eye squint narrower by 1
  7. Eyes rotate clockwise by 1
  8. Nose down by 3
  9. Mouth narrower by 1

446) — 'Adult Male 04 Tanned Skin' — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (04|06) Tanned Skin
  2. Face gaunter by 2
  3. Underneck up by 1
  4. Eyes narrower by 1
  5. Outer eye up by 6
  6. Eyes down by 2
  7. Eyes rotate clockwise by 6
  8. Nose down by 6
  9. Lips thinner by 4
  10. Chin down by 4
  11. Chin point narrower by 7
  12. Jaw angled by 6
  13. Jaw narrower by 4

447) — 'Ulysses Nightshade' — Customised template with Body Shop — Child Males

  1. Archcper template [21]
  2. Cheeks smaller by 3
  3. Lower face narrower by 6
  4. Upper face narrower by 5
  5. Underneck up
  6. Mouth corners down
  7. Archcper mouth [21]
  8. Face plumper by 1
  9. Cheekbones up by 4
  10. Mouth corners down
  11. Mouth corners forward by 5
  12. Jaw out by 2
  13. Archeelf eyebrows [26]
  14. Archcmed eyebrows [22]
  15. Eyebrows thinner by 1
  16. Eyebrows down by 1
  17. Eyebrow arch curved by 2
  18. Eyes wider by 1
  19. Outer eye up by 4
  20. Eyes up by 1
  21. Eyes deeper by 1
  22. Eye squint wider by 2
  23. Eyelashes longer by 2
  24. Eyes rotate clockwise by 2
  25. Nostrils narrower by 1
  26. Nose turned up by 1
  27. Bridge wider by 1
  28. Mouth narrower by 3
  29. Mouth up by 1
  30. Lips thinner by 1
  31. Lower lip pinch narrower
  32. Lower lip thicker by 2
  33. Mouth corners forward by 1
  34. Mouth out by 2
  35. Chin down by 3
  36. Chin out by 5
  37. Jaw angled by 2
  38. Jaw narrower by 4
  39. Jaw taper wider by 5

This is a fixed version of the template I used to create Ulysses Nightshade from my Wynnstan and Gwynda fanfiction series.

448) — 'Adult Male 02 Light Skin' — Customised with Body Shop — Adult Males

  1. Customised Adult Male template (02|06) Light Skin
  2. Face gaunter by 2
  3. Cheeks smaller by 3
  4. Lower face narrower by 2
  5. Underneck up by 1
  6. Eyebrows rotate down by 6
  7. Mouth narrower by 6

  • Customised templates 402), 418), 419), 425), 428), 429), 432), 434), 436), and 439) use a copy of the 01 Archheart template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 403), 404), 407), 411), 413), 414), 425), 428), 429), 432), 434), 436), and 439) use a copy of the 02 Archbase template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 408), 415), 416), 418), 421), 422), 425), 427), 428), 429), 432), 433), 434), 436), 439), 442), and 444) use a copy of the 03 Archerus template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 404), 411), 421), 422), 428), 429), 432), 434), 436), and 442) use a copy of the 04 Archemed template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 427), 432), 436), and 442) use a copy of the 05 Archcban template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 403), 415), 416), 419), 425), 427), 428), 434), 436), and 442) use a copy of the 06 Archcmas template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 419), 422), 427), 428), 432), 434), 436), 437), and 442) use a copy of the 07 Archeafr template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 407), 413), 419), 421), 432), 436), and 439) use a copy of the 08 Archeasi template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 401), 402), 419), 427), 428), 432), 436), 437), and 439) use a copy of the 09 Archcino template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 407), 418), 419), 420), 421), 425), 428), 430), 431), 432), 434), 436), 437), and 439) use a copy of the 10 Archeste template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 403), 409), 425), 427), 428), 436), 439), and 442) use a copy of the 11 Archcmay template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 403), 408), 418), 419), 420), 421), 422), 425), 430), 431), 432), 433), 434), 436), 437), and 439) use a copy of the 12 Archeeas template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 404), 407), 418), 422), 425), 427), 428), 432), 434), 436), and 437) use a copy of the 13 Archecer template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 408), 427), 429), 433), 436), and 439) use a copy of the 14 Archcteu template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 421), 425), 427), 428), 432), 434), 436), 437), 439), and 442) use a copy of the 15 Archceth template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 408), 418), 419), 421), 428), 432), 433), 434), 436), 437), 439), and 442) use a copy of the 16 Archeeng template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 404), 408), 425), 427), 428), 433), 436), and 439) use a copy of the 17 Archcara template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 423), 432), 436), and 442) use a copy of the 18 Archcaus template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 408), 422), 425), 427), 433), 434), 436), 439), and 442) use a copy of the 19 Archccel template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 402), 425), 427), 428), 432), and 442) use a copy of the 20 Archcind template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 434), 436), 437), 442), and 447) use a copy of the 21 Archcper template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 404), 408), 421), 427), 433), 434), 436), 439), 442), and 447) use a copy of the 22 Archcmed template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 427), 428), 436), 439), and 442) use a copy of the 23 Archcpla template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 436), 443), and 442) use a copy of the 24 Archcpol template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 421), 427), 428), and 442) use a copy of the 25 Archcsla template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 401), 403), 404), 407), 410), 418), 421), 427), 428), 434), 436), 439), and 447) use a copy of the 26 Archeelf template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 404), 418), 420), 421), 422), 428), 429), 430), 431), 432), 434), 436), and 439) use a copy of the 27 Archetge template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 403), 407), 421), 427), 432), 436), 439), and 442) use a copy of the 28 Archalien template that keeps the adult facial features when the Sims using them become elders. I learned how to replace all the elder face templates with their adult counterparts using these tutorials.
  • Customised templates 420), 430), 431), and 432) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 2nd Alfred Askew template Tom which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 404) and 436) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 4th Alfred Askew template Pouty Vulcan which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 432) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 5th Alfred Askew template VJawDenai which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 403) and 434) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 6th Alfred Askew template Appley which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 432) and 434) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 7th Alfred Askew template Chris which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 403) and 404) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 8th Alfred Askew template Toothy which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 403), 411), 434), and 436) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 9th Alfred Askew template Firefly's Harry which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 420), 430), and 431) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 11th Alfred Askew template Ageless Dorian which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 420), 430), and 431) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 12th Alfred Askew template Cat-Eyed Will which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 420), 430), and 431) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 13th Alfred Askew template Jeremy which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 432) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 14th Alfred Askew template Willow which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 404), 408), 432), and 433) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 15th Alfred Askew template Jean which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 432) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 16th Alfred Askew template Arab which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 407) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 17th Alfred Askew template Darling which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 407) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 19th Alfred Askew template Sienna which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised template 432) uses a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 20th Alfred Askew template Essie which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 404), 420), 430), 431), and 432) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 21st Alfred Askew template Stan Marsh which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 404) and 407) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 23rd Uranium-Z template Olek which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 420), 430), and 431) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. It uses the 31st Alleliua template Joan which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 407) and 434) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 34th Alleliua template Jane Eyre which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 404), 408), 420), 430), 431), 433), and 434) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the 35th Alleliua template Miravelle Jones which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 414), 436), and 442) use a face template that is not one of the default Maxis face templates. They use the Nopke template Gerwazy which can be downloaded here. †
  • Customised templates 402), 403), 404), 405), 406), 407), 408), 409), 411), 412), 414), 415), 416), 417), 418), 419), 420), 421), 422), 423), 424), 425), 426), 427), 428), 429), 430), 431), 432), 433), 434), 436), 437), 439), 440), 441), 442), 443), and 444) use Body Shop sliders that aren't default Maxis ones. They use custom sliders by Nopke which can be downloaded here.
  • Customised templates 402), 403), 404), 405), 406), 407), 408), 409), 411), 412), 414), 416), 417), 418), 419), 420), 421), 422), 423), 424), 425), 426), 427), 428), 429), 430), 431), 432), 433), 434), 436), 437), 439), 440), 441), 442), 443), and 444) use Body Shop sliders that aren't default Maxis ones. They use custom sliders by Nopke which can be downloaded here.
  • Customised templates 427), 436), and 443) use Body Shop sliders that aren't default Maxis ones. They use custom sliders by Hexanticle which can be downloaded here.
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